Originally posted by OneDumbG0
The only time I seen a telepathic attack used was by the aforementioned Major Victory. Granted, I don't have the comic with me, it's at my parent's house, but he's ambushed by the Guardians of the Galaxy and the first thing that hits him is Vance's tp attack. He staggers only a bit and the Guardians of the Galaxy are surprised, so they try to wail on him. Beta Ray Bill starts to fight back until Starhawk stops the fight, sensing that he is a noble soul.
I don't know an awful lot about Major Victory to compare him with J'onn's level of telepathy. I know at that time, his powers were upgraded from receiving a dose of Hollywood's blood (insanely more powerful future Wonderman). Past that, I only know he is more powerful than his 616 counterpart, Justice. How much more, no clue. Any Guardians of the Galaxy buffs out there?
Because then the only comparison is how classic Thor or someone like Masterson Thor fared against telepathic attacks. And to be fair, I know classic Thor's been subdued by telepathy before. I don't think it'd be automatic victory, because I don't see J'onn automatically winning against Black Adam and some such... so I'll reserve my judgment til I see more.
Thanx for the info... but another thing seeing how thor asgardian body is vastly different from BRB genetically engineered body one might be able to assume that mental attacks may not be as successful on BRB than Thor. This is speculation tho so...

yea idk.