Who Can Defeat Charles Xavier!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Professor X has set aside one full year in exile to master the power of his "marvel" GL ring. Combining what appears to be his normal power set with the power of the GL, who is worthy to stand before him in battle?
the hulk is the only logical choice.
jaime braddock
Lord Feron
He will be mighty but still there are many that can kill him.
Grinning Goku
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Still funny.
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Hulk Please tell me your joking!!
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
You're forgetting he has a GL ring.
So yellow stairs
There are numerous characters I could see turning Xavier into a gooey mess of wheelchair and cripple parts, personally. ermmnone
what ever happened to tp armor? that stuff made a high end tp into a top tier fighter but then it disapeared.
Originally posted by Hitman911
Please tell me your joking!!
Why? Hulk can't be mindcontrolled.
And it's the Hulk. Without BFR or Matter manipulation, Hulk win 8/10
Xavier can walk
I know you know this, and I know, that you know, that I know this.
The Pict
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Why? Hulk can't be mindcontrolled.
And it's the Hulk. Without BFR or Matter manipulation, Hulk win 8/10
haha ermmnone
It wasn't funny, and I think he was joking
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Why? Hulk can't be mindcontrolled.
And it's the Hulk. Without BFR or Matter manipulation, Hulk win 8/10

Eternal Idol
Wolverine would out fight him, and he's got claws.
The Punisher would shoot him while up in a tree.
Moondragon would shatter his self-esteem by stating that the reason she won't give him any play is because he's bald.
all star batman with a yellow xavier mansion and a pitcher of lemonade
batmanmm on a hot day like this this lemonade is a godsend
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Eternal Idol
Moondragon would shatter his self-esteem by stating that the reason she won't give him any play is because he's bald.
I'm sure the first thing he would do would be to will himself new hair.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
No one.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
No one. correct! Prof X + GL power = Onslaught
Originally posted by Lord Feron
He will be mighty but still there are many that can kill him. Doubt it!!! Those who cannot be mindraped will be pummeled with GL power!!! Remember he has 1 YEAR of training!!!! You or I would be formatable with a year training with a GL ring. PX is the master at understanding and developing his students powers and abilities. Why wouldn't he be able to do it for himself? A GL upgrade would have to make him one of the most powerful GL ever. With that said, HOW is he easily defeated by many????
Spiderwoman gots pherenomes
I think the upgrade would put him at Sub-Skyfather level.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Stairs LMAO.
Lord Feron
Lets go deep into my imaginations.... Prof X is a smart man... His will is mighty.. mental powers among the best of all comics.... would he not be able to master the ring to its full capability. W/ one year training he would easily surpass Hal. Anything he makes with would be strong as all hell. He would be a high herald level.
Aunt May and Jarvis...and a feather duster
Pantharmbar FTW.
that would easily put him at skyfather level. galactus, genis, sentry, dr. strange, rune king thor, cyttorak etc
The Badger
I laughed at the people who said Hulk.
Wolverine for sure
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Why? Hulk can't be mindcontrolled.
And it's the Hulk. Without BFR or Matter manipulation, Hulk win 8/10 Please tell me your joking!!
The Hulk woul lose to Hal, and GL Prof X>>>>Hal
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Lets go deep into my imaginations.... Prof X is a smart man... His will is mighty.. mental powers among the best of all comics.... would he not be able to master the ring to its full capability. W/ one year training he would easily surpass Hal. Anything he makes with would be strong as all hell. He would be a high herald level.

Sub-Skyfather my friend......
psycho gundam
plus he has the mind gem now.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
ROFLMAO. . .classic.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
plus he has the mind gem now. Just like i said those who cant be mindraped from the door will face the wrath of Onslaught-like power.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
W/ one year training he would easily surpass Hal.
You're like Xavier's Alfheim.

Originally posted by llagrok
Give him 10 or 20 give him 10 or 20 what?
GL Prof. X> Hal>Superman
george '06
is the place hes exiled to handicap accesible?
how the hell is he gonna get to sub skyfather level?
telepathy doesnt equal willpower
Originally posted by Hitman911
GL Prof. X> Hal>Superman
You base this off what?
Even if his willpower was equal to Hal, which it isn't, he would need more than a year's worth of training to keep up.
Originally posted by george '06
is the place hes exiled to handicap accesible?
how the hell is he gonna get to sub skyfather level?
telepathy doesnt equal willpower What would make him different from Onslaught?
Machine Man
mad jim jaspers
.Originally posted by george '06
is the place hes exiled to handicap accesible?
how the hell is he gonna get to sub skyfather level?
telepathy doesnt equal willpower
It may not equal willpower, but it takes a hell of a lot of willpower to perform high end telepathic feats (fighting other telepaths wiping out the memories of entire towns, establishing telepathic contact with Galactus through global psi-static just to name a few) as I'm sure it takes a lot of willpower to maintain status as most powerful telepath for all the years he's been labeled as such especially since he has encountered several others who have way more raw power than he has. he also shows considerable willpower just because he could easily make everybody believe in his dream instead of fighting for it, but he does not use his power in this way showing great restraint and self control in most instances. Telepaths can also turn their powers inward to increase their willpower, the way he taught Sage.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Endless Mike
You're forgetting he has a GL ring.
So yellow stairs
lmao !

As far as Xavier's willpower. He was fighting exodus in a battle of the mind... and won.. I'd say that took quite a bit of willpower.
Shadowking.. etc.
His mental constructs would be unstoppable. A physical, tangible extension of his mind..... he would be greater than Hal.
Aster Phoenix
If Ghost Rider gets the stare on him then it's over.
psycho gundam
a robot or some other mindless creation that can kill.
Aster Phoenix
Yeah Nimrod would still kill him pretty easily.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
a robot or some other mindless creation that can kill. He's affected robots with his telepathy before. Don't ask how, he just does.
Aster Phoenix
I believe Nimrod is immune though, and he can adapt to counter mutant powers, but I would think he already has Psi-blocking tech.
Originally posted by Aster Phoenix
I believe Nimrod is immune though, and he can adapt to counter mutant powers, but I would think he already has Psi-blocking tech. Psyblade to the neck FTW
Aster Phoenix
Nimrod is immune I believe.
Nimrod's fist through Xavier's head for the win.
Originally posted by Aster Phoenix
Nimrod is immune I believe.
Nimrod's fist through Xavier's head for the win. That would be cool if he was only using his mutant powers. If Nimrod cant beat Hal then he's F*cked against GL Xavier.
Aster Phoenix
Nimrod can repair from major damage and he can adapt to defend against powers.
His son, Legion
Originally posted by Aster Phoenix
Nimrod can repair from major damage and he can adapt to defend against powers. Is Nimrod a mutant and can he react fast enough?
Aster Phoenix
He doesn't need to. He gets damaged, he repairs and adapts. And what does it matter if he's a mutant?
Originally posted by spidey-dude
manhunter Dies horribly....
Originally posted by psycho gundam
a robot or some other mindless creation that can kill. Eradicator?
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