Wolverine vs Wild Child
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Starscream M
Fight in a forest.
I say wait for their rematch, as the first fight WC got him by suprize.
wolverine has this one in fact i think they have fought before and wolverine won?
Starscream M
Originally posted by -K-M-
I say wait for their rematch, as the first fight WC got him by suprize. is there a rematch in the works?
also, i think you were the one that pointed out WC beat Sas and Sabretooth if Im not mistaken...going by that alone, he has a good shot of taking down logan
Starscream M
uhh....I just realized WC has nipple rings in the pic I posted.

Originally posted by applelips
wolverine has this one in fact i think they have fought before and wolverine won?
They have, but those fights were prior to WC's recent upgrade. This is their last fight to date
1. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_15.jpg
2. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_16.jpg
3. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_17.jpg
4. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_18.jpg
5. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_19.jpg
6. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_22.jpg
7. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t105/DC_CaptainComet/wolverine_53_23.jpg
Originally posted by Starscream M
is there a rematch in the works?
also, i think you were the one that pointed out WC beat Sas and Sabretooth if Im not mistaken...going by that alone, he has a good shot of taking down logan
Yes, as WC is the new Sabretooth
Sabretooth I don't think they fought, but yeah he beat Sasquatch with a sneak attack.
Starscream M
I don't think that sneak attack on Wolverine disqualifies WC's victory significantly...I mean this is Wolverine, the guy with the ultra senses that almost no one can get a jump on
the fact that WC was able to attack Logan without Logan being at all aware of his presence is pretty impressive in itself
also, Logan passed out pretty damn fast
Originally posted by Starscream M
I don't think that sneak attack on Wolverine disqualifies WC's victory significantly...I mean this is Wolverine, the guy with the ultra senses that almost no one can get a jump on
the fact that WC was able to attack Logan without Logan being at all aware of his presence is pretty impressive in itself
also, Logan passed out pretty damn fast
Oh I wouldn't either, but it still was a sneak attack. It did show WC got a strength boost, making him faster then Wolverine.
Yes, it was an impressive feat. Even Wolverine admited his stealth was so good sneaking in he wasn't sure even he could do it
That was because of the posion, and the sneak attack allowed him to hit Wolverine with a few hits with a his claws before he could do anything
wild childs healing factor is nothing compared to wolverines or sabertooths plus wolverine has beaten sabertooth as well and visa versa. whos to say a rematch between wild child and saber tooth would end the same? if i had to pick a weiner i would have to say wolverine. of course over multiple battles i would call it a draw.
Hence why I said wait for the rematch
Starscream M
Originally posted by -K-M-
Hence why I said wait for the rematch when is it coming out?
Starscream M
Originally posted by applelips
wild childs healing factor is nothing compared to wolverines or sabertooths plus wolverine has beaten sabertooth as well and visa versa.
but as you can see, WC's poisonous claws almost completely nullifies Logan's HF.
Originally posted by Starscream M
when is it coming out?
No set date, but soon.
didnt wc loose his powers during m day but the regain them somehow? i didnt realize that they were enhanced however... what kind of boost are we talking about?
Originally posted by applelips
didnt wc loose his powers during m day but the regain them somehow? i didnt realize that they were enhanced however... what kind of boost are we talking about?
He was already a modified mutant thanks to the Secret Empire, but yeah he lost his powers during M-Day; but then he was augmented by Romulus. We don't fully know the extent of the upgrade, but he is drastically stronger and faster then before. Even faster then Wolverine
Originally posted by Starscream M
uhh....I just realized WC has nipple rings in the pic I posted.

kind of reminds me of the guy on little nicky in the window with the candles... shudder.
Originally posted by -K-M-
I say wait for their rematch, as the first fight WC got him by suprize. And with poison
I cuncur.. Do you concur doctor?
Originally posted by jinzin
And with poison
I cuncur.. Do you concur doctor?
I concur skipper...that's right I'm changing it up

Originally posted by -K-M-
I concur skipper...that's right I'm changing it up
Point, set, match Mungi!..err....-K-M- I mean
*knocks over the board*
F*CK this game! You win, grandma!
Originally posted by -K-M-
I say wait for their rematch, as the first fight WC got him by suprize.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Endrict Nuul
Logan 9/10 based on what?
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