Captain America vs. Cable
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30 mins of prep.
Weapons and equipment are permitted.
Who wins?
Starscream M
Cable beats Captain America to a bloody pulp.
Mr Marvel
Cable in a curbsotomp!
Sorry Darknite84, but Cap has virtually no chance here!
Lord Feron
I think Cable's weapns and equipment is much better then anything Cap can get his hands on (yes better then sheild and stark enterprise stuff (cable gets future stuff =D) Cable ftw but i suggest cable not get too close to captain.
jalek moye
cable just overloads capts brain at the beginning of the fight
Um, mind rape?
This is like... Zatanna vs Toad bad.
Wild Shadow
can cap use his jobber aura that has bn known to ko hulk, logan and even hold back the one time thor stand in thunderstrike aka bloodstrike while in a weaken state due to lack of the SSS.
The Nuul
Current Cable stomps.
He can stomp only current CA.
And that is not a fact as well.
Current aka 'messiah war' Cable is in fact WORSE then classic Cable.
Reason? unhealthy lifestyle and lack of proper training.
Steve would get a majority over him.
I thought I should bring this thread back. Any new thoughts?
Originally posted by Starscream M
Cable beats Captain America to a bloody pulp.
Originally posted by Starscream M
Cable beats Captain America to a bloody pulp.
Cable. Spite, I'd say.
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