Odin vs Superman(sundipped)
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Mr Marvel
Odin! 10/10
he is the same Supes just with higher base levels.
Endless Mike
Also Odin's powers are magical in nature
Apparently you guys all forgot what happened the last time he sundipped.

He's got a decent shot at winning.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Apparently you guys all forgot what happened the last time he sundipped.

He's got a decent shot at winning. Do you know how powerful Odin is?
More importantly, do you know how obscenely powerful Superman with a sundip is?
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
More importantly, do you know how obscenely powerful Superman with a sundip is? Yes and he isnt anywhere near as powerful as Odin. Odin is another league of power. Do you realize you are the only one who gives Superman the win here. That and the fact that Superman has a weakness towards magic.
IMO, it depends how long a sun-dip Supes has
Originally posted by quanchi112
Yes and he isnt anywhere near as powerful as Odin. Odin is another league of power. Do you realize you are the only one who gives Superman the win here. That and the fact that Superman has a weakness towards magic.
Warworld. Nuff said.
King Kandy
I cannot believe you Trick. I used to think you were just biased but now you've become just plain retarded.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Warworld. Nuff said. Your still the only one who thinks Superman wins.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I cannot believe you Trick. I used to think you were just biased but now you've become just plain retarded.
Says the guy with Sentry in his sig and avatar.

Mr. Slippyfist
Spite thread.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Warworld. Nuff said. Galaxy Destroying
Nuff Said

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Says the guy with Sentry in his sig and avatar.

So that has what to do with this thread? Sentry isnt involved so what exactly does that have to do with his opinion on these two characters both of which are not Sentry.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I cannot believe you Trick. I used to think you were just biased but now you've become just plain retarded.
Aren't you the same guy that said Sentry stalemated Galactus?
Speaking of retarded....
Originally posted by Troop
Aren't you the same guy that said Sentry stalemated Galactus?
Speaking of retarded....
No...that was Spiderman.

King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Says the guy with Sentry in his sig and avatar.
Sentry is not in this thread. What exactly is your point? This has nothing to do with Sentry.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Do you know how powerful Odin is?
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos?
Looks like Supes wins.

King Kandy
You say having a hard time with Thanos like it's a low showing. Most characters would be lucky to "have a hard time" with Thanos.
Considering what a monster people make Odin into..it is...
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Spite thread.
Bait thread.
Silent Master
Having a "hard" time with Thanos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having a "hard" time with vampires and werewolves.
Originally posted by Avlon
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos?
Looks like Supes wins.

It's kind a hard to put some one down that is immortal you know nevermind the fact that Odin was completely unharmed but Thanos looked battered to all hell.
Besides Power Lines are Canon to Superman

King Kandy
Originally posted by Avlon
Considering what a monster people make Odin into..it is...
No, it just proves that Thanos is a very high-level character.
Originally posted by Avlon
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos?
Looks like Supes wins.

Ok Ill explain it to you. Thor and Superman are peers. The only way Thor can give Thanos a reasonable fight is when he had a major amp like the power gem. I mean Thanos was taking on a peer of Supermans at his weakest while also battling the Thing. he was doing fine.
Thanos took on Tyrant singlehandedly while he took down some powerful people which included Morg,the Surfer,and Beta Ray Bill. They were nothing to him.
Thanos also battled Odin while Surfer who is another peer of Supermans was oneshotted. Thanos has such incredible durability he took Odins crap while the Surfer couldnt last any longer than one blast. Keep in mind hes a peer of Supermans who even you admitted could beat Supes.
There is no shame in losing to Odin or Thanos as they are are looking down at top tiers.
Originally posted by Avlon
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos?
Looks like Supes wins.
Odin slaps around Surfer and a bunch of herald levelers, the same kind of people who should be AROUND Supes level?
Busts galaxies as a side effect of his battles?
Odin >>> PC Supes, let alone post crisis.
Grinning Goku
Originally posted by quanchi112
Who wins?

Originally posted by Avlon
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos?
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos, yet weak enough to one shot Drax and the Silver Surfer.
Galactus destroy 3 solar system again.
Normally, no, I would not give Supes the nod. But you said Sundip. Last time he was sundipped, he moved Warworld. A way way way above skyfather feat.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Normally, no, I would not give Supes the nod. But you said Sundip. Last time he was sundipped, he moved Warworld. A way way way above skyfather feat.
You're kidding? Planet moving is not even close to multiple is galaxy busting, especially when Odin was STILL holding back in fear of destroying Asgard as a result of fighting Surtur. (Yet he didn't care about the other galaxies he destroyed)
Sun dip post crisis Supes > PC Supes now?
Also, you're essentially claiming that sun dipped Supes would have a better chance than the three Skyfathers (Odin, Zeus, Vishnu) and their combined pantheons against the fourth host of the Celestials, who couldn't be scratched by the Asgardian Destroyer powered by all of their essences.
King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Normally, no, I would not give Supes the nod. But you said Sundip. Last time he was sundipped, he moved Warworld. A way way way above skyfather feat.
Moving Warworld>Galaxy Busting?
Care to support this assertion?
Not this planet. This was a planet that didn't want to be moved. This was a planet powered by Imperiex. Superman was shrugging off entropy blasts and B-13's power.
you obviously have no idea the insane level of power he had when he was sundipped.
King Kandy
I'm not seeing anything in that scan making that out to be a feat above Galaxy Busting.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Not this planet. This was a planet that didn't want to be moved. This was a planet powered by Imperiex. Superman was shrugging off entropy blasts and B-13's power.
you obviously have no idea the insane level of power he had when he was sundipped.
This would put him above PC Darkseid then, who's very comparable to Odin as a skyfather?
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. ANY version of Supes even having anything on PC Darkseid.
Starscream M
Originally posted by King Kandy
I'm not seeing anything in that scan making that out to be a feat above Galaxy Busting. how powerful is Odin really? he struggled to put down Thanos for crying out loud...and Thanos cannot move a planet.
Originally posted by Starscream M
how powerful is Odin really? he struggled to put down Thanos for crying out loud...and Thanos cannot move a planet.
Struggled? Like it's been said before, Odin wasn't the one who was bloodied at the end of the battle.
Thanos punks Surfer and other heralds for a living, and Surfer is a Supes level character. He's ****ed with Tyrant (albeit depowered), the Celestials, and many other cosmics in Marvel.
Silent Master
Originally posted by Starscream M
how powerful is Odin really? he struggled to put down Thanos for crying out loud...and Thanos cannot move a planet.
Let me guess, you think that Superman would easily beat Thanos, right?
Starscream M
Originally posted by Silent Master
Let me guess, you think that Superman would easily beat Thanos, right? easily, no.
To me Superman has a large range in terms of powerlevel...on the low-end, he's Surfer level. But on the high end, which he displays when the situation calls for it such as when the fate of the world rests on his broad shoulders, Superman reaches deep and becomes far more powerful than his normal state. At this peak state, he is beyond Thanos in power...and certainly can challenge Odin in a fight.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist

Darth Creasy
Originally posted by Starscream M
easily, no.
To me Superman has a large range in terms of powerlevel...on the low-end, he's Surfer level. But on the high end, which he displays when the situation calls for it such as when the fate of the world rests on his broad shoulders, Superman reaches deep and becomes far more powerful than his normal state. At this peak state, he is beyond Thanos in power...and certainly can challenge Odin in a fight.
Odin's is among the most powerful magic in comics. I'm no DC?Supes expert so I'll ask you guys: Does sundipping make Supes immune to magic? If not he loses 10/10

psycho gundam
Originally posted by Starscream M
easily, no.
To me Superman has a large range in terms of powerlevel...on the low-end, he's Surfer level. But on the high end, which he displays when the situation calls for it such as when the fate of the world rests on his broad shoulders, Superman reaches deep and becomes far more powerful than his normal state. At this peak state, he is beyond Thanos in power...and certainly can challenge Odin in a fight. most people rightfully believe the silver surfer would win a majority over superman, how is superman comparable to odin now? somethings not clicking for some of you guys.
Darth Creasy
Originally posted by Silent Master
Having a "hard" time with Thanos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having a "hard" time with vampires and werewolves.
Casually ignored but classic. Should've ended this thread.
Silent Master
Originally posted by Starscream M
easily, no.
To me Superman has a large range in terms of powerlevel...on the low-end, he's Surfer level. But on the high end, which he displays when the situation calls for it such as when the fate of the world rests on his broad shoulders, Superman reaches deep and becomes far more powerful than his normal state. At this peak state, he is beyond Thanos in power...and certainly can challenge Odin in a fight.
Surfer and other heralds have destroyed planets before, since when is low-end Superman that powerful?
Starscream M
Originally posted by psycho gundam
most people rightfully believe the silver surfer would win a majority over superman, how is superman comparable to odin now? somethings not clicking for some of you guys. thing is Superman is almost like a saiyan in that he has different powerlevels...although they're not as apparent cuz his hair doesnt become blond nor does he scream and glow
but the thing is, Superman pretty much has a deep reserve of power that he rarely taps into
when he does, he is easily on par if not surpassing beings such as thanos or darkseid
Superman is almost like DC's hulk in a sense, he doesn't have a known quantifiable limit as he seems to rise to the occasion when needed
Starscream M
Originally posted by Silent Master
Surfer and other heralds have destroyed planets before, since when is low-end Superman that powerful? show me any of them moving a planet, then we'll talk
Silent Master
Originally posted by Starscream M
show me any of them moving a planet, then we'll talk
Since when has low-end Superman been able to move a planet?
Originally posted by Starscream M
easily, no.
To me Superman has a large range in terms of powerlevel...on the low-end, he's Surfer level. But on the high end, which he displays when the situation calls for it such as when the fate of the world rests on his broad shoulders, Superman reaches deep and becomes far more powerful than his normal state. At this peak state, he is beyond Thanos in power...and certainly can challenge Odin in a fight. Please tell me your joking. What happened to Supes in dong. He was defeated how many times and spared. Shadow demons beat him,Kalibak and Mantis beat him,Infinity Man just encased him so he couldnt interfere, and Darkseid amped mind you spared his life.
In in the sinestro corps the invaded earth and Superman got physically annihilated by Cyborg who is less than Thanos and Odin.
So in closing Supes can accomplish great things but he gets his ass saved all the time. Hes the good guy and the good side must win in the end but he doesnt win on his own and gets saved a lot of the time.
Originally posted by Starscream M
show me any of them moving a planet, then we'll talk
Terrax one shotting a planet is easily something more impressive than moving a planet.
And he's a LOW end herald.
Originally posted by Starscream M
show me any of them moving a planet, then we'll talk What does moving a planet have to do with anything. The Surfer has destroyed planets with ease. Even Terrax has taken out a planet with not too much trouble. That has nothing to do with how formidable you are. Thanos crushes these fools while the same can be said of Odin.
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
Terrax one shotting a planet is easily something more impressive than moving a planet.
And he's a LOW end herald. Wow we both referenced Terrax the very same minute. Great minds do think alike.

Mr. Slippyfist
In the range of two minutes you mean?
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
In the range of two minutes you mean? It posted the very same minute. I didnt see his post and I am sure he didnt see mine. You just wish it was you and I.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by quanchi112
It posted the very same minute. I didnt see his post and I am sure he didnt see mine. You just wish it was you and I. No it didn't.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
No it didn't. Look at the time.
Mr. Slippyfist
New Post Today 11:41 PM
New Post Today 11:43 PM
psycho gundam
Originally posted by Starscream M
show me any of them moving a planet, then we'll talk
odin's sperm made thor, nuff' said
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
New Post Today 11:41 PM
New Post Today 11:43 PM My first post was at 1:41 am here and so was jugglenauts. So there.
Mr. Slippyfist
Because I don't see how my KMC clock, has different minutes than your KMC clock.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Because I don't see how my KMC clock, has different minutes than your KMC clock. Look at jugglenauts original post and then look right underneath that. Thats my post at the same time as his. Then directly underneath that post I remark that great minds think alike.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
Terrax one shotting a planet is easily something more impressive than moving a planet.
And he's a LOW end herald. Originally posted by quanchi112
What does moving a planet have to do with anything. The Surfer has destroyed planets with ease. Even Terrax has taken out a planet with not too much trouble. That has nothing to do with how formidable you are. Thanos crushes these fools while the same can be said of Odin.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
New Post Today 11:41 PM
New Post Today 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Darn it. Its 1:41 over here but I see I am wrong and that quote was at 1:43.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by quanchi112
Darn it. Its 1:41 over here but I see I am wrong and that quote was at 1:43. Oh... OK. Thanks for pointing that out.

Originally posted by King Kandy
Moving Warworld>Galaxy Busting?
Care to support this assertion?
you know what, why not?
Yes. Moving Warworld>Galaxy busting. There. I said it.
As Galan so accurately put it (and I should probably pay him royalties for quoting him so much on this one vin ) "When he has to be, Superman>>>ALL."
That is not an idle statement. Very few people on KMC understand the real meaning of that phrase. It's not an excuse for PIS, or bad writing. It's the true nature and literal interpretation of Superman's power.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
you know what, why not?
Yes. Moving Warworld>Galaxy busting. There. I said it.
As Galan so accurately put it (and I should probably pay him royalties for quoting him so much on this one vin ) "When he has to be, Superman>>>ALL."
That is not an idle statement. Very few people on KMC understand the real meaning of that phrase. It's not an excuse for PIS, or bad writing. It's the true nature and literal interpretation of Superman's power. So if I wanted to I could write Thor>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ALL so he wins every KMC battle.
Because when he has to be he is. Heck its even been referenced in a comic that is what he does with power.
Should I also say that about
Silver Surfer
Or nearly any other high herald you can think of
seriously when the crap hits the fan almost all of them have feats that prove they can go to another level hence why they are high herald and not Mid herald.

Phantom Zone
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
Thanos punks Surfer and other heralds for a living,
**** that was funny. lmao
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
you know what, why not?
Yes. Moving Warworld>Galaxy busting. There. I said it.
As Galan so accurately put it (and I should probably pay him royalties for quoting him so much on this one vin ) "When he has to be, Superman>>>ALL."
That is not an idle statement. Very few people on KMC understand the real meaning of that phrase. It's not an excuse for PIS, or bad writing. It's the true nature and literal interpretation of Superman's power. No he isnt. For one this isnt a dc comic.
Secondly,as I pointed out in a previous post hes been utterly crushed before and doesnt always save the day he has lots and lots of help. He also gets let off the hook because hes the hero and he wont die.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Oh... OK. Thanks for pointing that out.

You are a true friend.

King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
you know what, why not?
Yes. Moving Warworld>Galaxy busting. There. I said it.
As Galan so accurately put it (and I should probably pay him royalties for quoting him so much on this one vin ) "When he has to be, Superman>>>ALL."
That is not an idle statement. Very few people on KMC understand the real meaning of that phrase. It's not an excuse for PIS, or bad writing. It's the true nature and literal interpretation of Superman's power.
So now you have decided to stop using evidence, and will just provide platitudes instead?
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
you know what, why not?
Yes. Moving Warworld>Galaxy busting. There. I said it.
As Galan so accurately put it (and I should probably pay him royalties for quoting him so much on this one vin ) "When he has to be, Superman>>>ALL."
That is not an idle statement. Very few people on KMC understand the real meaning of that phrase. It's not an excuse for PIS, or bad writing. It's the true nature and literal interpretation of Superman's power.
Something in the water must have changed since the last time I was around. Moving warworld, a feat of physical strength, is greater than coincidentally destroying galaxies as a side-effect of a battle?
More people understand that assertation than you think, it's just that most of us look at it as not a representation of a hero's ethos, but as inconsistent writing.
Odin all day.
psycho gundam
since humans respond best to visuals.
Originally posted by Ouallada
Something in the water must have changed since the last time I was around. Moving warworld, a feat of physical strength, is greater than coincidentally destroying galaxies as a side-effect of a battle?
More people understand that assertation than you think, it's just that most of us look at it as not a representation of a hero's ethos, but as inconsistent writing.
No, you completely fail to understand it. A sundip is Superman to the nth level. It's the unleashing of ultimate potential. Warworld wasn't just a physical feat. He was fighting entropy blasts from Imperiex and B-13. At that level of power, he was surpassing skyfathers. And Warworld did not want to be moved. It had FTL engines. And it couldn't stop him from moving it.
Frankly, I don't believe Odin could move Warworld.
Starscream M
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Frankly, I don't believe Odin could move Warworld. he's certainly never demonstrated strength of that level.
This is pretty stupid. Even me, a Superman Fanboy knows that Superman can't win against Odin. I believe Superman Pre-crisis and Superman Prime(Gold One) can defeat him.
Sun dipped Superman does not have the power to destroy a galaxy
Originally posted by xJLxKing
This is pretty stupid. Even me, a Superman Fanboy knows that Superman can't win against Odin. I believe Superman Pre-crisis and Superman Prime(Gold One) can defeat him.
Sun dipped Superman does not have the power to destroy a galaxy
PC Supes had that glaring weakness to magic? Odinforce = magic?
PC Darkseid is a better matchup for Odin.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
No, you completely fail to understand it. A sundip is Superman to the nth level. It's the unleashing of ultimate potential. Warworld wasn't just a physical feat. He was fighting entropy blasts from Imperiex and B-13. At that level of power, he was surpassing skyfathers. And Warworld did not want to be moved. It had FTL engines. And it couldn't stop him from moving it.
Frankly, I don't believe Odin could move Warworld. I dont think Supes could oneshot the Surfer or beat on Surtur.
Originally posted by Starscream M
he's certainly never demonstrated strength of that level. The strongest guy doesnt always win. Seriously, Odin is a lot more powerful than Superman.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I dont think Supes could oneshot the Surfer or beat on Surtur.
With a sundip? Ohhhhh yes he would.

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
No, you completely fail to understand it. A sundip is Superman to the nth level. It's the unleashing of ultimate potential. Warworld wasn't just a physical feat. He was fighting entropy blasts from Imperiex and B-13. At that level of power, he was surpassing skyfathers. And Warworld did not want to be moved. It had FTL engines. And it couldn't stop him from moving it.
Frankly, I don't believe Odin could move Warworld.
I would rather say that a sundip allows Superman to increase his current maximum potential, which makes a lot more sense, and is quite a bit different from what you are claiming. I would say that his mentality plays a much larger part in his higher end feats.
To be honest, Odin has never shown great amounts of physical strength in his appearances, and there is good reason for it -- a being of his ability simply doesn't need to. Saying that a sundipped superman is anywhere near Odin by virtue of moving warworld (mainly a physical feat, with some durability) is completely missing the point, and is akin to saying that the measuring stick of a skyfather level character is strength, when that is obviously untrue. Could Odin move warworld physically, or in the same way Superman did? Possibly not. Is there only one way to skin a rabbit? Definitely not.
King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
With a sundip? Ohhhhh yes he would.
Care to provide evidence or will you just say that Superman always wins or provide more unsupported claims that "Warworld is impossible to move"?
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
With a sundip? Ohhhhh yes he would.

Prove it. Who did he oneshot while he was sundipped? Name some examples or provide some scans.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Care to provide evidence or will you just say that Superman always wins or provide more unsupported claims that "Warworld is impossible to move"?
I didn't say Supes takes a majority. Just that he has the ability to win with a sundip. And look at his feats, and consider what he does with a sundip. Consider a Superman at his absolute best, and then put him higher.
Silent Master
Which would still be much lower than Odin at his best.
You are al falling into "trickster" work. Good grief.
Its like you are all rats and hes got the flaut:
"Dance me dears, dance."
This is no spite thread.
Superman wins 10/10.
Because he will combo Odin with thousands of galaxies of power before Odin can blink.
Phantom Zone
Originally posted by h1a8
This is no spite thread.
Superman wins 10/10.
Because he will combo Odin with thousands of galaxies of power before Odin can blink.
Great joke.

Originally posted by fangirl101
IF SUPERMAN SUN DIPPED FOR A TRILLION YEARS, ODIN WOULD STILL TURN HIM INTO MIGHTY MOUSE AND THEN STEP ON HIM. Why would Odin turn Sundipped Superman into a more powerful being? whatdur

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
I didn't say Supes takes a majority. Just that he has the ability to win with a sundip. And look at his feats, and consider what he does with a sundip. Consider a Superman at his absolute best, and then put him higher. Who has he beaten with a sundip that could beat Odin in your opinion.
Originally posted by h1a8
This is no spite thread.
Superman wins 10/10.
Because he will combo Odin with thousands of galaxies of power before Odin can blink. Ok so you think it is spite in favor of Supes then,huh?
Id take you seriously if you could tell me a couple of things about Odin so that way Id know you know who we are talking about.
Originally posted by olympian
You are al falling into "trickster" work. Good grief.
Its like you are all rats and hes got the flaut:
"Dance me dears, dance."
Nah, there's sarcasm, and then there is linguistic ineptitude.
Just like there are wind-ups, and then there is is simple "misguidedness".
Originally posted by Phantom Zone
Great joke.
No joke at all. Speed will win this for Superman.
Originally posted by h1a8
No joke at all. Speed will win this for Superman.
The joke wasn't what you wrote. It was you.
Originally posted by Ouallada
The joke wasn't what you wrote. It was you.
I wish I was a joke instead of a real person. That way I can have any super power I wanted. I haven't given up on trying to get super powers though (probably never will). That is why I'm heavily into math and science.

Originally posted by Ouallada
Nah, there's sarcasm, and then there is linguistic ineptitude.
Just like there are wind-ups, and then there is is simple "misguidedness".
The scary part is that some are that married with ineptitude.
Rigth, h1a8?
"rigth on, broder!"
Originally posted by quanchi112
Who has he beaten with a sundip that could beat Odin in your opinion.
Could Odin move Warworld? More importantly, is he powerful enough to destroy it?
More importantly, would Superman look as badass with his beard?
Cleary, its a no.
Originally posted by olympian
More importantly, would Superman look as badass with his beard?
Cleary, its a no.
Agreed. Beards don't work for Supes.

Silent Master
Galaxy >>>> world
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
you know what, why not?
Yes. Moving Warworld>Galaxy busting. There. I said it.
As Galan so accurately put it (and I should probably pay him royalties for quoting him so much on this one vin ) "When he has to be, Superman>>>ALL."
That is not an idle statement. Very few people on KMC understand the real meaning of that phrase. It's not an excuse for PIS, or bad writing. It's the true nature and literal interpretation of Superman's power.
...Galan Fanboy 131
Originally posted by Priest
...Galan Fanboy 131
I know. vin But he iz teh awesome!11!!1111! duryes
Originally posted by Silent Master
Galaxy >>>> world
Except that world was backed up by the superpowerful at the time braniac+a big bangs worth of energy fueling it so no galaxy doesnt>warworld.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Agreed. Beards don't work for Supes.
The mullet that he had when he came back to life was awesome.
Silent Master
Originally posted by vlaaad12345
Except that world was backed up by the superpowerful at the time braniac+a big bangs worth of energy fueling it so no galaxy doesnt>warworld.
Prove that it was using more than Galaxy busting power.
Originally posted by Silent Master
Prove that it was using more than Galaxy busting power.
It's powered by Imperiex............Nuff said.

Silent Master
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
It's powered by Imperiex............Nuff said.
IOW, you can't.
Originally posted by vlaaad12345
Except that world was backed up by the superpowerful at the time braniac+a big bangs worth of energy fueling it so no galaxy doesnt>warworld.
Who cares. A nuclear reactor produces more power output than a missile, but the latter can still take the former out. I'm not even sure if warworld is akin to that nuclear reactor in this case, but it doesn't matter.
Jesus ****ing christ people........

It's Imperiex. The guy who nuked several universes. Who casually destroys galaxies. Who B-13 captured and turned into the power source for his new Warworld.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Jesus ****ing christ people........

It's Imperiex. The guy who nuked several universes. Who casually destroys galaxies. Who B-13 captured and turned into the power source for his new Warworld. Are you really getting annoyed with people when that's your argument?

At least I'm making an arguement that's original.

Odin makes himself intangible And rips Superman's astral self from his body then claims it as a vessel Apocalypse Style

Silent Master
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Jesus ****ing christ people........

It's Imperiex. The guy who nuked several universes. Who casually destroys galaxies. Who B-13 captured and turned into the power source for his new Warworld.
IOW, you can't back up your claim.
I don't get it. The argument is that superman moved warworld, and that Odin arguably cannot. Ergo, superman is on Odin's level when sundipped. That's just like saying that Spiderman is Hulk level because he knows what 2+2 is, or because he solved that crossword puzzle in the sunday times. When it is mentioned that Odin would not need to resort to brute strength, the argument is then that warworld's powersource destroys universes etc. What does a powersource's destructive output have to do with its other attributes? It sure didn't prevent superman from moving it, and I fail to see where the leap of logic is that would allow it to withstand a being such as Odin. Apples and oranges.
Originally posted by h1a8
No joke at all. Speed will win this for Superman. No it wont.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Could Odin move Warworld? More importantly, is he powerful enough to destroy it? It doesnt matter as strength doesnt always mean you are the baddest. You are trying to turn this into a benchpress competition. Moving warworld is inconsequential to who wins this thread.
King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
It's powered by Imperiex............Nuff said.
I'm waiting for the above galaxy busting parts. You know, the Celestial Order were powered by THOTU but they were a bunch of wimps anyway.
Originally posted by Ouallada
I don't get it. The argument is that superman moved warworld, and that Odin arguably cannot. Ergo, superman is on Odin's level when sundipped. That's just like saying that Spiderman is Hulk level because he knows what 2+2 is, or because he solved that crossword puzzle in the sunday times. When it is mentioned that Odin would not need to resort to brute strength, the argument is then that warworld's powersource destroys universes etc. What does a powersource's destructive output have to do with its other attributes? It sure didn't prevent superman from moving it, and I fail to see where the leap of logic is that would allow it to withstand a being such as Odin. Apples and oranges.
Imperiex's power was being used by B-13 on Superman the entire time. The power of entropy itself, which none of the JLA or even DS could counter. but Superman was shrugging off the blasts.
Superman was doing something the entire JLA and Darkseid couldn't do. Odin could never move Warworld.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Imperiex's power was being used by B-13 on Superman the entire time. The power of entropy itself, which none of the JLA or even DS could counter. but Superman was shrugging off the blasts.
Superman was doing something the entire JLA and Darkseid couldn't do. Odin could never move Warworld. It doesnt matter whether or not he could move Warworld. He still beats Superman.
cuz Odin can very easily make himself intangible and turn Superman into a pillar of stone
Phantom Zone
Originally posted by h1a8
No joke at all. Speed will win this for Superman.
We should just call you speedblitz from now on, everytime we have a Superman vs thread its always "ZOMG speedblitz!!!!!!!"
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
The mullet that he had when he came back to life was awesome.
What an instant FAIL.
If this was a real match, i would disqualify Superman for that alone.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
At least I'm making an arguement that's original.
Unless Jummi-San or Dritzz are other nick-names you sport, no you arent.
You are actually years late.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Imperiex's power was being used by B-13 on Superman the entire time. The power of entropy itself, which none of the JLA or even DS could counter. but Superman was shrugging off the blasts.
Superman was doing something the entire JLA and Darkseid couldn't do. Odin could never move Warworld.
Interstingly enough...Odin cannot move worlds according to his bio.
Silent Master
Comics >> handbooks.
When did Odin ever destroy a galaxy on panel? And I don't mean hyperbole or any of that bs....
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
More importantly, do you know how obscenely powerful Superman with a sundip is?
you mean how insanely physically strong thats his big weakness he can sundip for 3 months and is still toast.
thor with his belt of strength would rape a sundipped supes np.
sun dipping is OVERATED by superman fans
hes much tougher sundipped but quit esculating supes to god levels geeesh
Silent Master
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
When did Odin ever destroy a galaxy on panel? And I don't mean hyperbole or any of that bs....
Originally posted by Silent Master
JIM#513 Would you happen to have a specific scan?
Originally posted by Avlon
Powerful enough to have a hard time against Thanos?
Looks like Supes wins.
supes aint got nothing on thanos, not current supes at least , mabey pre crisis supes.
Silent Master
It seems Odin also had a Galaxy wide battle with Forsung the Enchanter in Thor #145 & 146 that created new suns.
Originally posted by Avlon
Interstingly enough...Odin cannot move worlds according to his bio.
http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/331/marveluniverse00954ib6.th.jpg This isnt a strength contest its a vs battle.
Originally posted by quanchi112
This isnt a strength contest its a vs battle. Cause strength has nothing to do with fighting.
now would you perfer your dur Quan Chi flavored durquanchi or thanos flavored? thanduros
Originally posted by Creshosk
Cause strength has nothing to do with fighting.
now would you perfer your dur Quan Chi flavored durquanchi or thanos flavored? thanduros It has something to do with it but it doesnt determine the winner.
I cant believe your serious. Just because you lift wieghts and bench more than a third degree black belt doesnt mean you are winning a fight against him. Now does it? So even though Superman is stronger than Mordru can he beat him also? Do you determine the winner based on physical feats all the time or just this time. I guess the Hulk is really a badass against anyone as well as his strength is limitless.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Avlon
Interstingly enough...Odin cannot move worlds according to his bio.
Funny, it also says he cannot teleport him, and says he cannot do many things that he has done on-panel. Whatever possessed you to post something so ridiculous?
The Great Galen
Well r u calling his bio BS then?
Eternal Idol
Even "official" bios don't mean much when there's enough on-panel evidence to show a character's more powerful than the bio summary portrays the character.
Originally posted by Eternal Idol
Even "official" bios don't mean much when there's enough on-panel evidence to show a character's more powerful than the bio summary portrays the character. I think you are on to something there.
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