Nick Fury vs. Frank Castle
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Nick Fury takes on the punisher in a one on one boxing match.
Does the once and future leader of Shield have what it takes to put down Frank?
Is this Alfheim's Frank?
punisher kills fury,then the spectators just for the hell of it.
YFZ 350
Punisher should win.
Exactly how many encounters have these two had over the years?
Originally posted by llagrok
Is this Alfheim's Frank? Whats that then?
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by Alfheim's Frank... is that the current writer... you know the one with the jigsaw and all that?
nick fury... runs operation "pound the *****" and wins
Phantom Zone
Probably Frank. Nick may have better skill but due to the sheer damage that Frank can take he could come out on top.
Frank may even be able to beat DD in a boxing match due to toughness. In one fight DD was punching the hell out of Frank but the last punch thrown was by Frank and that put Daredevil on his back.
Also in his other fights in that series with DD Frank was fighting after getting shot in the leg.
Originally posted by Soljer
With ease.
Originally posted by Phantom Zone
Yeah he does have borderline superhuman durability. Not being bad but if you read Punisher comics you would know hes capable of taking alot of damage.
Originally posted by llagrok
Is this Alfheim's Frank?
I hope not.
Originally posted by llagrok
Is this Alfheim's Frank? Nah, he'd just drop the universe on Nick's dome piece, so this would be spite.
Originally posted by Phantom Zone
Probably Frank. Nick may have better skill but due to the sheer damage that Frank can take he could come out on top.
Frank may even be able to beat DD in a boxing match due to toughness. In one fight DD was punching the hell out of Frank but the last punch thrown was by Frank and that put Daredevil on his back.
Also in his other fights in that series with DD Frank was fighting after getting shot in the leg.
Jesus Christ I see what they mean.
Lord Feron
Frank may takle more dmg but this is a KO and a points game. I think fury is more skilled at boxing but also agree frank will take alot more dmg. So hmm idk I would say frank for the win Ib/c i don't think Nick is that much better so Frank ftw.
The Illuminati
I'm go with Nick in this one. He's pretty damn versatile.
Fury 7/10
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