Sentry vs. Classic Hal Jordan
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Current wins, classic would stomp.
Originally posted by Troop
Current wins, classic would stomp.
Really now?

Classic as in time stopping Hal yeah.
Some people over rate Sentry, are you sure your not one of them?
Idk, I'm just thinking all the yellow would affect Hal's abilities.
Also I wasn't aware Hal stopped/stretched time on many occasions, I only remember one time.
And no, I am not overrating Sentry, although I have noticed your underestimation of his abilities.
If by 'classic' you mean Hal's vulnerability to yellow is intact, then any attack he made against Sentry would be pointless.
I am pretty sure he can handle yellow fine when he can handle Sinestro.
But tbh I forget the weakness lol.
That was an example, I am pretty sure he done more awesome stuff like that.
I don't underrate, unlike you I rate him at the right level.
Originally posted by Galan007
If by 'classic' you mean Hal's vulnerability to yellow is intact, then any attack he made against Sentry would be pointless. Meh if he can handle the yellow weakness with Sinestro I don't see why Sentry would be a problem with the whole weakness thing.
Originally posted by Troop
I am pretty sure he can handle yellow fine when he can handle Sinestro.
But tbh I forget the weakness lol.
That was an example, I am pretty sure he done more awesome stuff like that.
I don't underrate, unlike you I rate him at the right level.
Honestly if I were to only take your posts from this thread I'd assume you didn't know much about what you're talking about, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Now, would you point me out to a post of mine where I overrate Sentry?
Originally posted by Troop
Meh if he can handle the yellow weakness with Sinestro I don't see why Sentry would be a problem with the whole weakness thing. It just depends how 'classic' we're talking about. I'm thinking of Hal from way back in the day, when a friggin' banana peel scared him. lol
Maybe it was someone else, tbh I find most people here very similar and with pictures and stuff off I might have got the wrong person.
But who do you think wins?
Originally posted by Galan007
It just depends how 'classic' we're talking about. I'm thinking of Hal from way back in the day, when a friggin' banana peel scared him. lol
That same Hal used to beat Sin know right?
Originally posted by Troop
Maybe it was someone else, tbh I find most people here very similar and with pictures and stuff off I might have got the wrong person.
But who do you think wins?
Idk, I only make threads when I don't know the winner, otherwise I don't see the point.
And yes, I meant when he still had the yellow weakness.
See the yellow weakness was used against him but I am pretty sure he beat it anyway.
Accept if its a banana...
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Mindset
Idk, I only make threads when I don't know the winner, otherwise I don't see the point.
Originally posted by Mindset
And yes, I meant when he still had the yellow weakness.

Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
What, I was under the impression that there was a point in his Classic career that he could somewhat deal with his yellow weakness, but it took a lot of concentration.
Or he would use his brain to not directly touch it but get the victory.
Originally posted by Troop
Or he would use his brain to not directly touch it but get the victory.
Either way it's not a stomp for Sentry the way Slippy seems to be implying.
Tough one. I'm leaning towards Sentry since depending on how far back you go...Yellow was not healthy for Hal.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Mindset
What, I was under the impression that there was a point in his Classic career that he could somewhat deal with his yellow weakness, but it took a lot of concentration. Well, obviously the winner is Sentry when he jizzes the opponents weakness.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Well, obviously the winner is Sentry when he jizzes the opponents weakness.
But Sentry isn't exactly skilled in using his powers, and as I said in the post you quoted, was there not a time when Hal still had the weakness, but was able to somewhat deal with it in his classic incarnation?
Originally posted by Mindset
But Sentry isn't exactly skilled in using his powers, and as I said in the post you quoted, was there not a time when Hal still had the weakness, but was able to somewhat deal with it in his classic incarnation? How else would be beat Sinestro.
Originally posted by Troop
How else would be beat Sinestro.
Which proves me to be correct in my assumption.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Mindset
But Sentry isn't exactly skilled in using his powers, and as I said in the post you quoted, was there not a time when Hal still had the weakness, but was able to somewhat deal with it in his classic incarnation? He doesn't have to be skilled in his powers. Everything he does is yellow.
Of course he can fight the yellow... but then you have to factor in Sentry's durability, strength, etc. Sentry won't be hindered by anything, Hal basically has to fight two things for this battle.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
He doesn't have to be skilled in his powers. Everything he does is yellow.
Of course he can fight the yellow... but then you have to factor in Sentry's durability, strength, etc. Sentry won't be hindered by anything, Hal basically has to fight two things for this battle.
Yea, but Sentry would not start off with energy attacks, and without the yellow hindrance Hal would beat him handedly. Add in Hal's proficiency with his ring and fighting in general, compared to Sentry's and I see a pretty even fight.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Mindset
Yea, but Sentry would not start off with energy attacks, and without the yellow hindrance Hal would beat him handedly. Add in Hal's proficiency with his ring and fighting in general, compared to Sentry's and I see a pretty even fight. But he would start off with a yellow appearance.
Of course, but it's in this fight.
Frigging yellow. I hate to say it, but Sentry probably takes this one handily.
Spite Sentry takes it with little effort.
3 guys who tried to exploit the YW.......and Hal beat them ALL, and on top of that Goldface was a brick who has gone toe-2-toe w/Supes on occasion.
yea, I side w/Hal here.
Originally posted by Tazer
3 guys who tried to exploit the YW.......and Hal beat them ALL, and on top of that Goldface was a brick who has gone toe-2-toe w/Supes on occasion.
yea, I side w/Hal here.
These wins could have been from circumstance.
Most of those fights Hal got freakin stomp fore the big win.. I think Sentry's strength far surpasses those 3 combined let alone 1 to 1..
Sentry uniform alone would scare the heck out of Hal.. lol
Symmetric Chaos
There aren't a lot of indirect ways for Hal to hurt Sentry.
Then again back in the day Hal did things like stealing his reflection from a mirror and stopping time.
Hal during 'Emerald Twilight' was stomped on by Mongul. The yellow weakness was giving him an extraordinarily hard time in fighting him because of his yellow skin. He finally used Steel's hammer and a strength enhancing exoskeleton GL construct to beat Mongul.
It's not a curbstomp, since Hal has beaten tough foes who were yellow. But it certainly wouldn't be easy. Sentry has insane durability. All those WWH punches he took? Those punches one-shotted Ares, She-Hulk, Thing, crushed Invisible Woman's shields in 3 hits, nearly murdered Hercules in 3 hits and dented classic Juggernaut's armor. And Sentry didn't even try to roll with any of those punches!
Sentry 8/10.
Starscream M
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
dented classic Juggernaut's armor impossible
Originally posted by Starscream M
impossible Oh... it be possible, alright:
Starscream M
haha...ok, thanks for the little diagram
The Illuminati
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Oh... it be possible, alright:
Yeah but, yeah but... Damn that WWH.
Unlike most I thoroughly admit he on a physical WWH is unmatched period. And that my friends is yet another example of it.
Juggernaut's helmet has been crushed and destroyed before. Doesn't hurt Juggs in the slightest. Different writers have different takes on the helmet's durability. While I think it's BS, it's a far cry from hurting the Juggernaut.
Originally posted by Mindset
These wins could have been from circumstance.
no, alot if not ALL of them have been becuz using yellow isnt an auto-win, just a stacking of the deck.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Hal during 'Emerald Twilight' was stomped on by Mongul. The yellow weakness was giving him an extraordinarily hard time in fighting him because of his yellow skin. He finally used Steel's hammer and a strength enhancing exoskeleton GL construct to beat Mongul.
of course, this doesnt speak of the fact that Hal was kicking the crap outta Mongul by channelling the energy thru his body, and only started to lose due to him being distracted with the knowledge that destruction of the various machinery would kill Superman fighting in the next chamber by releasing k-rock gas into it.
granted, he ended up resorting to making that exosuit & Steels hammer, but lets note that he KTFO'd Mongul with that single hit using it.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
It's not a curbstomp, since Hal has beaten tough foes who were yellow. But it certainly wouldn't be easy. Sentry has insane durability. All those WWH punches he took? Those punches one-shotted Ares, She-Hulk, Thing, crushed Invisible Woman's shields in 3 hits, nearly murdered Hercules in 3 hits and dented classic Juggernaut's armor. And Sentry didn't even try to roll with any of those punches!
Sentry 8/10.
Sentry didnt try to role w/any of those punches becuz he was just there to slug it out; "rolling with it" isnt something that gets done in a slugfest.
and granted he has a high durability, but Im not convinced his durability is beyond Supermans, and I give Hal *good odds* at beating him (even w/o using k-rays).
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
dented classic Juggernaut's armor.
Denting Juggernaut's helmet isn't really a feat per say. While the damage is pleasing artistically, I don't actually see how that is reflective of hulk's strength. It may be a helmet that can block psychic attacks, but its never really been shown to be all that durable throughout the years. People from the X-Men to Thor have been ripping and tearing it apart for decades.
If I have to consider denting Juggernaut's helmet is a feat, then I guess I have to consider all the times Hulk's purple's pants have been torn by his enemies is a feat too. Those things are durable.

Colossus and Rogue have both messed up Juggernaut's armor.
Tony Stark
Troop may be as clueless on SENTRY as wolverinos and darkone.
This is *SPITE* SENTRY wins every time.
Hal makes him cry.
How does Sentry NOT win? Classic Hal was weak against yellow
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