Batman vs Gambit
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who wins?
standard weapons and militarials for both.
Nice thread, I was thinking about this battle too, but you beat me to it. And you know who I'm going with on this one. I love Gambit, but I don't think he can beat Bats.
lol what a shocker lol.
why does batman win in your opinion?
so tempted to make a (wolverine vs batman thread simply to see your opinion of the fight)
Originally posted by Battlehammer
lol what a shocker lol.
why does batman win in your opinion?
so tempted to make a (wolverine vs batman thread simply to see your opinion of the fight)
If Batman can keep some distance between him and Gambit. And utilize his weapon efficiently and keep Gambit from grabbing and charging him with his powers. I would say that Batman has a good chance. Other then that, I see Batman as the better fighter in my opinion. Batman 7/10
Originally posted by thadarknite84
If Batman can keep some distance between him and Gambit. And utilize his weapon efficiently and keep Gambit from grabbing and charging him with his powers. I would say that Batman has a good chance. Other then that, I see Batman as the better fighter in my opinion. Batman 7/10
Starscream M
batman wins majority
Starscream M
Originally posted by Battlehammer
so tempted to make a (wolverine vs batman thread simply to see your opinion of the fight)
wait, there isn't one already?
Originally posted by thadarknite84
If Batman can keep some distance between him and Gambit. And utilize his weapon efficiently and keep Gambit from grabbing and charging him with his powers. I would say that Batman has a good chance. Other then that, I see Batman as the better fighter in my opinion. Batman 7/10
Keeping distance is exactly how Batman would lose in a fight if both can see each other (ie no subterfuge). Gambit has markedly better weapons at range than Batman. The latter's close range fighting skills will give him a couple of wins, but all Gambit needs to do at close range is to touch Batman. He takes an easy majority.
Silent Master
Gambit has actually done fairly well against people like Daredevil and Wolverine so it's not like Batman is going to own him in hth, add his speed and powers and Batman is going to have to work for his wins.
Originally posted by Ouallada
Keeping distance is exactly how Batman would lose in a fight if both can see each other (ie no subterfuge). Gambit has markedly better weapons at range than Batman. The latter's close range fighting skills will give him a couple of wins, but all Gambit needs to do at close range is to touch Batman. He takes an easy majority.
Are you serious? Batman has the better weapons at far distance, explosive batarangs, smoke bombs, flash bombs etc.
Originally posted by thadarknite84
Are you serious? Batman has the better weapons at far distance, explosive batarangs, smoke bombs, flash bombs etc.
Grabbing a handful of sand, charging said sand, and throwing in the general direction of Batman is already far more dangerous than the culmination of everything you mentioned. Batman has more tricks at distance, but I don't think there should be a debate as to whose tricks are deadlier.
knockout gas Disables Gambit.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Ouallada
Grabbing a handful of sand, charging said sand, and throwing in the general direction of Batman is already far more dangerous than the culmination of everything you mentioned. Batman has more tricks at distance, but I don't think there should be a debate as to whose tricks are deadlier. charging sand? that would be a pretty bad tactic imo
Originally posted by Starscream M
charging sand? that would be a pretty bad tactic imo
Concrete grains, pebbles, bricks. Anything inorganic is a weapon, and the man has fantastic aim. The point still stands. Knockout gas may not incapacitate Gambit, but getting hit by a charged object, or being in the vicinity of an explosion will probably incapacitate Batman. This is simply a fight which favours Gambit's skillset.
Originally posted by Ouallada
Concrete grains, pebbles, bricks. Anything inorganic is a weapon, and the man has fantastic aim. The point still stands. Knockout gas may not incapacitate Gambit, but getting hit by a charged object, or being in the vicinity of an explosion will probably incapacitate Batman. This is simply a fight which favours Gambit's skillset.
Wrong, Batman has walked away from being near explosions before. In Batman #674 he was hit with a explosive shell in the chest, even though he had a heart attack a little after that. It didn't kill him right away. His suit is really tough and can withstand a lot of damage. And Batman's aim in my opinion is better, he never misses.
Here, Bruce is hiding in a tree, and an arrow is shot at him without him being aware of it. Then, before the arrow can reach him, he tosses a batarang at it casually, splits it in half, and splits the bow in half as well. This just goes to show how awesome Batman's reflexes/reaction speeds and accuracy are
Silent Master
And Gambit has deflected machine gun fire back at the shooter and dances between bullets.
Originally posted by Silent Master
And Gambit has deflected machine gun fire back at the shooter and dances between bullets.
Batman has batarangs with a boomerang effect. Even if Gambit dodges it, the batarang will return catch him off guard. Batman is more smarter than Gambit when it comes to tactical fighting.
I say Gambit for the majority depending on where the fight takes place, and how many cards he has on him.
Silent Master
Originally posted by thadarknite84
Batman has batarangs with a boomerang effect. Even if Gambit dodges it, the batarang will return catch him off guard. Batman is more smarter than Gambit when it comes to tactical fighting.
Gambit casually dodges thousands of rounds from multiple directions, I think he can handle boomerangs.
does either of them get any prep because with prep batman can beat almost any one
Originally posted by Silent Master
Gambit casually dodges thousands of rounds from multiple directions, I think he can handle boomerangs.
Batman latches his grappling hook on a speeding car and dodging automatic machine gun fire while showing off his agility.
Silent Master
31,000 bullets >>>>>>>>>> a couple dozen bullets.
Mr. Slippyfist
I don't think you got the point...
could gambit charge the entire deck and throw it at batman? what would batman do then?
Silent Master
Originally posted by Battlehammer
could gambit charge the entire deck and throw it at batman? what would batman do then?
That's Kallark he's blasting, right?
What happened to him afterward? Because I doubt Batman's durability even comes close to Glads.
Silent Master
Yea....It's Gladiator, that's the last we see of him for a while so several people assumed he was ko'd.
Though to be fair, I think he was being mind controlled and since his powers have a psi-element to them, he might not have been at full power, I think Gambit has also ko'd a fake Thor at one point(can't remember if it was a Skrull in disguise or an alternate universe Thor).
psycho gundam
Originally posted by Silent Master what the? if gambit is lying down and his hand is pointed directly perpendicular from him, how did he hit gladiator in the stomach when (i assume) he was standing? shouldn't the deck like.... raped his kneecaps?
or was gladiator humping his shoulder....?
Originally posted by thadarknite84
Wrong, Batman has walked away from being near explosions before. In Batman #674 he was hit with a explosive shell in the chest, even though he had a heart attack a little after that. It didn't kill him right away. His suit is really tough and can withstand a lot of damage. And Batman's aim in my opinion is better, he never misses.
Here, Bruce is hiding in a tree, and an arrow is shot at him without him being aware of it. Then, before the arrow can reach him, he tosses a batarang at it casually, splits it in half, and splits the bow in half as well. This just goes to show how awesome Batman's reflexes/reaction speeds and accuracy are
Gambit has much better aim than you think. Did he not hit three switches at 50yards simultaneously with cards? Your point on Batman surviving an explosive shell proves nothing. Getting a heart attack/losing consciousness/getting incapacitated = loss.
What exactly is Batman going to do with a handful of charged sand flying in his general direction? The difference is that Gambit will never run out of weapons, and doesn't even have to score a direct hit on his opponent to win this fight at range.
Originally posted by Silent Master
Yea....It's Gladiator, that's the last we see of him for a while so several people assumed he was ko'd.
Though to be fair, I think he was being mind controlled and since his powers have a psi-element to them, he might not have been at full power, I think Gambit has also ko'd a fake Thor at one point(can't remember if it was a Skrull in disguise or an alternate universe Thor).
it was a skrull though I not sure if he was KO or not he was ****ed up.
Originally posted by Ouallada
Gambit has much better aim than you think. Did he not hit three switches at 50yards simultaneously with cards? Your point on Batman surviving an explosive shell proves nothing. Getting a heart attack/losing consciousness/getting incapacitated = loss.
What exactly is Batman going to do with a handful of charged sand flying in his general direction? The difference is that Gambit will never run out of weapons, and doesn't even have to score a direct hit on his opponent to win this fight at range.
I know his aim is really good but he's going to need more than that. I see this as a tactical battle, Batman has the edge overall. Batman is much smarter, he has weapons that blind or incapacitate. Physically, he is superior in terms of strength, stamina, and durability. And he is a far better fighter. Batman can and will out smart him, if not all the time. He will at least do it most of the time.
Gambit will blow him up
Originally posted by Mindset
Gambit will blow him up
After Gambit throws his first card. Batman will change his fighting style to counter Gambit's powers and abilities, tactically. He will evade him and use his ninja skills to his advantage and get the drop on him. Question, if someone can't catch Batman off guard from afar with a bow & arrow what makes you think that it could be done at close range?
Originally posted by Marvelknight
After Gambit throws his first card. Batman will change his fighting style to counter Gambit's powers and abilities, tactically. He will evade him and use Ninja skills to his advantage and get the drop him. Question, if someone can't catch Batman off guard from afar with a bow & arrow what makes you think that it could be done at close range?
I don't know, because it has been done before?
And throwing an explosive at someone isn't the same as an arrow.

Originally posted by Mindset
I don't know, because it has been done before?
And throwing an explosive at someone isn't the same as an arrow.
But the chance of that happening is low. And Gambit's cards has to make contact.
He doesn't have to catch him off guard, he is throwing explosive items at him, and depending on where they are fighting Gambit can have A LOT of "ammo".
If gambit through an entire deck batman loses period there no dodging that.
Silent Master
Batman doesn't really want to get too close since charging people or their clothes isn't out of character.
He did it to the Tithe collector, Ego, leader of the assassin's guild, Mystique and one of the Neo.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
If gambit through an entire deck batman loses period there no dodging that.
True, only if Batman didn't have explosives of his own or flash bombs to blind Gambit's site.
Originally posted by Marvelknight
True, only if Batman didn't have explosives of his own or flash bombs to blind Gambit's site.
umm how does this help him from not being blown up by a faster opponet?
Gambit wins in the way he could beat any street leveler...he charges their costume if he touches them...he has done it before to an assassin in his original limited reason to believe he wouldnt do it here.
batman takes out gambit easy
Originally posted by Battlehammer
umm how does this help him from not being blown up by a faster opponet?
Not that much faster. And what if Batman think use flash bombs to that effect, before hand. Batman is the better tactical thinker in this fight.
Originally posted by Marvelknight
Not that much faster. And what if Batman think use flash bombs to that effect, before hand. Batman is the better tactical thinker in this fight.
so how does this help him? Gambit could throw the enitre deck at him befpore batman could throw his attack.
I have a feeling you believe batman could beat sabertooth, wolverine, spiderman and many others he could not.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Marvelknight
But the chance of that happening is low. And Gambit's cards has to make contact.
not direct contact. Its more of a area of attack weapon with a decent degree of accuracy. And yes a whould deck would cover a large enough area that bats may not be able to escape from. I could see bats Hiding alot and waiting for a perfect time to strike from the shadows or something.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
so how does this help him? Gambit could throw the enitre deck at him befpore batman could throw his attack.
I have a feeling you believe batman could beat sabertooth, wolverine, spiderman and many others he could not.
Batman wouldn't defeat Wolverine, Spider-Man, or Sabretooth. But I don't see how Gambit wouldn't be defeated.
Originally posted by Marvelknight
Batman wouldn't defeat Wolverine, Spider-Man, or Sabretooth. But I don't see how Gambit wouldn't be defeated.
well seeing has how he could simply throw the entire deck which would make it impossable for batman to dodge or even survive.
then there the fact gambit faster, quicker, more agile and has better reflexes
Originally posted by Battlehammer
well seeing has how he could simply throw the entire deck which would make it impossable for batman to dodge or even survive.
then there the fact gambit faster, quicker, more agile and has better reflexes
Maybe the direct approach is not the best way for Batman. But if he is using stealth, it whole different ball game.
Originally posted by Marvelknight
Maybe the direct approach is not best way for Batman. But if he is using stealth, it whole different ball game.
There in an areana how the hell is he going to sneak up on gambit? Also gambit one of the stealthest guys as well.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Battlehammer
There in an areana how the hell is he going to sneak up on gambit? Also gambit one of the stealthest guys as well.
yeah what he said no shadows!
Originally posted by Battlehammer
There in an areana how the hell is he going to sneak up on gambit? Also gambit one of the stealthest guys as well.
OK, so in that case Gambit could pull off the victory. But for someone like Batman, it's safe to assume that Gambit won't feel that he needs to use his entire deck. If the battle becomes more h2h, then Batman has the overall advantage. Gambit is not that much more faster than Batman to the point that Batman won't land any blows on him.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Marvelknight
OK, so in that case Gambit could pull off the victory. But for someone like Batman, it's safe to assume that Gambit won't feel that he needs to use his entire deck. If the battle becomes more h2h, then Batman has the overall advantage. Gambit is not that much more faster than Batman to the point that Batman won't land any blows on him.
im kinda confident Gambit would take out his ooponet at long range if he can and no go through the wrouble of fighting h2h with the bats.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
im kinda confident Gambit would take out his ooponet at long range if he can and no go through the wrouble of fighting h2h with the bats.
But he won't use his entire deck all at once. Batman will also utilize his equipment very tactically and bring this battle to close range.
which would be the dumbest thing batman could do. You do realize with but a touch he could make batmans armor a bomb right?
Eternal Idol
Gambit wins, 8/10
He's faster than Batman, and can utilize just about anything for explosive ammunition. Batman is screwed.
Gambit nukes the Batman!
This is Gambit's match to win.
Royal Flush, FTW.
Gambit wins..
I think Bruce would punch his lights out if he got in close, or relieved him of his deck.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
I think Bruce would punch his lights out if he got in close, or relieved him of his deck. Gambit has peak human speed, odds are Bats punches him and Gambit touches part of Bats and charges part of his suit.
Could Gambit grab onto Batman's armor or belt and charge it while he was wearing it?
Originally posted by MightyEInherjar
Could Gambit grab onto Batman's armor or belt and charge it while he was wearing it? Why wouldn't he be able to?
he wud charge batman's dick and give it a 1 minute timer to explode.
ok bruce, you can stay around here and spend your last one minute as a man fighting me, or you can grab batgirl there and spend your last minute ****ing her............ your call buddy.
well gambit wins either way.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
he wud charge batman's dick and give it a 1 minute timer to explode.
ok bruce, you can stay around here and spend your last one minute as a man fighting me, or you can grab batgirl there and spend your last minute ****ing her............ your call buddy.
well gambit wins either way.
...That also would not end well for Batgirl.
Just saying.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
I think Bruce would punch his lights out if he got in close, or relieved him of his deck. You mean Gambit's just going to stand there with the staff and do nothing?

The Heap
Bruce is the superior fighter outta these two in close, so Batman takes H2H 7/10.
And if Batman can counter people's distance attacks when he doesn't even know they are there, he sure as hell can counter Gambit's cards when he's aware of 'em in the arena.
Gambit isn't really all that bright, either. Advantage goes to Batman for this battle.
Originally posted by The Heap
Bruce is the superior fighter outta these two in close, so Batman takes H2H 7/10.
And if Batman can counter people's distance attacks when he doesn't even know they are there, he sure as hell can counter Gambit's cards when he's aware of 'em in the arena.
Gambit isn't really all that bright, either. Advantage goes to Batman for this battle. You realize Gambit can directly charge Batman, right?
Batman is the better h2h fighter, but Gambit wont be using just h2h so it doesn't matter.
Gambit not being bright is only your opinion and isn't backed up by anything shown in the comics...
Master Crimzon
Well, in terms of physical attributes, Batman generally has Gambit stomped (except for speed. I see them as sort of on par when it comes to speed- not enough for either of them to gain an advantage, anyways). Not only that, he is a far more talented and effective martial artist, who can easily be considered one of the greatest non-enhanced martial artists in comic book history; he knows multiple techniques that can be lethal, too, so if it's a bloodlust battle, he can off Gambit with one blow.
If they close up, that is. I think that in long-ranged combat, Gambit has too big an advantage; granted, Batarangs and ropes are cool, but Gambit has extremely powerful projectiles. Scary. And it looks like it's bad news for Batman in that category; unless he manages to get a smoke bomb in and drop Gambit with something like a non-modified Leopard Blow (that's the name, right?), Gambit simply has too big an advantage.
Overall, I'd say that Gambit takes this fight 7/10 times or so. If they close up, however, Batman can kill him before Gambit can charge him.
The Heap
Originally posted by Mindset
You realize Gambit can directly charge Batman, right?
Batman is the better h2h fighter, but Gambit wont be using just h2h so it doesn't matter.
Gambit not being bright is only your opinion and isn't backed up by anything shown in the comics...
And your stuff is?
Batman throws 2-3 smoke grenades into Gambits direction as their both circling each other before the fight. Batman, at first would throw one at the ground as a distraction, then would end up behind him using his stealth/ninja training, and would throw the 2nd smoke grenade at Gambit, which Gambit dodges, but Batman throws the 3rd s-grenade into the air itself, to Gambits left and as Gambit leaps into mid-air, he accidently gets himself smacked in the face by the 3rd smoke grenade as they connect mid-air, thus blowing Gambits eye sight for awhile. Batman would then use his superior H2H skills/techniques and kick Gambits ass for good.
Try to go through this logic with me LOL.
Originally posted by Master Crimzon
Well, in terms of physical attributes, Batman generally has Gambit stomped (except for speed. I see them as sort of on par when it comes to speed- not enough for either of them to gain an advantage, anyways). Not only that, he is a far more talented and effective martial artist, who can easily be considered one of the greatest non-enhanced martial artists in comic book history; he knows multiple techniques that can be lethal, too, so if it's a bloodlust battle, he can off Gambit with one blow.
If they close up, that is. I think that in long-ranged combat, Gambit has too big an advantage; granted, Batarangs and ropes are cool, but Gambit has extremely powerful projectiles. Scary. And it looks like it's bad news for Batman in that category; unless he manages to get a smoke bomb in and drop Gambit with something like a non-modified Leopard Blow (that's the name, right?), Gambit simply has too big an advantage.
Overall, I'd say that Gambit takes this fight 7/10 times or so. If they close up, however, Batman can kill him before Gambit can charge him.

The Great Galen
Originally posted by Master Crimzon
Well, in terms of physical attributes, Batman generally has Gambit stomped (except for speed. I see them as sort of on par when it comes to speed- not enough for either of them to gain an advantage, anyways). Not only that, he is a far more talented and effective martial artist, who can easily be considered one of the greatest non-enhanced martial artists in comic book history; he knows multiple techniques that can be lethal, too, so if it's a bloodlust battle, he can off Gambit with one blow.
If they close up, that is. I think that in long-ranged combat, Gambit has too big an advantage; granted, Batarangs and ropes are cool, but Gambit has extremely powerful projectiles. Scary. And it looks like it's bad news for Batman in that category; unless he manages to get a smoke bomb in and drop Gambit with something like a non-modified Leopard Blow (that's the name, right?), Gambit simply has too big an advantage.
Overall, I'd say that Gambit takes this fight 7/10 times or so. If they close up, however, Batman can kill him before Gambit can charge him.
I dont personally consider gambit as a street level fighter like I do bruce...isnt his stats peak human on the account of his interkinetic power. He has caught/dodged bullets, stood off agaisnt the top MAs in marvel and held his own so why assume the battle is in bats favor even up close. Gambit can also use his bio-kinetic power to charge any organic or inorganic matter within his line of sight...honestly from afar or up close bats is screwed.
Originally posted by The Heap
And your stuff is?
Batman throws 2-3 smoke grenades into Gambits direction as their both circling each other before the fight. Batman, at first would throw one at the ground as a distraction, then would end up behind him using his stealth/ninja training, and would throw the 2nd smoke grenade at Gambit, which Gambit dodges, but Batman throws the 3rd s-grenade into the air itself, to Gambits left and as Gambit leaps into mid-air, he accidently gets himself smacked in the face by the 3rd smoke grenade as they connect mid-air, thus blowing Gambits eye sight for awhile. Batman would then use his superior H2H skills/techniques and kick Gambits ass for good.
Try to go through this logic with me LOL.
With all those throws, why do you assume Gambit wont be throwing any of his MUCH more dangerous projectiles? And Gambit dances in gunfire, whats to assume he wont just bat those smoke 'nades away with his staff? afterall, he has far greater reflexes/agility/speed than the Batman.
I beg to differ Wolverine once took Gambit down within moments when he tried.
Batman is most assuredly Gambits superior physically, and the only thing that Gambit truly has on him is that he can charge items up.
Surely Batman can counter this cheap parlor trick with his gizmos to make this an even fight.
Gambit is not a murderer, when was the last time anyone has seen him charge a hero up because he was afraid to lose a fight? This isn't a point that anyone should attempt to dwell on.... it's really out of character for Remy to use such a tactic.
I've never seen Gambit as being more of a fighter than Nightwing, and Nightwing is outclassed in the fighting skills dept. when it comes to facing off against Batman. Batman is an A list street fighter Gambit is a C list fighter, down there with guys like Bullseye. Bold statement but true.
Batman is stronger, wiser, and has more tricks up his sleeve than Gambit could possibly handle.
Batman ftw
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
I beg to differ Wolverine once took Gambit down within moments when he tried.
Batman is most assuredly Gambits superior physically, and the only thing that Gambit truly has on him is that he can charge items up.
Surely Batman can counter this cheap parlor trick with his gizmos to make this an even fight.
Gambit is not a murderer, when was the last time anyone has seen him charge a hero up because he was afraid to lose a fight? This isn't a point that anyone should attempt to dwell on.... it's really out of character for Remy to use such a tactic.
I've never seen Gambit as being more of a fighter than Nightwing, and Nightwing is outclassed in the fighting skills dept. when it comes to facing off against Batman. Batman is an A list street fighter Gambit is a C list fighter, down there with guys like Bullseye. Bold statement but true.
Batman is stronger, wiser, and has more tricks up his sleeve than Gambit could possibly handle.
Batman ftw
mmm, i know opinions can never really be wrong, but...^
Master Crimzon
Originally posted by The Great Galen
I dont personally consider gambit as a street level fighter like I do bruce...isnt his stats peak human on the account of his interkinetic power. He has caught/dodged bullets, stood off agaisnt the top MAs in marvel and held his own so why assume the battle is in bats favor even up close. Gambit can also use his bio-kinetic power to charge any organic or inorganic matter within his line of sight...honestly from afar or up close bats is screwed.
Which is why I said that Gambit is likely to take this fight; he's a metahuman. Bruce isn't.
In H2H combat, Bruce is as fast and far stronger and more durable than Gambit; one blow is all he needs to kill Gambit. A pressure point strike, for example, and Gambit is dead. He won't even have the chance to charge Batman if they go into H2H with Batman bloodthirsty.
Originally posted by The Heap
And your stuff is?
Batman throws 2-3 smoke grenades into Gambits direction as their both circling each other before the fight. Batman, at first would throw one at the ground as a distraction, then would end up behind him using his stealth/ninja training, and would throw the 2nd smoke grenade at Gambit, which Gambit dodges, but Batman throws the 3rd s-grenade into the air itself, to Gambits left and as Gambit leaps into mid-air, he accidently gets himself smacked in the face by the 3rd smoke grenade as they connect mid-air, thus blowing Gambits eye sight for awhile. Batman would then use his superior H2H skills/techniques and kick Gambits ass for good.
Try to go through this logic with me LOL. I can't tell if you're being serious or not.
gambit's endurace, strength, agility, reflexex and speed is SUPERHUMAN when he charges hiself biokinetically. meaning above batman. add to that the ability to charge anything in his line of sight, hypnotic charm, ability to convert himself to pure energy if need be, ability to heal his wounds in desperation by vibrating with kinetic energy etc etc etc, and you have a dead batman. but then again, if batman cudnt defeat gambit levellers in comics, well, he wudnt exist for long wud he. realistically, now way bats takes this. in an actual COMIC though, batman probably wins on account of "hes batman".
^ He charges himself biokinetically to increase his stats?
^yes. thats how he can have the agility and reflexes to rather casually dodge and counter machinegun fire with his staff.
The Great Galen
Originally posted by Master Crimzon
Which is why I said that Gambit is likely to take this fight; he's a metahuman. Bruce isn't.
In H2H combat, Bruce is as fast and far stronger and more durable than Gambit; one blow is all he needs to kill Gambit. A pressure point strike, for example, and Gambit is dead. He won't even have the chance to charge Batman if they go into H2H with Batman bloodthirsty.
Thats higly unlikly since he can use his bio-kinetic power to give his stats a boast for a short period. He can avoid multiple machine fire with meta-level reflex,agility with the amped state. A charged punch throw quicker then a bullet is all he needs.
Faux Smurph
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
^ He charges himself biokinetically to increase his stats? I've often seen it mentioned that he can increase his agility this way, but... I've never seen a scan.
this is kinda like cyke vs bats,but i think cyke is slighter more formiddable.
batman FTM
Kinda like Bats vs. Cyclops in the sense they are both X-men, other then that not a lot of similarities.
Originally posted by Mindset
Why wouldn't he be able to?
Well, I didn't know if it was in character for him to do something like that, in the same way Nightcrawler doesn't teleport heads off like in AoA.
So you meant would he?
And if he didn't think it would kill Bats or if he thought Bats was going for a kill he would.
Master Crimzon
Originally posted by The Great Galen
Thats higly unlikly since he can use his bio-kinetic power to give his stats a boast for a short period. He can avoid multiple machine fire with meta-level reflex,agility with the amped state. A charged punch throw quicker then a bullet is all he needs.
Batman has also avoided tons of bullets at once, including at almost point-blank range; he is also insanely agile (not Nightwing-agile, but still extremely agile), strong, and durable. Really, with his peak human stats and almost incomparable martial arts knowledge, you need to either have a sort of unique martial arts skill he doesn't have (Lady Shiva, Cassandra Cain) or have enhanced human attributes/meta-level abilities (Deathstroke). Can you give me a scan where Gambit demonstrated incredible speed in unarmed combat with a person far more skilled than he is? Batman's punches can also be logically quicker than a bullet.
In addition, all Batman needs is one strike to kill Gambit in hand-to-hand combat; Gambit needs to lay a hand on him in order to make Batman go KABOOM, and that seems rather tough, considering he is going up against one of the world's greatest martial artists, if not THE greatest martial artist; if you want a 'fair' comparison, Batman managed to compete with- and even occasionally defeat- Deathstroke the Terminator, who is not only infinitely more skilled and lethal than Gambit in H2H, but also has enhanced human attributes.
Gambit will not last more than a couple of seconds against a bloodthirsty Batman in pure Hand-to-Hand combat. Unless you can provide a scan where Gambit displays uncanny speed when fighting against a highly skilled combatant, Gambit simply has no attribute, gadget, or skill that allows him to last a significant amount of time against Batman in H2H.
That being said, however, Gambit's powerful mutant abilities (alpha-class?) and long-ranged ability should give him the win in an all-out fight more times than not. He's only screwed if it's H2H.
just to put it out there(i've seen some post claiming this).
nothing is superhuman about gambit besides his mutant power.not speed,agility,strength, etc etc.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
^ He charges himself biokinetically to increase his stats? I have heard this. Do you have any panels to support this? I know the handbook says he can amp his agility this way.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
I have heard this. Do you have any panels to support this? I know the handbook says he can amp his agility this way. Anybody?
Phantom Zone
Originally posted by snoopdogg
I think hes mentioned in Xtreme Xmen and one of his own series that his powers amp his speed. In both cirumstances he was depowered, might be able to get the issue number later.
I got no scans though.
Originally posted by Phantom Zone
I think hes mentioned in Xtreme Xmen and one of his own series that his powers amp his speed. In both cirumstances he was depowered, might be able to get the issue number later.
I got no scans though. Can he amp anything other than his agility? I'd like to see that, I know it's referecned in a handbook.
Originally posted by namorsubby
just to put it out there(i've seen some post claiming this).
nothing is superhuman about gambit besides his mutant power.not speed,agility,strength, etc etc.
Sure he does.
Silent Guardian
I want to say Gambit. But I might have to give this to Batman. You just don't beat Batman.
I love Batman, but he gets pwned in any typical scenario versus Gambit unless he gets some prep time.
bat feats>gambit's feats
Originally posted by namorsubby
bat feats>gambit's feats That has more to with Batman having his own comic and being a major comic character, than him being stronger than Gambit.
so what.......this is comic land we're talking about. considering the reasons outside of actual comics doesn't help.
gambit isn't too impressive and wouldn't even be a big knotch on batman's belt of victories.
Gambit can and probably will win a majority.
why......because he just should????
batman FTW.....cause he gots the credentials.
Silent Guardian
okay Gambit should win I will agree with you. But Batman's feats and ingenuity are just unbelievable, honestly he schools guys who statistically should mop the floor with him any-day of the week. So although it might seem like gambit takes it. Batman is just a ridiculous hero who can almost do anything (dependent on the writer), so I will give it to Bats.
Originally posted by shiv
knockout gas Disables Gambit. I was thinking more of something like a kick to the face.
Batman takes this 5/10, in my opinion.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Batman takes this 5/10, in my opinion.
That's...not really 'taking' it then, considering its a stalemate to you.
Originally posted by Enyalus
That's...not really 'taking' it then, considering its a stalemate to you. He's saying Batman wins but he's being nice.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
He's saying Batman wins but he's being nice.
Again...5/10 is a split.

Wild Shadow
gambit ftw 8/10
Batman takes the match 5/10 is pretty explanatory to me. Of the ten matches he is in, he wins five of them. Leaving the other five to be draws or victories in Gambit's favor.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Batman takes the match 5/10 is pretty explanatory to me.
Its pretty explanatory to me, too. If Batman wins five out of the ten matches, then Gambit also wins five of the ten matches. Thus, that's a 5/10 split each way/tossup/stalemate.
Which is cool. 'Cause its your opinion. I was just puzzled why you would say Batman wins when your math says he doesn't.
Batman winning 5/10 makes sense as far as math goes. He wins five of the battles, leaving the other five unaccounted for. Gambit could win those five, he could stalemate the five, or any combination in between.
As far as I'm concerned, when the whole #/10 is used, I figure if the characters have ten matches, than ________ wins # of said ten matches.
In any case, I also see where you're coming from.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Batman winning 5/10 makes sense as far as math goes. He wins five of the battles, leaving the other five unaccounted for. Gambit could win those five, he could stalemate the five, or any combination in between.
As far as I'm concerned, when the whole #/10 is used, I figure if the characters have ten matches, than ________ wins # of said ten matches.
In any case, I also see where you're coming from. So if Batman wins 5, Gambit ties 2 and wins 3 Batman wins overall?
That's very strange.

The only tie I can possibly think of is a double KO scenario. That's....weird to me.

Originally posted by snoopdogg
So if Batman wins 5, Gambit ties 2 and wins 3 Batman wins overall?
Well, if out of ten matches:
Batman beats Gambit
Batman beats Gambit
Batman beats Gambit
Batman beats Gambit
Batman beats Gambit
Batman draws/ties Gambit
Batman draws/ties Gambit
Gambit beats Batman
Gambit beats Batman
Gambit beats Batman
Then, yes, Batman wins overall, seeing as he has five clear wins over Gambit, and Gambit only has 3 clear wins over Batman. If we use that example.
Originally posted by namorsubby
bat feats>gambit's feats
has batman ever caught a bullet before?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
has batman ever caught a bullet before?
Not with his barehands, I believe. He's deflected them out of the air with a batarang.
Forever Nick
Gambit wins with relative ease
With powers not sure if Batman can win a majority his belt might give him a shot.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Not with his barehands, I believe. He's deflected them out of the air with a batarang.
gambit has if no mistaken.
gambit has superhuman reflexes, agility and dexterity
Kaos sebaceous
Gambit 10/10

Originally posted by Battlehammer
gambit has if no mistaken.
gambit has superhuman reflexes, agility and dexterity So does Batman.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
So does Batman.
I see where you're heading with this, and i like it.
I'll also wait for someone to post a Superhuman feat of Gambit that Batman has not matched..
Wild Shadow
Originally posted by Juk3n
I see where you're heading with this, and i like it.
I'll also wait for someone to post a Superhuman feat of Gambit that Batman has not matched..
would charging a card count.

Wild Shadow
gambit caught a grenade round after it was fired and tossed it back i like to see bats do that.
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