Movie Juggernaut Vs Movie Thing
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Who would mostly win?
I don't think that the Thing could beat Cain in his dreams, and he's not going to begin here either.
The Illuminati
What did movie juggs do? Run through a couple walls that's impressive. So did Kitty
Movie Thing has many more feats I'm going with him.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
I don't think that the Thing could beat Cain in his dreams, and he's not going to begin here either.
Wrong!! Sure in the Marvel 616 canon universe Juggy obliterates the Thing-but the movie version of Thing was more formidable than the movie Juggernaut, who was a bit of a let down
The Thing was struggling with a truck, even Spiderman had better feats of strength, he stopped a train.
been done
The Illuminati
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
The Thing was struggling with a truck, even Spiderman had better feats of strength, he stopped a train.
That was in the 1st movie and FTR a fire engine that size is about 75 tons but, he also pressed that eye of London in FF2 which was over 2000 tons.
I'll still take Ben's feats to Juggs.
he had help pressing that london thing in the movie by the fantastic two other members... mr. fantastic was doing all the work anyway... i think he was even pushing it not pressing it... which means he was no were close to actually holding its actual weight... juggernaut though he played a small role in the movie was stated to have all his comic abilities by magneto reading the prisoners list... plus thing wasnt even that good a fighter in the movie... actually i dont remember him fighting anyone in the second movie and only one actual fight in the origional movie witch his involvement was kickghng a fire hydrant... kind of like movie juggs stomped the crap out of wolverine h2h. no true winner can be really determined from this but its safe to say that, because of the info though not physically proven all of it, the odds are stacked against thing because he relys heavly on his team members when in battle. feats of strength are not the only factor when determining combat ability... thing was kind of a clutz anyway and rather a disapointing movie portrayal even more so than juggs if that was possible...
The Illuminati
Originally posted by applelips
he had help pressing that london thing in the movie by the fantastic two other members... mr. fantastic was doing all the work anyway... i think he was even pushing it not pressing it... which means he was no were close to actually holding its actual weight... juggernaut though he played a small role in the movie was stated to have all his comic abilities by magneto reading the prisoners list... plus thing wasnt even that good a fighter in the movie... actually i dont remember him fighting anyone in the second movie and only one actual fight in the origional movie witch his involvement was kickghng a fire hydrant... kind of like movie juggs stomped the crap out of wolverine h2h. no true winner can be really determined from this but its safe to say that, because of the info though not physically proven all of it, the odds are stacked against thing because he relys heavly on his team members when in battle. feats of strength are not the only factor when determining combat ability... thing was kind of a clutz anyway and rather a disapointing movie portrayal even more so than juggs if that was possible...
Actually you may want to watch FF2 again because Ben most definitely press it over his head, Sue kept it from tipping over and wasn't helping to lift it and if you think that Reed was doing anything substantial to lift it up, you would then have to tell me how strong you actually think Reed is.

the reed thing was a joke... and i have to say i disagree as to what thing was actually doing there but in either case he didnt do it alone. in all reality not enough is known about the movie versions to really determine anyway.
Has any comic book character been given the movie shaft harder than juggs?
Juggernaut in movie form got beaten by a wall, wasnt shown to be too terribly strong. Thing wins.
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