Elektra vs. Moondragon
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Weapons and their abilities are permitted.
Who wins?
Mind screw for the win. Battle's over in seconds.....
The bald woman for the win.
elektra's mind is pretty strong but i don't think she could fend off md for long. wouldn't be QUITE as easy as some are saying though -- elektra does have some minor psi-powers of her own. md may well be able to take her in h2h as well. h2h would be a pretty good fight imo.
Hey Mods, can you change this thread into a H2h only battle, no powers?
MD still wins, but now its not easy.
Originally posted by leonidas
elektra's mind is pretty strong but i don't think she could fend off md for long. wouldn't be QUITE as easy as some are saying though -- elektra does have some minor psi-powers of her own. md may well be able to take her in h2h as well. h2h would be a pretty good fight imo.
Tp battle would be a pretty easy win for Moondragon.
Mr Marvel
Moondragon definitely wins this!
It would be interesting to watch however, good battle.
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