Ultron vs Black adam
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Black Adam gets pissed, screams Isis, and flys threw Ultron at full speed like he's a football banner.
BA rips his face off. none
Originally posted by Galan007
BA rips his face off. none
Black Adam throws Ultron into the sun
I don't know, maybe the female Ultron actually has a chance, seeing that she went toe to toe with Sentry VERY easily.
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
I don't know, maybe the female Ultron actually has a chance, seeing that she went toe to toe with Sentry VERY easily. Adam >>>> Sentry??
Which Ultron?
I think Adam Strange Ultron could win, and I base this on nothing at all.
Lord Feron
Im feeling ppl are over rating BA a bit too much.

Originally posted by Troop
Adam >>>> Sentry??
Featwise, no.
Getting jobbed to in WW3 doesn't count (although he did get boosted somewhat)
Other than hurting Spectre and tagging a speeding Jay Garrick, I don't see anything that puts him on a >>>>>> level over Sentry.
He hasn't effortlessly stopped a herald who one shots planets, or contained cosmic cubes.
Mr. Slippyfist
Didn't Red Skull contain a Cosmic Cube?
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Didn't Red Skull contain a Cosmic Cube?
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
Featwise, no.
Getting jobbed to in WW3 doesn't count.
Other than hurting Spectre and tagging a speeding Jay Garrick, I don't see anything that puts him on a >>>>>> level over Sentry.
He hasn't effortlessly stopped a herald who one shots planets, or contained cosmic cubes.
Oh please, Terrax or whatever, not every move now is planet busting that thats BS.
Cosmic Cube is great, accept that is like his best feat??
What feats do you have him that puts him above BA?
His one Cube feat is allowed when he struggles with less but BA finally letting loose isn't?
He fought Genis Vell evenly.
Originally posted by Troop
Oh please, Terrax or whatever, not every move now is planet busting that thats BS.
Cosmic Cube is great, accept that is like his best feat??
What feats do you have him that puts him above BA?
His one Cube feat is allowed when he struggles with less but BA finally letting loose isn't?
Then apparently, Adam hurting Spectre is BS then?
Happened only once.
Does the Void count as a part of Sentry? Because if it is, then overwhelming the Avengers + most of Marvel Earth and shattering every bone in Hulk's body are another two to add.
And I didn't say Adam was <<< Sentry. Adam isn't >>>>>>>> Sentry, more like Adam has a only a slight edge.
He also got a bloody nose from IM.
Originally posted by Troop
He also got a bloody nose from IM.
He also ripped IM's suit apart like it was made of tissue paper.
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
Then apparently, Adam hurting Spectre is BS then?
Happened only once.
Does the Void count as a part of Sentry? Because if it is, then overwhelming the Avengers and shattering every bone in Hulk's body are another two to add.
And I didn't say Adam was <<< Sentry. Adam isn't >>>>>>>> Sentry, more like Adam has a only a slight edge because of his ruthlessness. When Adam hasn't shown it to be BS it isn't. Besides that had no real effect on Spectre thats why I'm not using it.
Sentry has got one or two feats that can be argued hes on that level, but then his other feats say otherwise. So picking just his high ones is a great tactic.
Originally posted by Mindset
He also ripped IM's suit apart like it was made of tissue paper.
Great he ripped his armor, big deal.
He also got a bloody nose, Superman wouldn't, Adam wouldn't.
Originally posted by Troop
Great he ripped his armor, big deal.
He also got a bloody nose, Superman wouldn't, Adam wouldn't.
And Batman made DS bleed, what's your point?
You act like that brings Senty's durability down when he has taken much more punishment w/o being affected.
I believe there were circumstances to how he done that, I don't remember. DS and Sentry are different. DS shouldn't be effected by Batman, Sentry has shown no reason why he shouldn't be bleeding after IM punches.
Originally posted by Troop
I believe there were circumstances to how he done that, I don't remember. DS had none of his omega powers in that instance, iirc.
Originally posted by Troop
I believe there were circumstances to how he done that, I don't remember. DS and Sentry are different. DS shouldn't be effected by Batman, Sentry has shown no reason why he shouldn't be bleeding after IM punches.
Batman was invisible I believe, not sure if invisibility gives you superhuman strength. I'd say that Sentry taking multiple hits from WWH would show his durability for a regular suit IM to hurt him is at the least questionable. But you seem to be under the impression that just because IM made him bleed it actually hurt him. I believe Sentry took stronger attacks from Ultron w/o bleeding.
This is really off topic though.
Originally posted by Galan007
DS had none of his omega powers in that instance, iirc.
I thought he threatened to zap him with the OE at some point in their conversation?
Or was he merely comparing Bats to an insect powerwise?
Originally posted by Galan007
DS had none of his omega powers in that instance, iirc.
Would that lower his durability? And would it lower it enough for someone of peak human strength to make him bleed? Honestly, bleeding is not evidence of poor durability imo, sometimes it can be relevant, sometimes it isn't.
Originally posted by Mindset
Would that lower his durability? And would it lower it enough for someone of peak human strength to make him bleed? Honestly, bleeding is not evidence of poor durability imo, sometimes it can be relevant, sometimes it isn't. iirc, DS was for all intents and purposes, powerless.
Originally posted by Mindset
Batman was invisible I believe, not sure if invisibility gives you superhuman strength. I'd say that Sentry taking multiple hits from WWH would show his durability for a regular suit IM to hurt him is at the least questionable. But you seem to be under the impression that just because IM made him bleed it actually hurt him. I believe Sentry took stronger attacks from Ultron w/o bleeding.
This is really off topic though. The thing is Hulk also struggled for a little while with IM so why is he so impressive, yeah he took some great shots but his punching power...I don't actually remember that being to impressive.
Originally posted by Troop
The thing is Hulk also struggled for a little while with IM so why is he so impressive, yeah he took some great shots but his punching power...I don't actually remember that being to impressive.
Hulk fought IM while he was wearing his new Hulkbuster suit...and WWH still made short work of him.
Yeah but who's to say how powerful that suit is?
Originally posted by Troop
Yeah but who's to say how powerful that suit is?
Obviously way more powerful than his regular suit, or WWH would have ended it with one punch.
Who's to say how powerful his suit is?
Originally posted by Troop
Who's to say how powerful his suit is?
Let's think about this for a second.
Hulkbuster armor has always been significantly more powerful than his regular armor.
A Sentry who did not want to hurt Tony, and was definitely no where close to going all out ripped his suit apart no problem.
WWH battered a Sentry releasing vastly more power than he has shown before, this same Hulk did not completely annihilate Tony within seconds in his Hulkbuster suit...
Pretty logical to say Hulkbuster armor is significantly better. I'm sorry no one can tell you precisely how much more powerful one suit is over the other, maybe if it wasn't fictional or they went into more depth that would be possible.
And yet all of that is below what Adam can do.
Originally posted by Troop
And yet all of that is below what Adam can do.
Which has little to do with what was being discussed in regards to your claim of IM being able to hurt Sentry, or the claim that Sentry has weak durability because he bleed from a hit from IM.
Also there was the time that Conner made SBP bleed.
There was also the time Cap KOed Hulk.
Did Hulk bleed?
Apparently that is the sign of poor durability.
Well yes bleeding to IM is poor durability.
So SBP has poor durability.
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
I don't know, maybe the female Ultron actually has a chance, seeing that she went toe to toe with Sentry VERY easily. sentry no match for black adam not even close.
think martian manhunter vs sentry is more a even match
and martian manhunter gets literaly torn apart by black adam everytime they meet.
Sentry vs black adam, even though I love adam, I would give that fight to sentry.
Ultron vs black adam, I would say that ultron basically appeared to be unbeatable. I give the edge to ultron.
To me sentry have proven to be above top tier just like wwh did. WWh basically held a planet together with nothing but strength alone. WWh could have stepped on the surface of planet earth and destroyed the planet. Wwh lifted up a ship one handed that weighed millions of tons. Wwh was stated as having the same strength as a celestial and that is infinite. He was basically established as having enough strength to rival a celestial. Wwh strength, speed, and durability was increased dramitacally. Wwh has been displayed as having the ability to one shot a lot of top tiers in this forum. Even though I hate the hulk and he is a boring character, I would put him on top of the chain against almost a lot of top tiers in any battle. You might have to be a matter manipulator to beat him and he might be able to overcome that.
Back on topic, good fight but I give the edge to ultron.
Wow, I cant wait to see the response to my post.
I respectfully disagree with some of what you said.
Originally posted by carver9
Sentry vs black adam, even though I love adam, I would give that fight to sentry.
Ultron vs black adam, I would say that ultron basically appeared to be unbeatable. I give the edge to ultron.
To me sentry have proven to be above top tier just like wwh did. WWh basically held a planet together with nothing but strength alone. WWh could have stepped on the surface of planet earth and destroyed the planet. Wwh lifted up a ship one handed that weighed millions of tons. Wwh was stated as having the same strength as a celestial and that is infinite. He was basically established as having enough strength to rival a celestial. Wwh strength, speed, and durability was increased dramitacally. Wwh has been displayed as having the ability to one shot a lot of top tiers in this forum. Even though I hate the hulk and he is a boring character, I would put him on top of the chain against almost a lot of top tiers in any battle. You might have to be a matter manipulator to beat him and he might be able to overcome that.
Back on topic, good fight but I give the edge to ultron.
Sentry is not above top tier. He's too inconsistent. And WWH didn't one shot a single top tier during his entire arc.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Sentry is not above top tier. He's too inconsistent. And WWH didn't one shot a single top tier during his entire arc.
Did Black Adam in WWIII?
Originally posted by zeel
sentry no match for black adam not even close.
think martian manhunter vs sentry is more a even match
and martian manhunter gets literaly torn apart by black adam everytime they meet.
More like MM never utilizes his full powers? I fail to see how having Supes powerset in addition shapeshifting, intangibility, and telepathy (although it failed in WW3) would lose to Adam's physical style.
And by Superman's own admission, J'onn is stronger than him.
Sentry vs MM is a stomp for MM because of Sentry's pathetic mental state. Exploit that for an easy win.
Planetary level strength has been displayed by numerous level top tiers. Superman, Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill etc.
You can't mean that's an impressive feat for a top tier.
I'd like a source on this. Superman has been said to be able to one shot planets with a punch, but I doubt you'd except that in a debate without the feats.
Lets look at the top tiers he fought:
Strange: Hasn't been a top tier in years. Angel was powerful enough to overcome Zom
Blackbolt: Skrull
Hercules: Had no intention of fighting Hulk
Juggernaut: Stalemate followed by BFR so Hulk could escape
Sentry: Draw.
Not exactly Thanos level is he?
I wouldn't call someone who had a drawn out fist fight with the thing above top tier.
Black Adam wins, the last two Ultrons haven't been Adamantium.
Originally posted by carver9
Wwh was stated as having the same strength as a celestial and that is infinite. I guess you believe in BS huh?
Even more BS, how in the hell do you expect anyone to buy this?
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by carver9
WWh could have stepped on the surface of planet earth and destroyed the planet. Wwh lifted up a ship one handed that weighed millions of tons. Wwh was stated as having the same strength as a celestial and that is infinite. He was basically established as having enough strength to rival a celestial. Proof... for any of these statements?
WWH had Celestial tech (explaining how he managed to push Juggs back and negate his forcefield), not the power of even ONE Celestial.
Mr. Slippyfist
WWH had teh angre!!!!1
Originally posted by Jugglenaut
WWH had Celestial tech (explaining how he managed to push Juggs back and negate his forcefield), not the power of even ONE Celestial. That was War Huc. War Huc is not the same as World War Huc.

Originally posted by Galan007
That was War Huc. War Huc is not the same as World War Huc.

Oh shit, it was Hulk as Apoc's Horseman.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Proof... for any of these statements?
I don't need proof, just read the story. He held a planet together, something that superman or almost anyone in dc could not do. The said thing was that he did it effortlessly. When he landed on the planet earth to get revenge upon the marvel universe, it was stated by him and the narrator that a step from him could destroy the entire planet. Hell, he had parasites eating flesh from him for some months and didn't die. Hulk is above top tier, he could be far above top tier. He has proven to have the ability to one shot a lot of characters. Hell, despero didn't show anything close to hulks strength but he one shotted almost the entire jla/jsa with nothing but physical might. Titus had problems breaking out of a cube that was enforced around his body by a green lantern that had the weight of 100 tons but he one shotted superman, wonder woman, along with some of the rest of the jla.
Hulk has the ability to one shot a lot of characters and Im referring to top tier characters. I love gladiator and I think that he is almost one of the most unbeatable characters in comics due to his confidence giving him immeasurable strength along with boosting his other attributes but I also know for a fact that war hulk would one shot the hell out of him.
Originally posted by Galvaclaw
Planetary level strength has been displayed by numerous level top tiers. Superman, Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill etc.
You can't mean that's an impressive feat for a top tier.
I'd like a source on this. Superman has been said to be able to one shot planets with a punch, but I doubt you'd except that in a debate without the feats.
Lets look at the top tiers he fought:
Strange: Hasn't been a top tier in years. Angel was powerful enough to overcome Zom
Blackbolt: Skrull
Hercules: Had no intention of fighting Hulk
Juggernaut: Stalemate followed by BFR so Hulk could escape
Sentry: Draw.
Not exactly Thanos level is he?
I wouldn't call someone who had a drawn out fist fight with the thing above top tier.
Black Adam wins, the last two Ultrons haven't been Adamantium.
You just dont think do you.
Strange will always be a top tier, it just depends on who you are measuring him up against.
Blackbolt: skrull, it doesnt matter, he lost, just deal with it.
Hercules: No matter if he had any attention or not, he got knocked the hell out. During the entire war hulk sigma hulk didnt have any attention of fighting anyone but he still didnt get knocked the hell out by attacks.
Juggernaut: a totally different story. I cant see a lot of beings doing anything to this character. It has been established that juggernaut has unlimited strength and he IS completely indestructible. If there is anyone out there that could give any version of the hulk a fight I would choose juggernaut.
Sentry: Sentry to me again is above top tier. He fought against and stalemated beings that are above top tier (not referring to galactus). Sentry has been established by marvel to be a being of outstanding power, that is just something that a lot of you all fail to accept.
Who havent thing gave a good fight to, its the thing, even though I think that war hulk would crush thing with just one punch.
You fail to realize that in comics things happen for a reason. The reason why hulk didnt one shot anyone of the people that he fought is due to making the story more interesting. Unless your saying that all of the people that he fought can take punches from a being that held a planet together and a being that can step on a planet and destroy it.
Originally posted by Galvaclaw
Planetary level strength has been displayed by numerous level top tiers. Superman, Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill etc.
You can't mean that's an impressive feat for a top tier.
I'd like a source on this. Superman has been said to be able to one shot planets with a punch, but I doubt you'd except that in a debate without the feats.
Lets look at the top tiers he fought:
Strange: Hasn't been a top tier in years. Angel was powerful enough to overcome Zom
Blackbolt: Skrull
Hercules: Had no intention of fighting Hulk
Juggernaut: Stalemate followed by BFR so Hulk could escape
Sentry: Draw.
Not exactly Thanos level is he?
I wouldn't call someone who had a drawn out fist fight with the thing above top tier.
Black Adam wins, the last two Ultrons haven't been Adamantium.
By the way can you show me some proof of Superman, displaying planetary strength. I know that beta ray bill and gladiator have on panel planetary strength but are you second guessing supermans strength.
I think that you are. You might as well say martian manhunter, wonderwoman, along with a lot of other characters have planetary destroying strength.
How in the hell can you destroy a planet but you have problems moving a moon. Just dont make sense to me.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by carver9
I don't need proof OK.
And the only thing worth responding to (as I addressed it, but you failed to prove anything else), is that Hulk could destroy the world in a step.
And he didn't, even in his most powerful form... so... I'd have to say that this narrator you speak of is wrong.
I also read the story and don't remember when his ship was said to be about one million tons, and I don't ever remember a Celestial being brought up anywhere in the WWH story. Nor do I remember him doing anything close to Celestial level.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
And the only thing worth responding to (as I addressed it, but you failed to prove anything else), is that Hulk could destroy the world in a step.
And he didn't, even in his most powerful form... so... I'd have to say that this narrator you speak of is wrong.
I also read the story and don't remember when his ship was said to be about one million tons, and I don't ever remember a Celestial being brought up anywhere in the WWH story. Nor do I remember him doing anything close to Celestial level.
Well maybe you need to reread again and maybe you'll learn a little more. I hate the character but Im not as biased as you are. I dont have a scanner but I have a quote directly from a bio that would help you.
Read and learn, this is from marvels own mouth and marvels encyclopedia.
During combat with the psionic entity known as Onslaught, stated to possess power rivaling a Celestial, Jean Grey psionically disables Bruce Banner's persona, to remove all restraints on the Hulk's rage. While trading punches, the Hulk is angered to a point where he is able to overcome Onslaught's strength and destroy his armour. In the officially approved statistics of the "Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game" Hulk was listed as having a calm level strength of 20, but could reach at least 30 when enraged, the same as a Celestial. This can be compared to Thor and Juggernaut being listed at 19, Silver Surfer at 20, Thanos at 22, Destroyer at 24, and Surtur at 28.
The Hulk possesses highly developed leg muscles which enable him to leap several miles at a time, and even longer distances while in an enraged state. He has been shown covering 1000 miles in a single leap, and even jumping into a low-Earth orbit.
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game...
Hand ninja. 'My cloak doesn't work under these conditions.' Unable to heal Aunt May. Had the crimson bands of cytorak broken by both namor and a super skrull.
Bendis era Strange is not top tier. Prove me wrong give me a top tier feat from Strange in the last three years.
Skrull Thor got taken down with the energy of a few power plants. I'm thinking Skrulls are below the one their copying.
Hercules was never Knocked out.
Sentry has way to many low showings for him to above top tier. When Thanos gets one shotted by Ms Marvel give me a call.
Now this could easily be construed as hyperbole. However its just as valid as random heroes screaming hulk will destroy the planet and ten times more relevent than your 'source' for Hulks celestial level strength.
i thought this thread was ba vs ultron... ultron has an indestructable body whats ba going to do to him... basically beat on him for eternity. or he finally runs out of steam then ultron will hold him down and give hin an indian rug burn and an ultron powered wedgie. so ultron for the win...
Originally posted by carver9
Sentry vs black adam, even though I love adam, I would give that fight to sentry.
Ultron vs black adam, I would say that ultron basically appeared to be unbeatable. I give the edge to ultron.
To me sentry have proven to be above top tier just like wwh did. WWh basically held a planet together with nothing but strength alone. WWh could have stepped on the surface of planet earth and destroyed the planet. Wwh lifted up a ship one handed that weighed millions of tons. Wwh was stated as having the same strength as a celestial and that is infinite. He was basically established as having enough strength to rival a celestial. Wwh strength, speed, and durability was increased dramitacally. Wwh has been displayed as having the ability to one shot a lot of top tiers in this forum. Even though I hate the hulk and he is a boring character, I would put him on top of the chain against almost a lot of top tiers in any battle. You might have to be a matter manipulator to beat him and he might be able to overcome that.
Back on topic, good fight but I give the edge to ultron. Sentry has demonstrated nothing to say he can beat BA.
Ultron loses.
Why? Read the Daredevil Acts of Vengeance issue (where Matt, inexplicably, fights Ultron).
He took down an adamantium body Ultron by
A) Ramming a car into him
B) Discovering Ultron's weakness is, and I quote "Repeated strikes to the same place!" So, basically punching him in the face over and over.
Originally posted by tjcoady
Ultron loses.
Why? Read the Daredevil Acts of Vengeance issue (where Matt, inexplicably, fights Ultron).
He took down an adamantium body Ultron by
A) Ramming a car into him
B) Discovering Ultron's weakness is, and I quote "Repeated strikes to the same place!" So, basically punching him in the face over and over. Man, Ultron gets the shaft WAY more then he should. srsly
Originally posted by tjcoady
Ultron loses.
Why? Read the Daredevil Acts of Vengeance issue (where Matt, inexplicably, fights Ultron).
He took down an adamantium body Ultron by
A) Ramming a car into him
B) Discovering Ultron's weakness is, and I quote "Repeated strikes to the same place!" So, basically punching him in the face over and over. PIS.. read any other book with Ultron in it, he's a team wrecker.
The Illuminati
Originally posted by Priest
PIS.. read any other book with Ultron in it, he's a team wrecker.
It's quite true Ultron is a team wrecker, classic, present either one.
Ultron has beaten an Avengers team of THOR, Herc, WM, IM, Wanda, Vision, Hank, Giant man, Yellow Jacket, Wasp and Cap himself.
I really like BA but, sorry he couldn't do the same.
Ultron likely would win. He can make indestructible bodies and attack from many angles. Barring a plot twist, there is no way to really beat Ultron. Black Adam on the other hand is not indestructible.
yeah if according to a thread of mine carnage cant beat ultron the how does it make any sense that daredevil could other than writers downplaying ultrons ability to even out the match. ultron freakin kicked the avengers asses for christ sake but daredevil managed to do it, by hitting him with a car and ultron sat there and let dd hit him over and over again? thats bull. just like supes geuing knocked around by bane pure stupidity when some one as dumb as batman is equal in combat. ultron has basicly redesigned him self each time he has been beat so im sure that gliche has been taken care of... im not sure were ynu all get were black adam is such a badass anyway hes tough but not that tough...
Originally posted by Galvaclaw
Hand ninja. 'My cloak doesn't work under these conditions.' Unable to heal Aunt May. Had the crimson bands of cytorak broken by both namor and a super skrull.
Bendis era Strange is not top tier. Prove me wrong give me a top tier feat from Strange in the last three years.
Being able to freeze in time a full team of X-Men (including some of the stronger mutants- Storm, Colossus, Xavier), the Fantastic Four, Thor, Iron Man, the rest of the Avengers (including powerhouse Avengers like Ms. Marvel, Namor, Doc Samson), the Sentry, the Void, Spiderman, and a bunch of random heroes.
Anyways, Ultron should take this if it's either his most current form (giant robot in Annihaliation) or in her Mighty Avengers form.
If it hadn't been for the whole "sword made out of revenge" thing, Giant Robot Ultron would have beaten Warlock, Quasar, a Technarch, and Nova.
She-Ultron was taking on and beating Ares, Ms. Marvel, the Sentry, and Wonder Man all at the same time. And that's a team who, individually (maybe) couldn't beat Black Adam, but WOULD stomp him collectively.
Originally posted by Priest
PIS.. read any other book with Ultron in it, he's a team wrecker.
Trust me, I know. I was being facetious. I just always thought that was a hilarious issue. Matt beats Ultron by just hitting him in the forehead with his club over and over. And this was back when Ultron was, with ease, beating Avengers teams like Thor, Hercules, Iron Man, Photon
maybe weve actualy missjudged dd true power... i feel a new thread coming on... dare devil vs galactus anyone?
The Illuminati
Originally posted by applelips
maybe weve actualy missjudged dd true power... i feel a new thread coming on... dare devil vs galactus anyone?
I say no worse than a stalemate, that is if G is fully fed that is.
Wonder Man actually did the same thing Daredevil did
What version of Ultron is this? current?
Originally posted by -K-M-
Wonder Man actually did the same thing Daredevil did
What version of Ultron is this? current? Spidey has owned Ultron 5. Hell, Machine Man destroyed him.
Originally posted by Galan007
Spidey has owned Ultron 5. Hell, Machine Man destroyed him.
Machine Man owns all
FYI, Darkhawk has destroyed him with 2-3 blasts
Ultron does vary GREATLY.
thats why when not specified assume its the most current version like the foqum guide lines suggest... i called them guide lines because i have trouble following them and it doesnt seem as bad when you dont follow guide lines as opposed to rules.
so wonder man and daredevil both stole cars and ran into ultron? would suck to be the sap who left their keys in the ignition... does either one have a lisence? being blind and all would they even give dd a lisence? does wonder man have a real need for one?
Wonder Man didn't use a car, he just bashed Ultron with his fists in the same place causing Ultron's insides to rattle around.
it was a joke... just like the avengers should stock pile a bunch of beater cars in case of an ultron emergency... hell for that matter they should just hand over there ultron contract to ups or something and they can use delivery trucks against him... have a color business presentation but a black and white budget? ultron threatening to take over your planet? just call the ups store and we ll send someone with a stick and a ups vehicle out within the hour and deliver your presetation to you at no extra charge.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Wonder Man actually did the same thing Daredevil did
What version of Ultron is this? current?
Wonder Man posed no threat to Ultron the last time they met and that with Sentry, Ms. Marvel and Ares was on the team.
I think is current version from Mighty Avengers would take the majority.
The Annihilation version is a .......

Originally posted by Galan007
Man, Ultron gets the shaft WAY more then he should. srsly

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