Xavier takes on the top TP users
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How does Xavier rank against these other top DC and Marvel telepaths? How would he do in a non-bloodlusted battle against them one by one?
Battle 1) Manchester Black
Battle 2) MoonDragon
Battle 3) Martian Manhunter
Battle 4) Emma
Battle 5) Exodus
Battle 6) Rachel Grey
Battle 7) Jean Grey (no Phoenix Force)
Battle 8) Exodus
You have Exodus written down twice.
No Cable or X-man?
No Shadow King?
Sorry, just the guys here. (and ignore the second Exodus, I can't edit it)
No Darkseid? No Despero? No Fernus? No Mageddon?
i used to think jonnz was well above xavier, but i've since come to think it's a lot closer than that. i also tend to belive xavier is more skilled in mental combat than jonnz which would likely off-set whatever power advantage jonnz DID have. i could see x taking him at least half the time and maybe more. i think his biggest challenge would be black. if black was handicapped to JUST tp, xavier would stand a chance. throw in black's tk as well and charlie is screwed. he takes any of the marvel tp's, imo.
Originally posted by leonidas
i used to think jonnz was well above xavier, but i've since come to think it's a lot closer than that. i also tend to belive xavier is more skilled in mental combat than jonnz which would likely off-set whatever power advantage jonnz DID have. i could see x taking him at least half the time and maybe more. i think his biggest challenge would be black. if black was handicapped to JUST tp, xavier would stand a chance. throw in black's tk as well and charlie is screwed. he takes any of the marvel tp's, imo. Yup Manchester Black is pretty badass i think he is in the top 3 when i look at this list.
Originally posted by leonidas
i used to think jonnz was well above xavier, but i've since come to think it's a lot closer than that. i also tend to belive xavier is more skilled in mental combat than jonnz which would likely off-set whatever power advantage jonnz DID have. i could see x taking him at least half the time and maybe more. i think his biggest challenge would be black. if black was handicapped to JUST tp, xavier would stand a chance. throw in black's tk as well and charlie is screwed. he takes any of the marvel tp's, imo.
What is Black up to these days anyway? I haven't kept up with him in a while?
I think If we were to bar a speed blitz, chances are even if Black was allowed his TK during the fight he still might not be able to access it.
(Both of these incidents were written by the same writer in a 1, 2 month span)
Like in Exodus's fight against Emma Frost.
However Exodus did hurt Magneto with his TK while battling Xavier in Legacy #210...so I'm really not sure.
Spoilers from the end of the issue (And yes Xavier is still a big fat jerk...poor Amelia Vought):
He could take Rachel and Jean, the former via skill, the latter simply because he was always better imo. He could take Emma but considering how easily she now blocks his telepathy, it would be taxing.
He'd lose to Exodus probably, and Moondragon if she has the Mind Gem.
Black would snap his neck telekinetically and I'm still of the opinion MM is a little above Xavier at least in sheer power so I'd still lean to him winning, but leo's probably right about the battle telepathy point.
exodus, eh? i'm a little surprised. i know he's powerful (i'd have said in the rachel range -- namely, close to charlie) but i'd have thought chuck a little above him in terms of tp. you and ec are about the most knowledgeable guys in this area that i know though, so i'll take your word for it.
to deviate from topic for a second, as a fellow sersi-lover, how do you think chuck would do against sersi in a straight tp battle, x? i'd say charlie would take her for a solid majority. again, maybe less an overall power issue in my mind, and more a question of tp combat skills.
oh, and i'd assumed that moondragon was withOUT the gem . . .
I was referring more to the Bloodties level Exodus... accept no imitations.
He would probably take Sersi in a telepathy fight. She can do somethings better than him like scanning range, but he has far better and far more combat telepathy feats.
See that's the thing, Xavier just got an official upgrade when he got his telepathy back and was apparently more powerful then ever. But it hasn't been all that impressive until recently in X-Men Legacy #210 issue since according to Karima the mental energy both him and Exodus were spewing was massive. And I think Emma feels the fight from halfway across the world.
However there are a bunch of circumstances that need to be taken into account in that eg Exodus wasn't trying to kill Charles, he was trying to help him by showing him memories(Deaths that were Xavier's faults) from the past. He actually wanted Charles to lead the Acolytes.
The Moondragon from Annihilation should lose IMO.
Mike Carey baffles me though.
Exodus stated that he was unable to access his "other powers" when Emma engaged him in telepathic combat but he was able to access it during his fight with Xavier when he smacked down Magneto.
Against Emma Frost... I'm not sure who has more power, but i think she has more skill, and has always been considered to be on par with Xavier... I think she would win with a little effort, if neither had Cerebra. Her diamond form blocks some telepathy, so she could just walk up and bash his head in... then put him in a coma. Or she could just psi-bolt him, telepathically show him everthing he ever regreted, then kick the **** out of him. It's open to opinion really.

Emma has NOT always been considered to be on his level, I hate when people spread this nonsense. Charles wipes the floor with Emma. Theres no opinion to it.
Originally posted by -K-M-
No Batman?
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
He could take Rachel and Jean, the former via skill, the latter simply because he was always better imo. He could take Emma but considering how easily she now blocks his telepathy, it would be taxing.
Emma's the weakest of the major telepaths, but I'm of the opinion she's definitely the most skilled. Charles is skilled but often he can power through mental defenses, while Emma's always needed to use her powers with precision and skill to even keep up with Jean and X's power, and that's sharpened her in mental combat.
So Xavier still overall holds the advantage, but nowadays she's really tough to take on mind to mind for anyone. It's gotten to the point where if he's sloppy or caught off-guard he can lose.
Not sure if he could beat 3 and 8.
The rest, he overpowers with his TP.
Charles is a damn surgeon with his powers, I disagree with you.
Exodus has resisted Xavier's TP.. he prob could still resist him, since both characters should be a lot stronger by now.
J'onn is one of the best pure telepaths in DC.
Emma was stalemating Exodus.
Xavier > Emma
Originally posted by redhotrash
Charles is a damn surgeon with his powers, I disagree with you.
He's a surgeon, she's a judo master.
Xavier was still adjusting to having his mind destroyed when he took out Exodus. Emma doesnt have a chance
In a straight TP battle Xavier clears this. Multi talented guys like MM and Exodus would DEMOLISH him in an anything goes battle tho X could possibly stand a chanse if he went all out (something he rarely does and may not be able to because of self imposed mental blocks)
Emma stalemating Exodus was PIS. That guy is a superbly skilled multi tasker. He was able to crush genosha with TP, mentally affect the entire population and combat two teams of heroes including Xavier all at once for christ`s sake.
He hasn't been written at Blood Ties levels in awhile.
could he beat Moondragon?
Battle 1) Manchester Black (Not sure he fluctuates a lot)
Battle 2) MoonDragon (Current) (Xavier 8/10)
Battle 3) Martian Manhunter (MM 7/10)
Battle 4) Emma (Xavier 5.5/10)
Battle 5) Exodus (Xavier 5/10) It was stated that Exodus wasn't even trying to battle/hurt him in Legacy.
Battle 6) Rachel Grey (Current) (Xavier 10/10)
Battle 7) Jean Grey (no Phoenix Force) (Xavier 6/10)
Originally posted by redhotrash
Emma has NOT always been considered to be on his level, I hate when people spread this nonsense. Charles wipes the floor with Emma. Theres no opinion to it.
Emma has always been on Charles Xavier's level.
Uncanny X-Men #129 - Easily takes out Storm, Wolverine and Colossus despite telepathic defenses taught by Xavier and Phoenix.
"Telepathic force bolt.. assaulting our minds! So... powerful"
"...but the outcome is never in doubt."
(Later she also captures Xavier off-screen)
Uncanny X-Men #169 - In coma, Shaw speculates Xavier being behind it, as he's one of the few (or only) with sufficient power to accomplish it.
New Mutants #15 - Hinted to be around Xavier-level.
"Possibly on par with Professor Xavier himself".
This is course just Illyana speculating, but it shows the writer had it in mind at the time.
UXM 281
Uncanny X-Men #284 - Stated by both Xavier and Storm to be a telepath in Jean's class. Xavier said he should have felt a psychic as powerful as she pass away.
Uncanny X-Men #312 - Xavier calls Emma Frost a Psi of the Highest Order.
Psi of the Highest Order
Uncanny X-Men #316 - tears apart the minds of some Phalanx.
Generation X era
She was stated to be a top-tier telepath several times during Generation X.
Generation X #16 - "a psion of enormous ability"
Generation X #30 - "A telepath of enormous power"
Generation X #35 - "One of the most powerful telepaths on the planet"
Generation X #42 - "One of the most powerful psi talents on the planet"
Morrison's view on the matter
That is, Emma and Jean (before she got grew into the Phoenix power too much as happened slowly during his run), were pretty evenly matched.
Modern times (post-Morrison)
(But before Fraction)
In recent times Mike Carey is the one who has pushed her most as the powerful telepath she's always been described as I think, he wrote that remote fight with Sinister as previously mentioned, as well as the stalemate with Exodus, and having Exodus include her among the top five telepaths currently around.
And Carey has always been known as a writer with a good knowledge of old X-continuity hasn't he? As well as having an ability to use it well.
X-Men #202 - among the top five telepaths
X-Men #205 - Sinister remote fight
X-Men #207 - Exodus stalemate
Secret Invasion X-Men #3 - Takes out a cadre of trained skrull telepaths blocking telepathic communications across the globe.
X-Men Legacy #216 - Takes Xavier on a guided tour in his mind (also said to have abilities rivaling those of Xavier on the recap page)
X-Men Legacy Annual
Before it was common for MU telepaths to compare themselves with Xavier but this Z-lister compares himself to Emma, he still manages to mess pretty well with Gambit though.
Wolverine 55
Weapon X
Saurons powers in his first appearance were described as greater then Mastermind and Mesmero combined IRRC.
X-Man wasn't fully aware that his telepathic abilities returned after Psi-War but he did use them to locate Emma.
Originally posted by Warlord
^ Moondragon?
It depends on the version you're using. Post-Annihilation is no where near as impressive as Pre-Annihilation. Current would lose IMO.
Kris Blaze
Nothing beats a little hyperbole to try and sprite up the whore's case.
Xavier > Emma 10/10
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Nothing beats a little hyperbole to try and sprite up the whore's case.
Xavier > Emma 10/10
Right that's how she blocked him in WWH and completely embarrassed him in Legacy even after he got an upgrade lulz.
Xavier wins by default
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Right that's how she blocked him in WWH and completely embarrassed him in Legacy even after he got an upgrade lulz.
Wow, WWH and Legacy, I lay here humbled by your epic counter.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Wow, WWH and Legacy, I lay here humbled by your epic counter.
Yep upgraded Xavier isn't that impressive funny isn't it and that's the only time the two have ever come to blows. He must have thought her ideas >>> then his since she was the first to start a school for humans and mutants.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Yep upgraded Xavier isn't that impressive funny isn't it.
Upgraded Xavier has spent some time recovering from a bullet in the head. Emma should be able to relate.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Upgraded Xavier has spent some time recovering from a bullet in the head. Emma should be able to relate.
Upgraded Xavier was stitched up buy Exodus perfectly. The only reason he managed to break out of Exodus's illusion is because he forgot about all the terrible things he's done in the past. Emma put the rest of him back together in Legacy.
Of course she can relate. They've always been BFF's even in Gen X. They have so much in common, they both manipulate and send children out to die.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Upgraded Xavier was stitched up buy Exodus perfectly. The only reason he managed to break out of Exodus's illusion is because he forgot about all the terrible things he's done in the past.
Of course she can relate. They've always been BFF's even in Gen X.
Wow, yeah, you got me there. Xavier got out of Exodus' illusion, damn! Xavier sure sucks. This is just like losing to Exodus in a fight where Xavier is prepared. Hell, Emma can barely stand up to Martha, lmfao.
She can relate because she happened to take a shot in the face herself. Not the countless over the years as a whore, but the diamond bullet.
don't people overestimate Jonn.
I mean I love the guy but for every great TP feat he has he get a really low one to compensate.
(unless you mean he can use his other powers too...so yeah he murders X)
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Wow, yeah, you got me there. Xavier got out of Exodus' illusion, damn! Xavier sure sucks. This is just like losing to Exodus in a fight where Xavier is prepared.
Except that thing between Xavier & Exodus wasn't a fight. It was a coaxing and that was stated twice in the issue. Exodus wanted Xavier to lead the Acolytes that was Bennets way of trying to guilt Xavier into choosing Magnetos ethos.
Well one thing Emma didn't do is feel up her students at night. Poor, Jean. Poor, poor Jean.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Wow, yeah, you got me there. Xavier got out of Exodus' illusion, damn! Xavier sure sucks. This is just like losing to Exodus in a fight where Xavier is prepared. Hell, Emma can barely stand up to Martha, lmfao.
Emma has no telepathy in Diamond Form & broke out of Martha's loop. Can't say the same for Xavier and that novice Jack Of Diamonds.
wait what? was that second part a joke?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
wait what? was that second part a joke?
It was first mentioned in Stans run, then again in Roys Thomas run. Lobdell brought it back in Onslaught. Xavier "loved" Jean remember?
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Except that thing between Xavier & Exodus wasn't a fight. It was a coaxing and that was stated twice in the issue. Exodus wanted Xavier to lead the Acolytes that was Bennets way of trying to guilt Xavier into choosing Magnetos ethos.
Well one thing Emma didn't do is feel up her students at night. Poor, Jean. Poor, poor Jean.
Emma has no telepathy in Diamond Form & broke out of Martha's loop. Can't say the same for Xavier and that novice Jack Of Diamonds.
Which says sooooooo much about Xavier's abilities in comparison to Exodus'. Really makes bringing that up worthwhile.
Better yet, good luck finding a scan of that. We already know they raped the shit out of Emma when she was in the loonie bin.
She's suppose to have telepathic immunity in diamond form and was not able to break out of the telepathic loop, Martha stopped
lmfao @ jack of diamonds reaching.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
It was first mentioned in Stans run, then again in Roys Thomas run. Lobdell brought it back in Onslaught. Xavier "loved" Jean remember?
Yes but I dont recall it ever beeing creepy like you implied. It was more of a father daughter interaction. I dont recall him trying to diddle her or anything. Though X has been turned into guy with fairly low moral now a days so I would not be surprized if that has changed.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by Battlehammer
Yes but I dont recall it ever beeing creepy like you implied. It was more of a father daughter interaction. I dont recall him trying to diddle her or anything. Though X has been turned into guy with fairly low moral now a days so I would not be surprized if that has changed.
Doesn't really matter, he never acted on those feelings.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
Yes but I dont recall it ever beeing creepy like you implied. It was more of a father daughter interaction. I dont recall him trying to diddle her or anything. Though X has been turned into guy with fairly low moral now a days so I would not be surprized if that has changed.
It definitely wasn't father daughter interaction.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Doesn't really matter, he never acted on those feelings.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
It definitely wasn't father daughter interaction.
what issue was this in?
I must have missed something. Dam they really are turning him into an ass hole. First they have him wanting sabre-tooth first for the x-men team. Then they have him picking woilverine simply to be his personal weapon. Then they have him the cause for wolverine shatter mind. Then they have him getting scot brother team killed and him wanting to kill magneto ect.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Thanks for confirming my statement.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
man thats an old ass issue, lol prof xaviar even smoking a pipe.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Thanks for confirming my statement.
You think Xavier did not enjoy all the time he spent touching her spent together during that whole Grotesque story?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
man thats an old ass issue, lol prof xaviar even smoking a pipe.
He treated her like some sort of maid. "Jean put this ear wax in my ears." "Jean change my clothes."
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
You think Xavier did not enjoy all the time he spent touching her spent together during that whole Grotesque story?
So every time I touch the shoulder of someone I'm attracted to, I'm molesting them? Damn. What do you call it when I actually AM molesting them? Double molestation?
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
So every time I touch the shoulder of someone I'm attracted to, I'm molesting them? Damn. What do you call it when I actually AM molesting them? Double molestation?
They were scheduled private sessions. Jean the poor girl described it as an experiment. Why do you think she was so shocked when Onslaught showed it to her. She didn't even realize Xavier was a predator with a wheelchair fetish.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
You think Xavier did not enjoy all the time he spent touching her spent together during that whole Grotesque story?
He treated her like some sort of maid. "Jean put this ear wax in my ears." "Jean change my clothes."
what time periond is thisz? prior to uncanny x-men right? I never really read early x-men though I own all the issues I found them boring. I started really liking them when uncanny x-men formed. Colossus, night crawler ect were so much more entertaining during the time, the old x-men personalities interaction were meh.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
They were scheduled private sessions. Jean the poor girl described it as an experiment. Why do you think she was so shocked when Onslaught showed it to her. She didn't even realize Xavier was a predator with a wheelchair fetish.
wait what I dont recall that. I dont think the two things were related though I could be wrong, havent read onslaught in a while.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
They were scheduled private sessions. Jean the poor girl described it as an experiment. Why do you think she was so shocked when Onslaught showed it to her. She didn't even realize Xavier was a predator with a wheelchair fetish.
You mean the resident telepathic teacher scheduled private sessions with the telepathic student? No way! Better yet, how do you have a wheelchair fetish when you're the one in the wheelchair and specifically state you cannot confess your love while confied to it? English isn't your mother tongue, is it?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
what time periond is thisz? prior to uncanny x-men right? I never really read early x-men though I own all the issues I found them boring. I started really liking them when uncanny x-men formed. Colossus, night crawler ect were so much more entertaining during the time, the old x-men personalities interaction were meh.
Nah it's the early issues of Uncanny the ear wax thing is from the Factor-3 arc.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
wait what I dont recall that. I dont think the two things were related though I could be wrong, havent read onslaught in a while.
They weren't related but Jean was still shocked to the core.
Do you remember Xavier in bondage gear? When he woke up in Callistos bed after being beaten by mob.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
You mean the resident telepathic teacher scheduled private sessions with the telepathic student? No way! Better yet, how do you have a wheelchair fetish when you're the one in the wheelchair and specifically state you cannot confess your love while confied to it? English isn't your mother tongue, is it?
At the time Jean wasn't telepathic. The way it was explained was that Xavier shared his telepathy with her.
It's quite simple, you see when a person keeps gains the ability to walk and then loses 5 times they clearly have a thing for wheelchairs.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Nah it's the early issues of Uncanny the ear wax thing is from the Factor-3 arc.
They weren't related but Jean was still shocked to the core.
Do you remember Xavier in bondage gear? When he woke up in Callistos bed after being beaten by mob.
really wierd.
Not that I recall. Bondage gear lol what.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Wow I had forgotten about that scene dam. Thanks for the scan. wierd that they just ignored that untill that onslaught event then ignored it again untill recently
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
At the time Jean wasn't telepathic. The way it was explained was that Xavier shared his telepathy with her.
It's quite simple, you see when a person keeps gains the ability to walk and then loses 5 times they clearly have a thing for wheelchairs.
Yes, clearly Xavier is at fault.
How old was Jean when she was first arrived btw? Also, did Xavier ever -do- anything? Becuase you keep giving us half-assed recollections of the earliest x-men comics. I'm tempted to go back and read it, but naw.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Yes, clearly Xavier is at fault.
How old was Jean when she was first arrived btw? Also, did Xavier ever -do- anything? Becuase you keep giving us half-assed recollections of the earliest x-men comics. I'm tempted to go back and read it, but naw.
I think the Onslaught scans speak for themselves. Go and read them then. In fact don't go and read them it might shatter that delusion of yours that Xavier is the nicest man alive.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
Not that I recall. Bondage gear lol what.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
I think the Onslaught scans speak for themselves. Go and read them then. In fact don't go and read them it might shatter that your delusion of yours that Xavier is the nicest man alive.
Yeah, this is clearly the case here.
I'm asking for some of proof of your wild accusations. We get to see some scans of Xavier thinking that he can never act on his feelings. What a sexual deviant! He's a monster, a fiend, a sexual predators!
How old was Jean?
What did Xavier specifically DO?
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Yeah, this is clearly the case here.
I'm asking for some of proof of your wild accusations. We get to see some scans of Xavier thinking that he can never act on his feelings. What a sexual deviant! He's a monster, a fiend, a sexual predators!
How old was Jean?
What did Xavier specifically DO?
Jean was under 18, all the X-Men were. The proof is in Jeans reaction. What did he do? He did plenty of things on panel, the long sessions they spent together "experimenting", her being his maid servant. He left a part of himself inside of her.
The interesting bits would have happened off panel of course and that can all be deduced from Jeans reaction.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Jean was under 18, all the X-Men were. The proof is in Jeans reaction. What did he do? He did plenty of things on panel, the long sessions they spent together "experimenting", her being his maid servant. He left of part of himself inside of her.
The interesting bits would have happened off panel of course and that can all be deduced from Jeans reaction.
Yay, speculation galore.
If she was older than 16 then she is legal in most parts of America, Europe and the world in general

I guess that makes it okay

Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Yay, speculation galore.
If she was older than 16 then she is legal in most parts of America, Europe and the world in general
He knew her before he assembled the X-Men. Barring Sage, she was his first student. Scott was his first X-Man.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by xJLxKing
I guess that makes it okay
Actually, yes. Makes it fully legal

Speaking of Sage I love Claremonts retcon. I love that he trained and conditioned her to be sent undercover as Sebastian Shaws sex slave.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Actually, yes. Makes it fully legal
The law has changed in Ireland. It's 17 now IRRC.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
thanks oh yea I remeber that now.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Actually, yes. Makes it fully legal
Legal, yes. Okay, NO
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Jean was under 18, all the X-Men were. The proof is in Jeans reaction. What did he do? He did plenty of things on panel, the long sessions they spent together "experimenting", her being his maid servant. He left a part of himself inside of her.
The interesting bits would have happened off panel of course and that can all be deduced from Jeans reaction.
See I disagree with you on jeans reaction. I dont think she freak becuase of the thing he done to her, but the fact he had those types of feelings for her.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
See I disagree with you on jeans reaction. I dont think she freak becuase of the thing he done to her, but the fact he had those types of feelings for her.
I'm emailing Matt Fraction as we speak.

Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Speaking of Sage I love Claremonts retcon. I love that he trained and conditioned her to be sent undercover as Sebastian Shaws sex slave.
when was this revealed? x-men legacy?
so sage was prof x first student and he train her to spy on shaw and be his sex slave?
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
The law has changed in Ireland. It's 17 now IRRC.
Who cares about that shithole? Ireland had a ban on abortion for ages, AND Paul.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
I'm emailing Matt Fraction as we speak.

Originally posted by Battlehammer
when was this revealed?
so sage was prof x first student and he train her to spy on shaw and be his sex slave?
X-treme X-Men. Tessa was his first student and she was trained to spy on Shaw little did she know what that required.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
X-treme X-Men. Tessa was his first student and she was trained to spy on Shaw little did she know what that required.
Emma knew, and didn't care.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Emma knew, and didn't care.
So? Why should she? She killed a horse. Emma used her psychic abilties to play Stark, Namor and Shaw she is evil what's your point?
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
X-treme X-Men. Tessa was his first student and she was trained to spy on Shaw little did she know what that required.
do you know what issue? I own most of them so I like to re read it. I must have either missed that or some how forgotten about it.
I never really understood sage to begin with to be honest.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
So? Why should she? She killed a horse. Emma used her psychic abilties to play Stark, Namor and Shaw she is evil what's your point?
Obviously, my point was that she was/is a whore.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
do you know what issue? I own most of them so I like to re read it. I must have either missed that or some how forgotten about it.
I never really understood sage to begin with to be honest.
There's a few...I know the Original 6 thing is in one of the early issues maybe 3? Then when Bogan appears Sage talks about her life in the Hellfire Club and how she wasn't able to save Jean. I think that was in the 40's.
I've seen you talk about Pierce so I know you've read Claremonts recent Hellfire arc in UXM. Don't remember if there's anything in there.
Morrisons Sage is the best.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Obviously, my point was that she was/is a whore.

Originally posted by Kris Blaze
Obviously, my point was that she was/is a whore.
Being telepathic has its perks.
And being a whore is better then a bald paedo.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
There's a few...I know the Original 6 thing is in one of the early issues maybe 3? Then when Bogan appears Sage talks about her life in the Hellfire Club and how she wasn't able to save Jean. I think that was in the 40's.
I've seen you talk about Pierce so I know you've read Claremonts recent Hellfire arc in UXM. Don't remember if there's anything in there.
Morrisons Sage is the best.
Now there isent to my knowledge. I like Pierce he very under written character. Hell ll the hellfireclub is out side shaw and emma.
Yea she is.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Right that's how she blocked him in WWH and completely embarrassed him in Legacy even after he got an upgrade lulz. How did she completely embarrass him in Legacy?
Turning Xavier from fatherly headmaster to major douchebag for no apparent reason and without any buildup is reason #1,351 why Marvel disgusts me.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
And being a whore is better then a bald paedo.
How's he a paedo if Jean is over 16?
Emma's the one who got gangbanged when she was under 16.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
How's he a paedo if Jean is over 16?
Emma's the one who got gangbanged when she was under 16.
What part of Xavier knew her well before she joined the X-Men do you not understand? He was like a "friend" of the family.
Nope that was retconned by Bollers and Morrison, the one who ended up in an asylum was Christian. And even if it hadn't been I don't understand how getting gangbanged makes someone a paedo?
Originally posted by Mindset
How did she completely embarrass him in Legacy?
She slapped him psychically, took a walkthrough his head despite all his protests. Called him a reprobate with a wheelchair fetish. Made him cry.
Originally posted by redhotrash
Turning Xavier from fatherly headmaster to major douchebag for no apparent reason and without any buildup is reason #1,351 why Marvel disgusts me.
The man was a douchebag with his child soldiers (This is from Chris Claremont) and his paedophilia from day one.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
What part of Xavier knew her well before she joined the X-Men do you not understand? He was like a "friend" of the family.
Nope that was retconned by Bollers and Morrison, the one who ended up in an asylum was Christian. And even if it hadn't been I don't understand how getting gangbanged makes someone a paedo?.
How does that make him paedo?
Didn't say it did.
Well, he didn't even try to resist. Xavier has a martyr mentality, you know.
Also, i do not see anything creepy/wrong with Xavier's feelings for Jean. I think he should've just confessed them and married her. He would make a better husband then a Scott Summers, i believe.
Originally posted by Survivor19
Well, he didn't even try to resist. Xavier has a martyr mentality, you know.
Also, i do not see anything creepy/wrong with Xavier's feelings for Jean. I think he should've just confessed them and married her. He would make a better husband then a Scott Summers, i believe.
Umm he was like "Release me" Emma is all like "No"...he then was like "Then I'll have to make you"...Emma was then like "What you see here, all of this is playing out in your mind this is the last place you want to pick a fight with me." If he could he wouldn't have been rolling on the floor shouting "nooo". Scott was even worried.
Legacy was basically: Exodus wasn't trying to fight him and Xaviers brain was about to explode due to guilt, Sebastian Shaw and Gambit needed to save Xavier from Sinister by destroying the DNA machine thing, Emma humiliated him, Miss Sinister had him where she wanted him and even then she let him beat her, that was part of her plan all along so he could hurt himself when probing Daken.
Right this is the man who was grooming her since she saw her friend knocked over by a car. What was she like twelve back then? God only knows how old he was back then.
BTW Scott was Maddie's husband before he was Jeans. You reap what you sew. Emma is clever enough not to marry him.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
The man was a douchebag with his child soldiers (This is from Chris Claremont) and his paedophilia from day one.
Right, it was retconned in. A lot of current gen writers dont have any idea how to handle these characters, and it makes me sick.
Originally posted by redhotrash
Right, it was retconned in. A lot of current gen writers dont have any idea how to handle these characters, and it makes me sick.
So, are you saying that he never sent out teenagers to fight Magneto and other evil mutants in the original X-Men series?
Originally posted by nikbackm
So, are you saying that he never sent out teenagers to fight Magneto and other evil mutants in the original X-Men series?
Well, he couldve ALLOWED Magneto to steal nuclear warheads or whatever else he was up to...
The X-Men were always intended to be a action based team. He wasnt taking random students from the school and forcing them to fight, he assembled a capable team and TRAINED them to handle these situations. Not to mention the majority of Superheros start when they are teenagers. Why? Because teenagers buy comics and relate to them better. Here we are 40 years later and Iceman still seems like hes a teenager.
I blame writers trying to shake things up too much only to crap on these established characters. I can run down some characters who were sacrificed for this nonsense if you'd like....
umm is that Xavier?
Originally posted by Mshinu
umm is that Xavier?]
Mac Gargan, but bald guys look the same.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Mac Gargan, but bald guys look the same.
Thanks. Good to know he is not eating the bone marrow of teenage prostitutes just yet.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
She slapped him psychically, took a walkthrough his head despite all his protests. Called him a reprobate with a wheelchair fetish. Made him cry.
You mean when she snuck her way into his head when he was trying to manipulate Scott?
Originally posted by Mindset
You mean when she snuck her way into his head when he was trying to manipulate Scott?
Yep pretty embarassing to see a grown man cry right?
the ninjak
Charles would crush Emma! until she turns to diamond.
Crush Moondragon Rachel Jean too
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Yep pretty embarassing to see a grown man cry right? No
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Yep pretty embarassing to see a grown man cry right?
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