Blade runs a mini guantlet
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I'll be nice and say that Blade is fully rested between each fight.
1. The X-men:
Shadowcat, Storm, Wolveirne, Collossus, Nightcrawler and Cyclops
2. Apocalypse
3. Thor(Classic)
4. Silver Surfer
I put SS after Thor simply as an arbitray decision that in no way reflects an opinion of Silver Surfer beating Thor. If you wish to debate that matter there is a thread that was active at the time of this posting to debate the matter located here:
How far does the badass vampire hunter get?
Stops at 1.
Originally posted by Ha-Son
Stops at 1.
tommyface rofacekramass
stops at 1,this gauntlet is spite
Endrict Nuul
Cmack is right! this is a spite from the start and then it gets worst.
Stops at 3 if not stops dead at 4
Clears it, obviously. He beat Dracula.
I think he can get to Surfer. But the power cosmic may be hard to overcome. I know Dracula had a hard time and Blade beat him.
So he stops at 4 for sure.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
I think he can get to Surfer. But the power cosmic may be hard to overcome. I know Dracula had a hard time and Blade beat him.
So he stops at 4 for sure.
Originally posted by Mindset
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Well. Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
I think he can get to Surfer. But the power cosmic may be hard to overcome. I know Dracula had a hard time and Blade beat him.
So he stops at 4 for sure. How does he beat them?
Wolverine smack him 10/10
It's a pertinent question...
Blade ftw.. I mean haven't you guys seen? His comic panels literally describe him as the "baddest of the bad". So if Thors like a 10.0 on the Badometer Blade is STILL> Badometer. He wins.
Plus he could just inject his vile into every one of these punks before they were able to react and all he needs is a stake to finish em off.
Originally posted by jinzin
Blade ftw.. I mean haven't you guys seen? His comic panels literally describe him as the "baddest of the bad". So if Thors like a 10.0 on the Badometer Blade is STILL> Badometer. He wins.
Plus he could just inject his vile into every one of these punks before they were able to react and all he needs is a stake to finish em off.

Originally posted by jinzin
Blade ftw.. I mean haven't you guys seen? His comic panels literally describe him as the "baddest of the bad". So if Thors like a 10.0 on the Badometer Blade is STILL> Badometer. He wins.
Plus he could just inject his vile into every one of these punks before they were able to react and all he needs is a stake to finish em off.
duryes Co-sign.
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