ultron vs. carnage
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some thing a little diffrent to debate
Mr. Slippyfist
Doesn't make it any less pointless.
Ultron wins easily. 10/10.
Ultron usually has a pure adamantium frame protecting him.
What does Carnage's Class 50 strength even do to that?
This isnt funny, even if it was a joke.
Grinning Goku
Ultron only a million times out of ten.
sorry guys was having a tough tine pitting a good match ultron every one i thought of was either way over his class or way under... any suggestions as a good match that hasnt been done yet?
his joints arent adimantium not that makes a whoke lot of differnce
not a spite thread i like carnage... just a lack of ideas i guess really wanted an ultron thread... anyhoo ill think of something
Grinning Goku
Ultron is a team wrecker, an Avengers team wrecker. Has Carnage EVER posed a threat to entire team of anyone?
Current Ultron doesnt really have joints. More of a streamless chunk of liquid metal pms.
Originally posted by applelips
his joints arent adimantium not that makes a whoke lot of differnce
You might be thinking of Wolverine. Ultron actually is entirely adamantium.
Endrict Nuul
Originally posted by tkitna
Spite thread
thanks for the help and ideas...? glad you could all pull together and continuously each repeat the person before you...
Lord Feron
lol hmm Ultron vs Black adam maybe? Could have been done but i didn't make the thread yet

beyond spite, ULTRON CLOBBERSTOMPS 10/10
Ultron stomps
lame can i close my own thread?
Originally posted by applelips
sorry guys was having a tough tine pitting a good match ultron every one i thought of was either way over his class or way under... any suggestions as a good match that hasnt been done yet? Ultron is a tough guy to find a good match for...either they cant hurt him or they destroy him in seconds i.e. Magneto
Originally posted by DigiMark007
You might be thinking of Wolverine. Ultron actually is entirely adamantium. actually previous ultron does have joints that were not adimantium the origional ultron was not made of any adimantium he was actually titanium... check out en.marveldatabase.com
i posted garokk vs ultron how about that
so no i was thinking of ultron
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