Race wars
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Endrict Nuul
Kree's vs Amazon's vs Asgardian's vs Olympian's
What race wins?
Originally posted by Endrict Nuul
Kree's vs Amazon's vs Asgardian's vs Olympian's
What race wins?
Couldn't resist...
But seriously, my vote goes for the Asgardians, I guess. The Odinforce is too strong a power to mess with...
psycho gundam
good thread
this is hard since there are so many aspects to each race for instance, the kree have;
-the supreme intelligance, a being that is godlike unto itself.
-the captain marvels, namely Genis-Vell
-ronan the accuser
-the sentry bots
-arides, also known as shatterstar
-and if you want to be specific, they also have the inhumans as a member of their race(sort of)
and are you classifying the asgardians as the race of gods called the asgardians or the denizens of asgard? huge differance as surtur and ymir would be part of this now.
Endrict Nuul
Should I take Odin Force out?
psycho gundam
no, it is a part of odin. it would be like stripping the olympians of their immortality.
Endrict Nuul
Surtur and Ymir are too much here.
Surtur and Ymir really are too much, but if you include Hela the stomp becomes a lot more fierce. I see the Asgardians winning this, but the Olympians aren't far behind.
Darth Creasy
Originally posted by Endrict Nuul
Surtur and Ymir are too much here.
Surtur and Ymir don't reside on asgard.
Asgardians ftw anyway. Average are 40 tonners. Also too much magic available to them. Olympians lack the numbers. Kree have firepower but the average kree is streetlevel. Don't know enough of the Amazons but I haven't read or heard anything that would make me believe they'd could storm Asgard.
The Olympians. Who were able to defeat the titans. The Olympians win. They can depower the amazons with a wave. And each Olympian of the mount, the 12, seem to have nearly limitless powers. And they are truly immortal.
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