Vulcan vs. Nova
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Nova frankie ore Nova Richard Rider???
And current Vulcan???
Current characters to both.
vulcan should be a badass, losing to kallark and havok...too much hype
he is more powerful than richard, but he'll lose
More powerful but lose...ok.
But yes Vulcan sucks lately. Nova wins I think.
if Nova (Richard Ryder) from Annilation then I pick him for the win.
I don't see the problem, Vulcan lose to Kallark who is ultra strong and getting tons of respects later, and to a sun-dipped Havoc, whose power is not quite established.
In my opinion Vulcan takes this 8/10.
Vulcan would hurt Nova. Very badly.
i am going to say that Nova has a tactical and startegic advantage over vulcan who is a child grown in a testtube and has never really set his rage aside...
Vulcan. I really don't see him having too much difficulty.
Nova blitz that #$#@ emperor's head in, recall Nova 19 where it was Nova corps against Serpent Society. Between the two, Nova's got more experience and better equipped. With his suit and combat experiences he's more likely to deduce Vulcan's abilities and ways to counter and beat Vulcan. Also, what's Vulcan's durability level again 'cause I see Nova ripping his throat out in bloodlust mode.
Nova 8/10.
Hopefully, Vulcan has some good showings
Even if he's outclassed powerwise (which IMO, he's not, Vulcans not that impressive), he has the Worldmind.
Worldmind is so useful it allowed The Girl with the standard powerset of a Centurian to have Phalanx Richard Rider at her mercy. He was literally over 1000 X more powerful than her.
Still Vulcan. Easily.
Lord Feron
I thought Havok isn't suppose to have any affect on Vulcan b/c theya re bros ame with cykes. Anyway. I still think the way V can manipulate energy is his key to victory.
Originally posted by AlmightyKfish
Even if he's outclassed powerwise (which IMO, he's not, Vulcans not that impressive), he has the Worldmind.
Worldmind is so useful it allowed The Girl with the standard powerset of a Centurian to have Phalanx Richard Rider at her mercy. He was literally over 1000 X more powerful than her. He doesn't have Worldmind anymore.
Red Hulk
Originally posted by Mindset
He doesn't have Worldmind anymore. He did on May 1st 2008
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