Wolverine vs. First Age Spawn
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Starscream M
depends on the version of Spawn
Originally posted by Starscream M
depends on the version of Spawn
no it doesnt...
Starscream M
Originally posted by draxx_tOfU
no it doesnt... the first spawn I think Wolverine has a chance against
you could only kill the first spawn with "heavenly" weapons, and if you can't kill him, you ain't beating him...
plus, his regeneration is better than wolvie's, first age was only limited by a power "gauge" that Malebolgia set up...
Originally posted by draxx_tOfU
you could only kill the first spawn with "heavenly" weapons, and if you can't kill him, you ain't beating him...
plus, his regeneration is better than wolvie's, first age was only limited by a power "gauge" that Malebolgia set up... Wolverine's the Hand of God..He just might ba able... but yeah Spawn wins.
Starscream M
Originally posted by jinzin
Wolverine's the Hand of God..He just might ba able... but yeah Spawn wins. Wolverine's the hand that God uses to jerk off with.

psycho gundam

Wolverine's skeleton is indestructable.
Originally posted by Badabing
Proof please.
Ok, give me some time. I'll find it.
Originally posted by thadarknite84
Ok, give me some time. I'll find it.

Originally posted by shiv
Wolverine's skeleton is indestructable.
GTFO of my sight.
Originally posted by Starscream M
Wolverine's the hand that God uses to jerk off with.
That was offensesive so pleases shut the **** up with comments like that.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
That was offensesive so pleases shut the **** up with comments like that.
How is it offensive, it's just a pun on words.
Take it easy.

Originally posted by Combat_Guru
How is it offensive, it's just a pun on words.
Take it easy.
...............pleases if you don't know how that offensive you should not have spoken
I know it was a play on words..........it was not even clever.
how about you shove your take that easy up your A S S
Starscream M
Battlehammer, I was referring to Marvel's God, so unless you worship him or believe in his existence, I'm not sure how that was so offensive
This fight is more even now, still not sure who would take the majority though.
Spawn wins every time...
Originally posted by Mindset
Spawn wins every time...
Can Spawn be killed via cutting off his head?
Supposedly, but Wolverine is going to be trying to not be completely owned.
Seriously, look at the respect thread on First Age Spawn's feats.
Wolverine MIGHT get a hack or two in, but spawn frys him to his skeleton and does it every time he comes back...even first age spawn's energy projection = silver surfer IMO. Spawn dosent have much use for his vital organs. Dont know if he was ever decapitated but he ws disected once...had his heart ripped out by violator among other things...First Age Spawn's only weakness is his counter.
I don't know about being equal to SS, but he can make powerful blasts...actually, no, I'll say it's not equal.
His blasts were pretty damn uber...I dont think they ever failed to blow a gaping hole in anything.
if bada wants to reopen this, so be it, but dang...
I reopened it to give the thread starter a chance to come up with scans to prove his point. But yeah, dang is right.
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