Thor w/ Odinforce vs Depowered Tyrant
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Starscream M vs
I think Thor would fight more aggressively than Thanos did. Eventually I think Tyrant would come out on top, but not more than 6/10.
If Galactus created Tyrant in his own image, and is basically Galactus' wayward son, why would Galactus make Tyrant so ugly? Of all the things Galactus could have made Tyrant look like, WHY would Galactus choose to make Tyrant so gruesome, demonic, and ugly? For crying out loud, Tyrant has dental floss attached to his cheeks that are tied to .......spikes? It makes it look like Tyrant is perpetually flossing. Not to mention the rest of body.
Starscream M
I disagree with you Evangel, I think Tyrant looks quite dashing.
Originally posted by Starscream M
I disagree with you Evangel, I think Tyrant looks quite dashing.
It's definitely a face only a mother (Galactus) would love.
Originally posted by celestialdemon
Thor wins
How so, good buddy
Starscream M
Originally posted by guy222
How so, good buddy godblast?
Originally posted by Evangel94
If Galactus created Tyrant in his own image, and is basically Galactus' wayward son, why would Galactus make Tyrant so ugly? Of all the things Galactus could have made Tyrant look like, WHY would Galactus choose to make Tyrant so gruesome, demonic, and ugly? For crying out loud, Tyrant has dental floss attached to his cheeks that are tied to .......spikes? It makes it look like Tyrant is perpetually flossing. Not to mention the rest of body.
I actually agree with this. But it's also possible that Tyrant's appearance is the result of self-modification done to himself after he set himself up as a conquerer. I think he looks different in one of the flashbacks.
IMO, Thor has yet to demonstrate the same kind of proficiency with the Odinforce that he used to have as King. Recreating Asgard is truly a huge feat, and his ability to withstand the Destroyer is a testament to how far he's come, but honestly? Tyrant beat up a team that included a psuedo-Thor in Beta Ray Bill, the Silver Surfer, and Gladiator, among others. Thats nothing to scoff at.
Edge to Tyrant.
DePowered Tyrant, until I see something actually impressive from current Thor.
Originally posted by Evangel94
If Galactus created Tyrant in his own image, and is basically Galactus' wayward son, why would Galactus make Tyrant so ugly? Of all the things Galactus could have made Tyrant look like, WHY would Galactus choose to make Tyrant so gruesome, demonic, and ugly? For crying out loud, Tyrant has dental floss attached to his cheeks that are tied to .......spikes? It makes it look like Tyrant is perpetually flossing. Not to mention the rest of body.
Not every character is as vain as you.

Giving Thor a 6/10
Tyrant IMO, cause he's a sexy beast.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by Evangel94
If Galactus created Tyrant in his own image, and is basically Galactus' wayward son, why would Galactus make Tyrant so ugly? Of all the things Galactus could have made Tyrant look like, WHY would Galactus choose to make Tyrant so gruesome, demonic, and ugly? For crying out loud, Tyrant has dental floss attached to his cheeks that are tied to .......spikes? It makes it look like Tyrant is perpetually flossing. Not to mention the rest of body.
-Evangel94 i bet tyrant makes slurping noises when he speaks, not very imposing.
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