Create an Amalgam
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Create an Amalgam of your three favorite characters, and give a brief description of what powers you would take. I'm not really looking for the most powerful, simply something creative bringing together your favorite heroes or villains.
1. No one above the Sub Skyfather/Transcedant tier
2. Only three characters and each has to be from a different tier (You cannot choose three Transcedant beings)
3. Only three power sets from each character can used (i.e- Thor: Strength, Mjolnir, and Durability).
-Whatever categories you neglect will go under normal human standards, and will be considered his weakness.
Note: Be specific, you cannot use a general term like cosmic power as one power set. You must specifiy which aspect of cosmic power you want such as energy projection, matter manipulation, forcefields, or energy absorbtion.
Other examples of powers are: TP, TK, Mystical abilities, EM Manipulation, Weather control, Ice Projection, Penance Stare etc...
I have two Almagams:
1. Thanos- Intelligence, Durability, and Energy Projection.
2. Superman- Strength, Speed, and Agility.
3. Ronan- Stamina, Matter Manipulation, and Combat Skills.
Dark Sentinel Prime
1. Superman Prime- Strength, Speed, and Durability.
2. Silver Surfer- Energy Projection, Matter Manipultion, and Stamina
3. Batman- Intelligence, Fighting skills, and Resource access.
Silent Master
Hollywood-Strength, Durability, and Stamina
Surfer-Energy absorption, Energy & Matter manip
Reed- Intelligence, Stretching and Resource access
Originally posted by Silent Master
Hollywood-Strength, Durability, and Stamina
Surfer-Energy absorption, Energy & Matter manip
Reed- Intelligence, Stretching and Resource access
Well done
Man-God UK
Adam Warlock: general cunning and schemeing, ability to survive in in void of space, ability to form regenerative caccoons
Captain Britain: Inteligence, strengh , force shield
Ikaris: psionic powers, matter control, Flight
Thanos- Intelligence, Durability, and Energy Projection.
zoom-time manipulation
loki-Magical energy manipulation,Shape-shifting, black magic
Thanos- Intelligence Durability,Strength,Tech & Cunning
Mad Jim Jaspers Reality Warping abilities
Mr Immortal- True Immortality
Eradicator ~ Super-strength, Energy manip, analytical ability
X-Man ~ Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition
PiTT ~ Retractable Claws, Durability, healing factor
Magneto ~ Magnetism manipulation, intellect
Kalibak ~ Superhuman strength, durability, Beta Club
Doomsday ~ Stamina, Healing Factor, ressurection
hummm anyone have any ideas for names for these characters?
The Beast.
Here is a second take. I think that starting out as strong/versatile as possible is a huge plus. But adapting, and continuing to grow or expand those abilities are better. Let alone the fact that you can assimilate, or and add on to your army.
Superadaptiod - Library power sets.
The Fury (body) - instant adaptability Adapting abilities on the fly
OMAC - (Mind) library of powers, plus counter strike abilities
The Pwnzor:
Thanos - Intelligence, Power, Endurance, Stamina, etc
Mr Immortal - Immortality
Silver Surfer - Manipulation of the Cosmic Power
Lord Feron
Always thought these powers combined would be fun
Original Prankster... (yea bad name i know

Prof X - TP
Long Shot - Ability to shift luck to his favor
Night Crawler - Teleportation
And this is fun to
Swifty (lol)
Flash - Speed
Martian Manhunter - Shape Shifting
Molecular Man - Matter/energy manip
Lord Feron
Originally posted by SevenShackles
Eradicator ~ Super-strength, Energy manip, analytical ability
X-Man ~ Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition
PiTT ~ Retractable Claws, Durability, healing factor
Magneto ~ Magnetism manipulation, intellect
Kalibak ~ Superhuman strength, durability, Beta Club
Doomsday ~ Stamina, Healing Factor, ressurection
hummm anyone have any ideas for names for these characters?
Piticator Man? or Malibak Doom? eh i tried
Pre Retcon Beyonder
Pre Retcon MM
Worlds Funniest Mxy

Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Mindset
Pre Retcon Beyonder
Pre Retcon MM
Worlds Funniest Mxy
You broke just about every rule he set . . .
Symmetric Chaos
Flash (Bart) - Superspeed, KEManip
Firestorm - MatterManip, EnergyBlasts, Flight
AdamWarlock - Cunning, SoulGem, durability
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Flash (Bart) - Superspeed, KEManip
Firestorm - MatterManip, EnergyBlasts, Flight
AdamWarlock - Cunning, SoulGem, durability
whats the last one "crazy" ability? lol

"Darth Cupid"
Archangel-Metal Wings, Healing Facter, Enhanced Senses
Hawkeye--Bow and Arrows, Combat training, Armor
Starfox- Strength, Durability, Pleasure Center Manipulation
Marvel Guy !
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
Sinestro ~ Qwardian power ring, Cunning
Apocalypse~ Technopathy, intelligence, Immortality
Omega Red~ Healing factor, Life force absorption, Death spore
Originally posted by SevenShackles
Eradicator ~ Super-strength, Energy manip, analytical ability
X-Man ~ Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition
PiTT ~ Retractable Claws, Durability, healing factor
Originally posted by SevenShackles
Magneto ~ Magnetism manipulation, intellect
Kalibak ~ Superhuman strength, durability, Beta Club
Doomsday ~ Stamina, Healing Factor, ressurection
Kaba-Neto Originally posted by SevenShackles
hummm anyone have any ideas for names for these characters?
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Piticator Man? or Malibak Doom? eh i tried
nice tries lol! sometimes people get lost in translation O_O
i took my own try at naming my guys, hope they sound cool lol would like feed back from pplz.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
You broke just about every rule he set . . .
I know.
Why do you think I put the smiley face.
wow, lol after typing out characters for this thread i got all energized and started drawing, NO it is not my best but it was just some little things quick lol might go over them later but i wanted to run them by all of you as is for some input on the looks =D
Conqueror (Kabe-neto) my fav pic.
Magneto ~ Magnetism manipulation, intellect
Kalibak ~ Superhuman strength, durability, Beta Club
Doomsday ~ Stamina, Healing Factor, ressurection
Sinestro ~ Qwardian power ring, Cunning
Apocalypse~ Technopathy, intelligence, Immortality
Omega Red~ Healing factor, Life force absorption, Death spore
Marvel Guy
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
Eradicator ~ Super-strength, Energy manip, analytical ability
X-Man ~ Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition
PiTT ~ Retractable Claws, Durability, healing factor
id like some feedback. maybe ill do more lol.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by SevenShackles
Marvel Guy !
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
Sinestro ~ Qwardian power ring, Cunning
Apocalypse~ Technopathy, intelligence, Immortality
Omega Red~ Healing factor, Life force absorption, Death spore
I like MArvel Guy idk about the Apocstro maybe Omega Sin ?
Lord Feron
Originally posted by SevenShackles
wow, lol after typing out characters for this thread i got all energized and started drawing, NO it is not my best but it was just some little things quick lol might go over them later but i wanted to run them by all of you as is for some input on the looks =D
Conqueror (Kabe-neto) my fav pic.
Magneto ~ Magnetism manipulation, intellect
Kalibak ~ Superhuman strength, durability, Beta Club
Doomsday ~ Stamina, Healing Factor, ressurection
Sinestro ~ Qwardian power ring, Cunning
Apocalypse~ Technopathy, intelligence, Immortality
Omega Red~ Healing factor, Life force absorption, Death spore
Marvel Guy
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
Eradicator ~ Super-strength, Energy manip, analytical ability
X-Man ~ Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition
PiTT ~ Retractable Claws, Durability, healing factor
id like some feedback. maybe ill do more lol.
Awesome stuff!
Originally posted by SevenShackles
wow, lol after typing out characters for this thread i got all energized and started drawing, NO it is not my best but it was just some little things quick lol might go over them later but i wanted to run them by all of you as is for some input on the looks =D
Conqueror (Kabe-neto) my fav pic.
Magneto ~ Magnetism manipulation, intellect
Kalibak ~ Superhuman strength, durability, Beta Club
Doomsday ~ Stamina, Healing Factor, ressurection
Sinestro ~ Qwardian power ring, Cunning
Apocalypse~ Technopathy, intelligence, Immortality
Omega Red~ Healing factor, Life force absorption, Death spore
Marvel Guy
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
Eradicator ~ Super-strength, Energy manip, analytical ability
X-Man ~ Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition
PiTT ~ Retractable Claws, Durability, healing factor
id like some feedback. maybe ill do more lol.
Thats really goods stuff... you should finish them off and maybe add some color

Lord Feron
Emma Frost - TP, Diamond Form (so i can cut my hair make it diamond form and sell

) And just knowledge and control of mutant abilities.
Zor-El - Super Strength, Super Speed, Flight
Sersi - Energy Manip, Psionic Power, Immortality
Hy seven shackles if you are gonna draw this it better be like playboy status

grey fox
The Guy
Midnighter - Strategy, fast mind, speed, weapon skills
The Captain - Nihilistic attitude, great one-liners, 'generic super-powers'
Warrior Guy Gardener- Ability to create any weapon on the fly.
A homosexual hyper-redneck, who can crack wise , has an ego the size of China and is just a generally likable a*shole.
Madrox Copying capability
Thanos Smarts Strength Durability & Tech
Runners Speed Immortality
Amazo Replication of Superpowers
Harald Jaekelsson Immunity to Magic
Doomsday Healing Factor
Helix- Reactive and adapt to outside stimuli
Darth Creasy
I like my guys chances against most anybody. And I'm using classic Strange.
Originally posted by Darth Creasy
I like my guys chances against most anybody. And I'm using classic Strange.
Not this guy:
Dark Sentinel Prime
1. Superman Prime- Strength, Speed, and Durability.
2. Silver Surfer- Energy Projection, Matter Manipultion, and Stamina
3. Batman- Intelligence, Fighting skills, and Resource access.
There is one very significant flaw in your Amalgam, he lacks sufficient speed.
Darth Creasy
Originally posted by nimbus006
Not this guy:
Dark Sentinel Prime
1. Superman Prime- Strength, Speed, and Durability.
2. Silver Surfer- Energy Projection, Matter Manipultion, and Stamina
3. Batman- Intelligence, Fighting skills, and Resource access.
There is one very significant flaw in your Amalgam, he lacks sufficient speed.
True...But the prep God that he is would more than make up for it. Also, I'm sure the Strange portion would call upon someone for speed if necessary

Originally posted by Darth Creasy
True...But the prep God that he is would more than make up for it. Also, I'm sure the Strange portion would call upon someone for speed if necessary
Firestorm (/w/ Stein)- energy manipulation, transmutation, smarts.
Azrael 1M- speed, time-travel.
Resurrection Man (in control)- H/F, immortality, choose additional powers upon resurrecting.
If a 4th character were allowed, it'd be Multiplex- for his self-duplicating ability.
batman-fighting skills intelligence resources
hulk-durability strength
superman prime-speed agility energy progection
sorry his name is dark behemoth prime
Flash - SF, Reaction, cool electrically look when running
Carnage - Tendrils, Limited project, cool look especially with speedforce
Juggernaut - Strength, Durability, Stamina
Name Either: Really really fast unstoppable carnage or...
Symmetric Chaos
LaylaMiller - that thingy she does
Surfer - EnergyManip, MatterManip, Durability
Zoom (Hunter) - TimeManip, Determination
Black Vixen Lyla the Thief:
Black Alice - Steals magic abilities - Leaves host powerless.
Vixen - Steals abilities and skills - Weakens original character.
Lyla - Copies abilities, Memory, Mental powers, Superman level durability.
Atomic Crusher
Captain America ~ Fighting Ability, Vibranium shield, Peak-human reflexes
Absorbing Man~ absorb/duplicate ability
The Persuader ~ Atomic Axe, Enhanced strength and endurance
Ultimate Thor ~ Lightning Control, Mjolnir(Hybrid), SuperHuman strenght
Nuke ~ invulnerability, flight, radiation projection
Martian Manhunter ~ Telepathy, Shape-shifting, Intangibility
Man-Hunter is my Hero Counterpart to Conqueror. thoughts?
any better name idea feel free to share! might draw them later =D
Lol thanks. damn i cant believe i didnt think of Omega Sin. sounds so much color thanks!
Thanks Lord Feron! Thanks nimbus !
yeah they are just sketchs but im most likely gonna ink them and play around with some colors =D
gamora- skill
wonder woman- shield bracers, lasso, sword
nova( herald) - strength, power cosmic, durability
omegachick. she would kick ass.
since this is a VS section shouldnt we like. make um fight or discuss something of that nature?
Originally posted by fangirl101
gamora- skill
wonder woman- shield bracers, lasso, sword
nova( herald) - strength, power cosmic, durability
omegachick. she would kick ass.
ohhh cool. but isnt power cosmic abit to vague?

Endrict Nuul
Ghost Rider: Ability to project regular and ethereal flame
Ability to travel between interdimensional realms and along any surface
Wields magical chain
"Penance Stare"
Midnighter: battle PC
Mr Majestic: Superhuman strength, speed and stamina, Flight, Laser Vision, Micro Vision, Ice Breath, Invulnerability, Genius level intellect, long lifespan possibly immortal, Vacuum support, power blasts from hands, undefined psionic particularly telekinetic ability
Originally posted by Endrict Nuul
Ghost Rider: Ability to project regular and ethereal flame
Ability to travel between interdimensional realms and along any surface
Wields magical chain
"Penance Stare"
Midnighter: battle PC
Mr Majestic: Superhuman strength, speed and stamina, Flight, Laser Vision, Micro Vision, Ice Breath, Invulnerability, Genius level intellect, long lifespan possibly immortal, Vacuum support, power blasts from hands, undefined psionic particularly telekinetic ability
Only three power sets from each character

Hulk - strength (the madder he gets, the stronger he gets)
Flash - speed (the madder he gets, the faster...)
Spiderman - warning sense (the madder, the more attuned to danger...)
Lord Feron
Originally posted by SevenShackles
since this is a VS section shouldnt we like. make um fight or discuss something of that nature?
ohhh cool. but isnt power cosmic abit to vague?
Yeah, fine. Conquer will wipe the floor with Man-Hunter physically. If the Man-hunter incapacitates him via TP and a mental rape then the villian will lose.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Mindship
Hulk - strength (the madder he gets, the stronger he gets)
Flash - speed (the madder he gets, the faster...)
Spiderman - warning sense (the madder, the more attuned to danger...)
really he gets more attuned to danger?! thats pretty cool. how does it work like. Oh snap someone is trying to shoot me a mile away! idk
firestorm- matter manipulaton, intangibility, flight
thor- hammer, god blast, strength
absorbing man- absorbing power
his name would be ibeatyoutodeathforkicks.
Immortal Hercules: Strength, Durability, Fighting Skills.
Thor: Mjolnir, Weather Manipulation, Magical Abilities.
Graviton: Gravity Control & Manipulation.
IH could be killed only in the Olympus dimension, so he was practically indestructible.His strength is on the incalcuble ranking, and his fighting skills are matched only by beings like Thor who have millennias of fighting experience.From Thor we have Mjolnir, vast energy projection, absorbption and manipulation, plus enhancement of the weather manipulation, and his new magical abilities, which include earth manipulation as showed in the recent issues.
Graviton at his peak was a powerhouse who was reshaping the Earth surface to look like his face, and mix it with the above listed abilities, this is a real god to me.
Lord Feron
Lord Feron (only fair to use my name once haha def not the strongest but i think he would be cool)
Ultra Adaptoid - Adapting and combining powers (you know his thing), intelligence of his artificial intelligence (i mean Lord Feron is assmart as him but its natural intelligence but at a calculation of a super computer.), Assimulation
Gladiator - Confidence = how powerful he is (idk what to call that psionic ability maybe anyway its a pretty awesome power if used right), Speed, flight
What if version of Blink - Teleportaions of anything. H2H combat, those cool javalins (never understood why she needs to use that crap but w/e), Reality Warping
Lord Feron
Originally posted by fangirl101
firestorm- matter manipulaton, intangibility, flight
thor- hammer, god blast, strength
absorbing man- absorbing power
his name would be ibeatyoutodeathforkicks.
lol great name

Lord Feron
Originally posted by K3VIL
Immortal Hercules: Strength, Durability, Fighting Skills.
Thor: Mjolnir, Weather Manipulation, Magical Abilities.
Graviton: Gravity Control & Manipulation.
IH could be killed only in the Olympus dimension, so he was practically indestructible.His strength is on the incalcuble ranking, and his fighting skills are matched only by beings like Thor who have millennias of fighting experience.From Thor we have Mjolnir, vast energy projection, absorbption and manipulation, plus enhancement of the weather manipulation, and his new magical abilities, which include earth manipulation as showed in the recent issues.
Graviton at his peak was a powerhouse who was reshaping the Earth surface to look like his face, and mix it with the above listed abilities, this is a real god to me.
I was thinking about your last statement. I realized the term "god" has been totally down played in comics. Like wtf isnt a god suppose to be ... um a god not just insanely powerful but like they should be like LT status or something idk. Anyway I like your guy. Would he be a good god

or a evil god ?

Originally posted by Mindship
Hulk - strength (the madder he gets, the stronger he gets)
Flash - speed (the madder he gets, the faster...)
Spiderman - warning sense (the madder, the more attuned to danger...)
No durability. First time you hit something, or run fast, you go splat.
Lord Feron
Unstoppable will shorten his life span or get a heart attack because he is mad all the time lol.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
really he gets more attuned to danger?! thats pretty cool. how does it work like. Oh snap someone is trying to shoot me a mile away! idk I'm thinking like this: First of all, if he's in a fight, he'll know how to dodge or counter instant to instant. Combine that with increasing speed...well, you get the idea.
But also, yeah, it has a long-distance/-duration dimension. It could even warn him if someone, somewhere, is plotting against him (though that feeling would last for only as long as he was really pissed...but that "glimpse" could be enough for him to be on his guard).
Maybe I should just call him Un : Unstoppable / Untouchable.
Originally posted by Soljer
No durability. First time you hit something, or run fast, you go splat. I was thinking about that. But doesn't the Hulk get tougher as he gets madder (it's implied, at least)?
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Unstoppable will shorten his life span or get a heart attack because he is mad all the time lol. Now wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth.

Lord Feron
Originally posted by Mindship
I'm thinking like this: First of all, if he's in a fight, he'll know how to dodge or counter instant to instant. Combine that with increasing speed...well, you get the idea.
But also, yeah, it has a long-distance/-duration dimension. It could even warn him if someone, somewhere, is plotting against him (though that feeling would last for only as long as he was really pissed...but that "glimpse" could be enough for him to be on his guard).
Maybe I should just call him Un : Unstoppable / Untouchable.
I was thinking about that. But doesn't the Hulk get tougher as he gets madder (it's implied, at least)?
Now wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth.
lol that would be annoying "damn it someone is plotting against me somewhere" i would get more mad lol. WOuld he be able to know who it is or be able to find them?
So you get to make up a character, using the power sets of other characters? If so, that is F***ing HOT clap I'm a artist and I got a very good idea. I'll post a scan of one of my art works and pick his powers.
Endrict Nuul
Mr Majestic: Superhuman strength, speed and Genius level intellect.
Midnighter: Battle PC implants, healing factor and badass attitude.
Thanos: Durability, Energy and matter manipulation.
Silver Surfer: Energy manipulation, Durability, Strength.
Superman: Flight, Speed, Solar energy absorption.
Batman: Intelligence, Fighting ability, resources.
Originally posted by Avlon
Black Vixen Lyla the Thief:
Black Alice - Steals magic abilities - Leaves host powerless.
Vixen - Steals abilities and skills - Weakens original character or leaves them powerless.
Lyla - Copies abilities, Memory, Mental powers, Superman level durability.
My character kicks all your characters asses.
And she's a hawt chick too.

Originally posted by Lord Feron
WOuld he be able to know who it is or be able to find them? That would kinda spoil all the fun.
Basically, what I went for was a simple powerset with a lot of potential. This way (hypothetically) stories could be written involving an uber-powerful guy, but the plots could stay fairly simple and avoid (maybe) PIS.
Originally posted by Avlon
My character kicks all your characters asses.
And she's a hawt chick too.
My character can take your character out jump
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Marvelknight
Silver Surfer: Energy manipulation, Durability, Strength.
Superman: Flight, Speed, Solar energy absorption.
Batman: Intelligence, Fighting ability, resources.
I guess you went for a unique character look instead of combining the looks of the chracters. Good stuff.

Lord Feron
Originally posted by Avlon
My character kicks all your characters asses.
And she's a hawt chick too.
The theif and my mistress should hook up

Originally posted by Lord Feron
I guess you went for a unique character look instead of combining the looks of the chracters. Good stuff.
Good look. I prefer to draw and crate my own comic characters, I have a lot more. But that one is one of my favorites.
Moon Phantom
My ideal character...I don't even need three powers from each it isn't a power is a smooth character.
Cloak: darkforce, intangibility, teleporation via billowing cloak
Moon Knight: cowl/cool costume, mysterious origin, will power
Mastermind (evil mutant): illusion
[I do not know if Mastermind and Cloak are from different tiers.
Phantom Zone
LOL my three favourite characters are Captain Amarica, Batman and Punisher there would be no new powers but I guess they would be absolutely lethal at prep.
Actually the equipment that would be used could actually make the almalgam more dangerous. Its not just Cap with a shield but Cap with a lot of weapons as well.
Originally posted by golem370
Madrox Copying capability
Thanos Smarts Strength Durability & Tech
Runners Speed Immortality
Amazo Replication of Superpowers
Harald Jaekelsson Immunity to Magic
Doomsday Healing Factor
Helix- Reactive and adapt to outside stimuli
Opinion on mine?
Endrict Nuul
Originally posted by golem370
Opinion on mine?
You can only use 3 characters with 3 power sets from each.
Magneto - Metal Manipulation
Black Bolt - Sonic Scream
Graviton - Manipulation of gravity
Then Thanos from my list Amazo from my list and The Runner from my list
Originally posted by golem370
Then Thanos from my list Amazo from my list and The Runner from my list
Hardy har har...
My guy is cooler!
Originally posted by Marvelknight
Silver Surfer: Energy manipulation, Durability, Strength.
Superman: Flight, Speed, Solar energy absorption.
Batman: Intelligence, Fighting ability, resources.
Marvel Guy (my guy)
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
no prep, grand canyon.
my guy probly loses, but what do you guys think? lol
Originally posted by Combat_Guru
Hardy har har...
My guy is cooler!
Mine would punch yours head off and lay it in his hands before he could blink
Dr. Fate- the helmet of nabu, the amulet of anubis, resistance to injury
silver surfer- power cosmic, cosmic senses, durability
orion- mother box, strength, astro force
this combo right here is killer. a guy who has uber magic and spells, cosmic powers and senses, strength, god like blast, all kinds of uses in the astro force, power cosmic, and helm of nabu, and can heal if he ever gets hurt.
i call this one trymeifuwanttoandilleatyou
Lord Feron
Originally posted by SevenShackles
Marvel Guy (my guy)
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
no prep, grand canyon.
my guy probly loses, but what do you guys think? lol
marvel guy
Originally posted by golem370
Mine would punch yours head off and lay it in his hands before he could blink
Mine's still way cooler.
Stronger isn't always better.
Mine has Thanos' mind anything with Thanos trumps Marvel earth characters
Endrict Nuul
Bada: Durability and strength.
Pr: Crazy Irish and fighting skills.
Digi: Mod powers.
Originally posted by SevenShackles
Marvel Guy (my guy)
Strong Guy ~ kinetic energy absorption
Ms.Marvel ~ Energy projection and absorption, super Strength
Juggernaut ~ Force Field generation, durability, stamina
no prep, grand canyon.
my guy probly loses, but what do you guys think? lol
Your character up against my character, would be a really good battle. But Your characters durability is a problem.
1. Ultra Boy (L.O.S.H.) With his ablity to change powers on the fly.
Super Strength, Super Speed, Invulnerabilty... etc...etc.
2. Blink
Ability to teleport vast distances, and/or teleport people vast distances.
3. Forge
Ability to create anything his imagination dictates.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
1. Ultra Boy (L.O.S.H.) With his ablity to change powers on the fly.
Super Strength, Super Speed, Invulnerabilty... etc...etc.
Explain this power, because it seems it goes against the thread rules.
.""3. Only three power sets from each character can used (i.e- Thor: Strength, Mjolnir, and Durability).
Note: Be specific, you cannot use a general term like cosmic power as one power set. You must specifiy which aspect of cosmic power you want such as energy projection, matter manipulation, forcefields, or energy absorbtion
Lord Feron
Say one of us had reality altering power. I mean isnt that the only power one needs? Think of all the BS ppl do in comics when they can alter reality. With a couple of examples of using the power usfully like emperor joker but I think most of the time its just retarded how people who can alter reality should have any trouble doing anything. So I think reality altering and or anything of that nature should not be permitted in any amalgam.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Say one of us had reality altering power. I mean isnt that the only power one needs? Think of all the BS ppl do in comics when they can alter reality. With a couple of examples of using the power usfully like emperor joker but I think most of the time its just retarded how people who can alter reality should have any trouble doing anything. So I think reality altering and or anything of that nature should not be permitted in any amalgam.
It depends on the scale which one can alter said reality.
There's a huge difference between rewriting history (i.e HoM), and simply making a tree dissapear.
Originally posted by nimbus006
Explain this power, because it seems it goes against the thread rules.
.""3. Only three power sets from each character can used (i.e- Thor: Strength, Mjolnir, and Durability).
Note: Be specific, you cannot use a general term like cosmic power as one power set. You must specifiy which aspect of cosmic power you want such as energy projection, matter manipulation, forcefields, or energy absorbtion
Ok take out the etc... etc.
The Attractive Prototype
1. Superman's powers
2. Captain America's Shield
3. Mjolnir
all combined into an Angelina Jolie frame
Lord Feron
Originally posted by nimbus006
It depends on the scale which one can alter said reality.
There's a huge difference between rewriting history (i.e HoM), and simply making a tree dissapear.
idk even making a tree disappear I should make someone's head disappear to. Still think that even a little bit of reality manip should be off limits. Also because this power pretty much does anything for you why bother with any other powers? it alters reality so why not give yourself spider sense and gamma power with the surfer board its silly!
Originally posted by Lord Feron
idk even making a tree disappear I should make someone's head disappear to. Still think that even a little bit of reality manip should be off limits. Also because this power pretty much does anything for you why bother with any other powers? it alters reality so why not give yourself spider sense and gamma power with the surfer board its silly!
Well matter manipulation has many of the same characteristics.
Who under Sub-Skyfather has high end reality warping powers anyway?
Lord Feron
Originally posted by nimbus006
Well matter manipulation has many of the same characteristics.
Who under Sub-Skyfather has high end reality warping powers anyway?
Scarlet witch, that mutant that can touch and change things into anything via reality warp (think he wears a old hat and wife beater with suspendors im not sure) Proteus, hmm trying to think of more im sure they are out there.
Matter manipulation i assume is fine within the normal conduct of how say SS would use it or Molecular Man. He has never used energy or matter manip to turn someone into a marshmellow, must be something that prevents this.
er.. can't finish what i want to say boss is here...
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Scarlet witch, that mutant that can touch and change things into anything via reality warp (think he wears a old hat and wife beater with suspendors im not sure) Proteus, hmm trying to think of more im sure they are out there.
Matter manipulation i assume is fine within the normal conduct of how say SS would use it or Molecular Man. He has never used energy or matter manip to turn someone into a marshmellow, must be something that prevents this.
er.. can't finish what i want to say boss is here...
SW as seen in HoM is above sub-Skyfather, but i guess you're right on the other ones.
Lord Feron
Alright yeah that showing would put her above sub-skyfather i wasent sure. soo yeah seems like ppl got bored making amalgams. Good talk nimbus!
Apollo ~ Solar energy absorption, strength, Energy Blasts
SaberTooth ~ Healing factor, adamantium skeleton, superhuman senses
Black Panther~ Intellect, Resources, Fighting skill
all this together to create! Apollo Creed!
Quickly edited by me lol.

Originally posted by SevenShackles
Apollo ~ Solar energy absorption, strength, Energy Blasts
SaberTooth ~ Healing factor, adamantium skeleton, superhuman senses
Black Panther~ Intellect, Resources, Fighting skill
all this together to create! Apollo Creed!
Quickly edited by me lol.
Apollo Creed VS Superman!

Ultron- adamantium body, intelligence, encephalo-ray
Metallo- Superhuman strength, durability,mechanical/metal absorbtion
Red Tornado- Air/wind manipulation, Self-Repair, Superhuman speed
Deadpool - Healing factor, fighting skills, general look
Joker - Criminal mind, influenced look
Parasite - Absorbing ability, enhanced attributes
Blend of Jokers and Wades personalities.
I'd call him Plague.
Originally posted by geshien
Deadpool - Healing factor, fighting skills, general look
Joker - Criminal mind, influenced look
Parasite - Absorbing ability, enhanced attributes
Blend of Jokers and Wades personalities.
I'd call him Plague.
wow not a dude id want to run into in a dark alley... or a well lit alley.. dude sounds scary lol

The power Cosmic and WOL, With Super Adapting abilities, And Uber Telepathy, Teleportation, TK, and all of thier strength and durability combined.
The hurricane!
Red Tornado- Air/wind manipulation, healing factor, Superhuman speed
Night Wing- fighting Ability, Intellect, equipment
Drax the destroyer- super strength, tremendous resilience, flight
Originally posted by SevenShackles
The hurricane!
Red Tornado- Air/wind manipulation, healing factor, Superhuman speed
Night Wing- fighting Ability, Intellect, equipment
Drax the destroyer- super strength, tremendous resilience, flight
Stand back! There's a Hurricane coming through!
Silver Surfer: Matter Manipulation, Energy projection, Durability.
Dark Phoenix: Telepathic Powers, Energy absorption, Time Travel.
Multiple Man: His Mutant Power, his General Knowledge and ability.
Originally posted by resolution
Silver Surfer: Matter Manipulation, Energy projection, Durability.
Dark Phoenix: Telepathic Powers, Energy absorption, Time Travel.
Multiple Man: His Mutant Power, his General Knowledge and ability.
Oh and female, no name yet.
Ozymandias: Intellect, H2H skills, Personality
Hal Jordan: Willpower, GL ring
Exodus: Powers
Nightcrawler: Teleportation, personality, sword skill
Spider-Man: Precognition, wall stick, intellect
Shadowcat: Intangibility
Hulk - Healing Factor, Durability, Unlimited Strength Amp
Amazo - Power Mimicry
Etrigan - Speed, Strength and Magic
Dr Juggerflash
Dr Fate - Magic
Flash - Speed Force
Juggernaut - Strength, Durability
Ultimate Metahuman
Toxin - Agility, Strength, Spider-sense
Wolverine - Healing factor, Adamantium lacing and claws
Jean Grey - Telepathy, Telekinesis
Lady & Anyone Else Killa
Destroyer - Strength, Durability, Energy Projection
Zoom - Time manipulation
Marvel Hercules - Ability with the ladies.

Firestorm: Matter manipulation and intangibility
Kingdom Come Superman: Strength, speed, and durability
Dr. Doom: Intelligence and tech
Leech ... power dampening and siphoning
Kid Nemesis .... the ability to get the exact power(s) needed to defeat any opponent
Thanos ... Superhuman intelligence, willingness to get the job done, absolutely ruthless, immortality, invulnerability, and much more
Mr Majestic=superhuman intellect,military genius and personality/views .
Orion=fierce warrior spirit, battlelust, fighting skills,astroforce and willpower.
Mars/Ares=civil order.
Lord death god of strength, intellect, empire expansion and civil order,battlelust and battle strategy.
Originally posted by beast1234
Mr Majestic=superhuman intellect,military genius and personality/views .
Orion=fierce warrior spirit, battlelust, fighting skills,astroforce and willpower.
Mars/Ares=civil order.
Lord death god of strength, intellect, empire expansion and civil order,battlelust and battle strategy.
Lord Death(can't think of a good name) god of strength, intellect, empire expansion,civil order and city defene,battlelust and battle strategy,male fertility.
I think my character is the most interesting one
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