Deathstroke vs. Wolverine
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No prep.
Weapons are permitted.
Who win?
Starscream M
its prob been done, without weapons, DS has no way of taking down Logan.
DS via nerve strikes ala DareDevil style.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
DS via nerve strikes ala DareDevil style.
for starters pressure points fail to work against wolverine...........echo tried and it did have others............while logan was poison no less..........
if your referring to that isntances during the ennis run...........well for was written by was pis filled was an adam apple shot..not a pressure point.......and it controdicted it minut Logan getting hit two miles from hulk and getting right up.........the next DD taking him out via throat shot........what the hell.........then there the fact in the very same issue spiderman was some how tricked by a fake bombs..........and Logan who has superhuman senses drank was an awful awful comic filled with pis and condrodicts Logan entire no DS won't be winning via nerve strikes.........also when was the last time you even saw DS throw a nerve strike?
Dammit. I keep forgetting the feats I can and cannot use against Wolverine.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
Dammit. I keep forgetting the feats I can and cannot use against Wolverine.
........oh pleases
your welcome to uses it, but that be like me saying colussus is unable to break spidermans webs becuases he was onces unable to ripp them.........
it just stupid and controdicts countless evidences.
so we are to take DD adam aple shot for the norm? when Logan has taken swords repeatedly to the same area with out slowing in battle?
I mean by your logic I guess spiderman woops colossus every time....I mena colossus can't breka spidermans webbing and all.....
Maybe we can use it to boost DD's apple hits.
They are strong enough to deck Wolverine who is inmune to nerve shots!
Originally posted by Bentley
Maybe we can use it to boost DD's apple hits.
They are strong enough to deck Wolverine who is inmune to nerve shots!
or it was simply bad writting.............I mean Logan drank acid during the run.......spidermna forgott he had spidersenses and DD forgott he had radar or super senses............
oh and an adam apple shot is not has nothing to do with nerves shots or strikes.
So maybe its DD's most magical attack. He focuses the power of the Quintessence and stuff.
They don't mention it because the Quintessence is from DC.
DD rockz!

Bada's Palin
Deathstroke knocks him out Mr.X style.
Originally posted by Bentley
So maybe its DD's most magical attack. He focuses the power of the Quintessence and stuff.
They don't mention it because the Quintessence is from DC.
DD rockz!
Originally posted by Bada's Palin
Deathstroke knocks him out Mr.X style.
.............have you read the issue?
Logan fought a small army before every going against mr.x he was far from 100%. also mr.x was a telepath..........and more skilled the deathstroke..........and he got his ass kicked by Logan the enxt time around.
Bada's Palin
Originally posted by Battlehammer
.............have you read the issue?
Logan fought a small army before every going against mr.x he was far from 100%. also mr.x was a telepath..........and more skilled the deathstroke..........and he got his ass kicked by Logan the enxt time around.
Hey, Logan got knocked out by kicks and punches. Doesn't matter how much of a telepath Mr.X is, all he did was predict Wolverine's moves.
Oh yeah, Wolverine fought a couple of plain ol' humans before Mr.X beat him up.
Originally posted by Bada's Palin
Hey, Logan got knocked out by kicks and punches. Doesn't matter how much of a telepath Mr.X is, all he did was predict Wolverine's moves.
Oh yeah, Wolverine fought a couple of plain ol' humans before Mr.X beat him up.
....couple........try over a hundred.........they were consider some of the msot highly trained soldiers in the world........and they were stated to have shot, blown him up and stabb him.......
That would all take a tole on his healing factor meaning he be far froma 100%
not to mention DS is not a telepath and could not do what mister x did.
and mister x did not do so good the second time around or third.
so it irrelevent.
Logan also take far worse multiable of times
DS with ease.
This is like a Gun VS Sword match.
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
DS with ease.
This is like a Gun VS Sword match.
If the guy with the sword was an unstoppable madman who was virtually impervious to harm and happened to eat bullets for breakfast, I guess...
I give Deathstroke the slight majority.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
If the guy with the sword was an unstoppable madman who was virtually impervious to harm and happened to eat bullets for breakfast, I guess...
Its a sword vs a gun, but there aren't any bullets involved.
Originally posted by Bentley
Its a sword vs a gun, but there aren't any bullets involved.
Then it becomes a very apt metaphor indeed! Deathstroke is a gun. Prep time his bullets. Without bullets a gun is useless. Without prep time Deathstroke is useless. Wolverine is a sword... and thats always ready to go.

Originally posted by srankmissingnin
If the guy with the sword was an unstoppable madman who was virtually impervious to harm and happened to eat bullets for breakfast, I guess...
By default KMC rules, they fight 0.5 km apart.
DS gets enough time to prep a few minutes while Wolverine starts sprinting towards his direction.
The moment Wolverine crosses the shooting line border, he's pretty much sitting duck.
Precision brainshots.
It won't kill Wolvie, but a KO is a KO nonetheless. DS takes the majority 8.5/10
Wolverine wins.
Unbreakable bones plus superior healing with enhanced stats. Plus the claws equals advantage to Logan IMO.
The Great Galen
DS is the superior MA, I dont see Logan laying a single attack on a man who schools lady shiva and batgirl. Im thinking DS could just nerve strike him or KO. Anyhow DS for the majority.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
DS is the superior MA What makes you come to this conclusion?
The Great Galen
Originally posted by Mindset
What makes you come to this conclusion?
He does own the worlds best MA on a consistent basis...does embaressing batgirl or lady shiva not convince you?
Originally posted by The Great Galen
He does own the worlds best MA on a consistent basis...does embaressing batgirl or lady shiva not convince you? He is physically superior to both of them, how does that mean he is a better martial artist?
Originally posted by The Great Galen
DS is the superior MA, I dont see Logan laying a single attack on a man who schools lady shiva and batgirl. Im thinking DS could just nerve strike him or KO. Anyhow DS for the majority.

The Great Galen
Originally posted by Mindset
He is physically superior to both of them, how does that mean he is a better martial artist?
So are you under the assumption only DS stats are what makes him win?
Originally posted by The Great Galen
So are you under the assumption only DS stats are what makes him win? So you are under the assumption he is a better martial artist?
Originally posted by The Great Galen
DS is the superior MA, I dont see Logan laying a single attack on a man who schools lady shiva and batgirl. Im thinking DS could just nerve strike him or KO. Anyhow DS for the majority.
Schools Lady Shiva and Batgirl. First of all Batgirl in her encounters with Slade makes Slade look bad at times. Second I don't think Slade has even fought Shiva.
Third characters slower then Logan have tagged DS. So saying Logan can't land a single attack shows you don't know much if any.
Originally posted by Daredevil1
Schools Lady Shiva and Batgirl. First of all Batgirl in her encounters with Slade makes Slade look bad at times. Second I don't think Slade has even fought Shiva.
Third characters slower then Logan have tagged DS. So saying Logan can't land a single attack shows you don't know much if any. death stroke has taken on the league and was doing pretty good...he pretty much had them beat
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
death stroke has taken on the league and was doing pretty good...he pretty much had them beat
Yet he still has very very tough fights with the Bat crew........
DS is basically facing himself (I'm being generous with his stats), with unbreakable bones, claws which slice through anything, superior fighting skill and vastly superior healing factor. He loses this if it's H2H.
Both characters are top level Material artist.
Deathstroke enhanced fast pace thinking won't work so well against Wolverine. Wolverine healing factor, durability, and claws sooner or later put Slade down. Slade just doesn't possess the tools/abilities to put Wolverine down.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
death stroke has taken on the league and was doing pretty good...he pretty much had them beat
With prep time. With out prep time he has trouble with Batman, has had Nightwing work him over twice, has lost to Eddie Fryers, been on the losing end of Bronze Tiger, been stalemated by Deadshot twice, and lost to Green Arrow. Deathstroke with prep and Deathstroke without prep are two entirely different animals.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
With prep time. With out prep time he has trouble with Batman, has had Nightwing work him over twice, has lost to Eddie Fryers, been on the losing end of Bronze Tiger, been stalemated by Deadshot twice, and lost to Green Arrow. Deathstroke with prep and Deathstroke without prep are two entirely different animals.
Quoted for truth. Though wasn't he injured before the Bronze Tiger fight?
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
By default KMC rules, they fight 0.5 km apart.
DS gets enough time to prep a few minutes while Wolverine starts sprinting towards his direction.
The moment Wolverine crosses the shooting line border, he's pretty much sitting duck.
Precision brainshots.
It won't kill Wolvie, but a KO is a KO nonetheless. DS takes the majority 8.5/10
There is no opening in the human skull that is big enough for a .50 calibur bullet to pass through and hit the brain... and since Wolverine's skull is Adamantium it can't make its own entry point.
[EC] Icarus II
Originally posted by vansonbee
Both characters are top level Material artist.
Deathstroke enhanced fast pace thinking won't work so well against Wolverine. Wolverine healing factor, durability, and claws sooner or later put Slade down. Slade just doesn't possess the tools/abilities to put Wolverine down.
Doesn't posses the tools?! Does anyone remember DS's promethium sword and power staff? And why wouldn't his 90% brain usage work when fighting Wolverine? Will Wolverine's super-duper telepathic abilities prevent it??

Originally posted by srankmissingnin
There is no opening in the human skull that is big enough for a .50 calibur bullet to pass through and hit the brain... and since Wolverine's skull is Adamantium it can't make its own entry point. Just a thought. Maybe Wolverine does not have a normal human skull? Bullets sure have found there way into his skull somehow.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
Just a thought. Maybe Wolverine does not have a normal human skull? Bullets sure have found there way into his skull somehow.
By PIS, and writers lacking knowledge of human anatomy. If Wolverine was missing part of his skull... it would have been mentioned on panel.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
By PIS, and writers lacking knowledge of human anatomy. If Wolverine was missing part of his skull... it would have been mentioned on panel. Well it's happened more than enough to rule it PIS imo. I'll just go with what happens on panel.
Originally posted by snoopdogg
Well it's happened more than enough to rule it PIS imo. I'll just go with what happens on panel.
Four times in 40 years
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Four times in 40 years
Has it ever been depicted differently though? I can understand writing it off because of basic human anatomy if there's conflicting evidence, but if that's the way it's been portrayed every time it's came up and it's came up for times already, then it seems reasonable to assume that it's the way it would be portrayed if it came up in this particular fight.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
With prep time. With out prep time he has trouble with Batman, has had Nightwing work him over twice, has lost to Eddie Fryers, been on the losing end of Bronze Tiger, been stalemated by Deadshot twice, and lost to Green Arrow. Deathstroke with prep and Deathstroke without prep are two entirely different animals.
Srank badmouthing my boy? Shocking!
....but seriously though this fight has been done before a couple times I believe.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Has it ever been depicted differently though? I can understand writing it off because of basic human anatomy if there's conflicting evidence, but if that's the way it's been portrayed every time it's came up and it's came up for times already, then it seems reasonable to assume that it's the way it would be portrayed if it came up in this particular fight.
I'm not sure. Its easier to remember four examples of Wolverine getting shot in the brain when they don't make sense and three of them have happened in the last year, then it is to remember every example of him getting shot in the head.
And two of four of the examples can be written off instantly. The crossbow bolt through the ear and Deadpool shooting him under the jaw, since there aren't even openings there. The Mystique one is possible (though unlikely) so I can give her the benefit of the doubt and say she got lucky with perfect trajectory. So the only problem is the Scalphunter one. I don't know... you be the judge. If Wolverine is missing many parts of his skull... how do Mystique, Deadpool, and Scalphunter know about? Why has no one mentioned it? Why has it never been shown any of the times Wolverine's skull has been shown? If if Wolverine was given an Achilles heel, it stands to reason, that it would be mentioned with in the confines of the story somewhere.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
I'm not sure. Its easier to remember four examples of Wolverine getting shot in the brain when they don't make sense and three of them have happened in the last year, then it is to remember every example of him getting shot in the head.
And two of four of the examples can be written off instantly. The crossbow bolt through the ear and Deadpool shooting him under the jaw, since there aren't even openings there. The Mystique one is possible (though unlikely) so I can give her the benefit of the doubt and say she got lucky with perfect trajectory. So the only problem is the Scalphunter one. I don't know... you be the judge. If Wolverine is missing many parts of his skull... how do Mystique, Deadpool, and Scalphunter know about? Why has no one mentioned it? Why has it never been shown any of the times Wolverine's skull has been shown? If if Wolverine was given an Achilles heel, it stands to reason, that it would be mentioned with in the confines of the story somewhere.
Without any contradicting evidence besides "real world logic", I'd have to consider it valid. Doing otherwise seems akin to claiming that someone like Spiderman should be able to rip classic Wolverine in half due to the tendons between his bones not being laced with Adamantium.
In both cases, there's on panel evidence that directly contradicts what should be obvious if we take our evidence from "basic human anatomy". Accepting one and dismissing the other seems to promote a double standard as well as the whole "I don't like it, it didn't happen" tactic. At least that's my take on it, feel free to disagree.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Without any contradicting evidence besides "real world logic", I'd have to consider it valid. Doing otherwise seems akin to claiming that someone like Spiderman should be able to rip classic Wolverine in half due to the tendons between his bones not being laced with Adamantium.
In both cases, there's on panel evidence that directly contradicts what should be obvious if we take our evidence from "basic human anatomy". Accepting one and dismissing the other seems to promote a double standard as well as the whole "I don't like it, it didn't happen" tactic. At least that's my take on it, feel free to disagree.
Except Wolverine has said "You can't rip my limbs off" which he attributed to his adamantium skeleton. On the other hand no one has ever said Wolverine is missing parts of his skull and its pretty significant for it not to be mentioned. He would need to be missing enough of his skull on both sides of his head, behind both of his eyes, and the bottom part of skull. Thats a lot of missing pieces. They made a point of mentioning that Ultimate Wolverine has a single bone in his body that isn't laced in adamantium... but Marvel didn't feel the need to mention Wolverine is missing 35% of his skull?
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Except Wolverine has said "You can't rip my limbs off" which he attributed to his adamantium skeleton. On the other hand no one has ever said Wolverine is missing parts of his skull and its pretty significant for it not to be mentioned. He would need to be missing enough of his skull on both sides of his head, behind both of his eyes, and the bottom part of skull. Thats a lot of missing pieces. They made a point of mentioning that Ultimate Wolverine has a single bone in his body that isn't laced in adamantium... but Marvel didn't feel the need to mention Wolverine is missing 35% of his skull?
The missing parts were still demonstrated on panel though, it didn't need specific mention because it was shown as such. They didn't spell it right out for us but the effectiveness of the tactic gave a pretty clear indication of how things stand. No it doesn't "make sense", but to my knowledge it's the way the character's been written every time it's come up so it's all I have to go by.
By the same token, I've never understood why Wolverine's teeth didn't get laced in adamantium, how there's not visible bulges in his forearms when his claws are retracted, or how he can move at all now that his tendons and such are also laced with adamantium, but I've nothing on panel to suggest that it's out of the ordinary so I'm forced to put logic in the back seat in favor of what's actually been depicted.
Originally posted by Icarus II
Doesn't posses the tools?! Does anyone remember DS's promethium sword and power staff? And why wouldn't his 90% brain usage work when fighting Wolverine? Will Wolverine's super-duper telepathic abilities prevent it??

WTF is his sword gonna do to Wolverine? If your into electric staff up the butt torture be my guess.
Of course Slade using 90% of his brain in battle is what make Deathstroke unique, but against Wolverine? In the long run Slade gonna get put down. pft

I seems to me that saying Wolverine is missing sections of his skull, holds about as much water as me saying that Franklin Richards has some rare degenerative age disorder because he is still appears to be eight years old, even though he was five or six when Wolverine's foster daughter was a baby... and she is now around eighteen. Its nothing more than a mistake made by the writers / editors. Its not credible and it certainly isn't the foundation for a logical debate...
The Great Galen
So exactly how does Logan win agaisnt someone of superior h2h ability and equal stats?
Deathstroke is a 3rd tier hand to hand combatant (2nd at best), which is the reason that despite having vastly superhuman states streets still manage to give him trouble in melee combat. Winter Green in his prime was supposed to be a better fighter than Deathstroke, and so was his ex-wife... and neither of them are top tier. Even comparing Slade to Punisher in skill is overly generous. The dude got beat down by three of Joker's thugs and tossed in the river and has also been beaten down by a bunch of drunken middle aged bar patrons, now admittedly he wasn't 100% for either of those... but seriously, its pretty telling.
So exactly how does Logan win agaisnt someone of superior h2h ability and equal stats... and heals about a million times faster?
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Deathstroke is a 3rd tier hand to hand combatant (2nd at best), which is the reason that despite having vastly superhuman states streets still manage to give him trouble in melee combat. Winter Green in his prime was supposed to be a better fighter than Deathstroke, and so was his ex-wife... and neither of them are top tier. Even comparing Slade to Punisher in skill is overly generous. The dude got beat down by three of Joker's thugs and tossed in the river and has also been beaten down by a bunch of drunken middle aged bar patrons, now admittedly he wasn't 100% for either of those... but seriously, its pretty telling.
So exactly how does Logan win agaisnt someone of superior h2h ability and equal stats... and heals about a million times faster?
Wow your really bring up Deathstroke bad days and downsizing what he done. Slade a intelligent fighter, plan things out, and can react/avoid Wolverine attack, but in long fight Wolverine goes on top
I know Wolverine is skilled fighter, but doesn't display as much and rather goes berserker on his opponents now days. (It sells comics)
I'm just supporting Wolverine because of his superior durability, sharp claws, and first class healing factor.
Wolverine hasn't display any fighting skills lately, but mostly berserk mode. Still I put Logan on top. 8/10
possible KO by DS 2/10.
I don't know about that. Wolverine shows his skill all the time... he just doesn't stand around in flashy fung-fu posses. He is all offense, and when he gets into the thick of it people die. He fights fodder in the hundreds and pretty much downs everyone in a single blow... and that's impressive. Now I'll admit there is a bit of a discrepancy when he fights with other heroes... but generally speak there are extenuating circumstances that prevent them from going full out, and in Wolverine's style of fighting doesn't exactly lend itself to holding back, its only purpose is to end lifes quickly and painlessly, it doesn't have any sport eliments like the fighting styles of Daredevil or Iron Fist or Captain America. Even then Wolverine has beat Shang-Chi in three panels, gotten Daredevil in a fullnelson after he was blind sided in three panels as well... and those two feats on their own are significantly more impressive than any h2h feats Slade has.
And the last time Wolverine fought Shigen he showed a clear advatage in skill (where before Shigen was clear Logan's superior) which would imply Wolverine is a better fighter now than he was when the two above mentioned feats to place... and he was part of his soul during his last bout with Shigen... so in theory he is even BETTER than he appeared to be in that fight anyway.
The Great Galen
What skills or MA talent does Logan show...aside from wild slashing?
Originally posted by The Great Galen
What skills or MA talent does Logan show...aside from wild slashing?
All of them?

Originally posted by The Great Galen
What skills or MA talent does Logan show...aside from wild slashing?
None. Dude doesn't even know the concept of MA.
He goes slashing around like no tomorrow, knowing that he has uber regen
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
None. Dude doesn't even know the concept of MA.
He goes slashing around like no tomorrow, knowing that he has uber regen
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
I don't know about that. Wolverine shows his skill all the time... he just doesn't stand around in flashy fung-fu posses. He is all offense, and when he gets into the thick of it people die. He fights fodder in the hundreds and pretty much downs everyone in a single blow... and that's impressive. Now I'll admit there is a bit of a discrepancy when he fights with other heroes... but generally speak there are extenuating circumstances that prevent them from going full out, and in Wolverine's style of fighting doesn't exactly lend itself to holding back, its only purpose is to end lifes quickly and painlessly, it doesn't have any sport eliments like the fighting styles of Daredevil or Iron Fist or Captain America. Even then Wolverine has beat Shang-Chi in three panels, gotten Daredevil in a fullnelson after he was blind sided in three panels as well... and those two feats on their own are significantly more impressive than any h2h feats Slade has.
And the last time Wolverine fought Shigen he showed a clear advatage in skill (where before Shigen was clear Logan's superior) which would imply Wolverine is a better fighter now than he was when the two above mentioned feats to place... and he was part of his soul during his last bout with Shigen... so in theory he is even BETTER than he appeared to be in that fight anyway.
[EC] Icarus II
Originally posted by vansonbee
WTF is his sword gonna do to Wolverine? If your into electric staff up the butt torture be my guess.
Of course Slade using 90% of his brain in battle is what make Deathstroke unique, but against Wolverine? In the long run Slade gonna get put down. pft
You know that his sword is made of promethium right? The DC version of adamantium? So with that said, I'm betting DS's sword can do more than you think. Anyways, DS's sword doesn't have to be used solely for offensive attacks. He'll last longer in the long run with his sword, being able to fend off Wolvie's claws and deal damage.
As for your reason as to why DS's 90% brain usage won't help him...there is'll need to do better to persuade me, haha.
DS 8/10 IMO.
Originally posted by Icarus II
You know that his sword is made of promethium right? The DC version of adamantium? So with that said, I'm betting DS's sword can do more than you think. Anyways, DS's sword doesn't have to be used solely for offensive attacks. He'll last longer in the long run with his sword, being able to fend off Wolvie's claws and have some chances to deal damage.
As for your reason as to why DS's 90% brain usage won't help him...there is'll need to do better to persuade me, haha.
DS 8/10 IMO. lolz I wasn't persuading you to change your vote, just wanted to voice some opinion about how Wolverine kick Slade ass still in a fight. I still say mad claw swinging/healing factor takes the majority over Slade, even tho its blunt tactic :/
Every weapon Slade uses has been broken. His sword, his chain mail, his staff. Either they aren't Promethium, the aren't Promethium all the time or Promethium isn't anywhere near as durable as adamantium.
Prometeum may not be adamantium, but it may resist Wolvie's strenght, so its vulnerability is pointless.
wolverine wins with easy
Originally posted by Icarus II
You know that his sword is made of promethium right? The DC version of adamantium? So with that said, I'm betting DS's sword can do more than you think. Anyways, DS's sword doesn't have to be used solely for offensive attacks. He'll last longer in the long run with his sword, being able to fend off Wolvie's claws and deal damage.
As for your reason as to why DS's 90% brain usage won't help him...there is'll need to do better to persuade me, haha.
DS 8/10 IMO.
..........are you kidding me? For starters slade is the inferior fighter. He has never shown to be a top tier combatant in skill, logan has.
Logan will out fight him. Hell Logan has more experiences and training with a sword then slade........and most if not all of Logans villains have a reach advantage so the sword aint helpign slade. Logan knows the ins and outs of sword fighting and how to defeat swordsmen and has defeated and out fought superior swordsmen then slade.
also Logan can take whatever slade dishes out. Slade can not say the same.
Logan also has superior stamina..........
oh and slade uses 90% of his he used 10% less then a normal is that an advantage?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
oh and slade uses 90% of his he used 10% less then a normal is that an advantage?
Its been said that the Human only uses 10% of their brain, but i belive that is a myth.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
..........are you kidding me? For starters slade is the inferior fighter. He has never shown to be a top tier combatant in skill, logan has.
Logan will out fight him. Hell Logan has more experiences and training with a sword then slade........and most if not all of Logans villains have a reach advantage so the sword aint helpign slade. Logan knows the ins and outs of sword fighting and how to defeat swordsmen and has defeated and out fought superior swordsmen then slade.
also Logan can take whatever slade dishes out. Slade can not say the same.
Logan also has superior stamina..........
oh and slade uses 90% of his he used 10% less then a normal is that an advantage? ....actually humans only use 10 percent of their brain:
Not according to the link you just posted

Slade is a good MA, but Logan's better and more experienced. Slade has had way too much trouble w/people he outclasses physically to compete w/Logan. Logan outclasses Batman & Nightwing physically & in skill & they've both made Slade look bad. Slade even says he'd hate to fight Bats w/out enhancements
Originally posted by I-Drop
Not according to the link you just posted

Slade is a good MA, but Logan's better and more experienced. Slade has had way too much trouble w/people he outclasses physically to compete w/Logan. Logan outclasses Batman & Nightwing physically & in skill & they've both made Slade look bad. Slade even says he'd hate to fight Bats w/out enhancements thats just the saying, there are many opinions on it
Wolverine Wins in a long drawn out fight. If it's prep, DS wins in a long drawn out fight.
Wild Shadow
in a short or long drawn out battle wolverine beats slade..
slade is severly outclassed in every level against logan..
slades fighting skills are low the only reason he even holds his own is because he relies on his upgrades something that logan can match with his natural abilities... so H2H slade cant compete with logan.
slades weapons cant even take down wolverine let alone give him pulse..
Originally posted by I-Drop
Not according to the link you just posted

Slade is a good MA, but Logan's better and more experienced. Slade has had way too much trouble w/people he outclasses physically to compete w/Logan. Logan outclasses Batman & Nightwing physically & in skill & they've both made Slade look bad. Slade even says he'd hate to fight Bats w/out enhancements
Batgirl IMO has the best record against Slade.
Wolverine Smokes DS.
Originally posted by darthgoober
The missing parts were still demonstrated on panel though, it didn't need specific mention because it was shown as such. They didn't spell it right out for us but the effectiveness of the tactic gave a pretty clear indication of how things stand. No it doesn't "make sense", but to my knowledge it's the way the character's been written every time it's come up so it's all I have to go by.
By the same token, I've never understood why Wolverine's teeth didn't get laced in adamantium, how there's not visible bulges in his forearms when his claws are retracted, or how he can move at all now that his tendons and such are also laced with adamantium, but I've nothing on panel to suggest that it's out of the ordinary so I'm forced to put logic in the back seat in favor of what's actually been depicted.
Teeth are not made of bone.
This is like a Cyclops VS Wolverine match.
Long-distance shooter VS Short-distance fighter.
Everyone would agree that Cyclops omfgwtfpwns Wolverine.
The only difference between Cyclops and Deathstroke is Cyclops uses optic blasts, whilst Deathstroke uses guns and bombs and has a healing factor and faster memory processing.
Deathstroke. His taken on and even beaten bigger, badder dudes than Logan.
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
This is like a Cyclops VS Wolverine match.
Long-distance shooter VS Short-distance fighter.
Everyone would agree that Cyclops omfgwtfpwns Wolverine.
The only difference between Cyclops and Deathstroke is Cyclops uses optic blasts, whilst Deathstroke uses guns and bombs and has a healing factor and faster memory processing.
Comparing guns and bombs to Cyclops optic blasts is like comparing a sling shot to an rpg.
Starscream M
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Comparing guns and bombs to Cyclops optic blasts is like comparing a sling shot to an rpg. depends on the level of the optic blast
the normal blasts that cyke uses would actually be less deadly than a bullet since it's more like a punch than a piercing blast
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Deathstroke. His taken on and even beaten bigger, badder dudes than Logan. Like who?
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
This is like a Cyclops VS Wolverine match.
Long-distance shooter VS Short-distance fighter.
Everyone would agree that Cyclops omfgwtfpwns Wolverine.
The only difference between Cyclops and Deathstroke is Cyclops uses optic blasts, whilst Deathstroke uses guns and bombs and has a healing factor and faster memory processing.
His healing factor doesn't even compare to Logans or Deadpools. Slade has some nice high end ones but the standard doesn't even compare.
Originally posted by Daredevil1
His healing factor doesn't even compare to Logans or Deadpools. Slade has some nice high end ones but the standard doesn't even compare.
True... But, Slade' HF is good enough. And he can go the distance with Wolverine. This battle has me torn in two. Wolverine is by far my favorite in Marvel and Deathstroke is my # 3 top character in DC. I can see it going both ways. I just feel that Slade may out think Logan in the end. If Logan hasn't already fond a way to take Slade off of his game, by making him enraged.
slade is to fast for wolverine
Originally posted by Darkness_Within
slade is to fast for wolverine
He's not too fast for him. Wolverine is fast enough to give Parker a dam good fight. But Slade may be slightly faster or it could be that because of his enhanced brain functions, he reacts faster.
Silent Guardian
this is a joke right?! wolverine kills him!
Originally posted by Silent Guardian
this is a joke right?! wolverine kills him!
Far from a joke. Slade has recently taken a few helicopter fire to the chess (thanks to his mesh armor). He is very capable of taking a few stab wounds as well. Also that staff of his is powerful, and he reacts fast enough to tag Wally with it....
Silent Guardian
Originally posted by Marvelknight
Far from a joke. Slade has recently taken a few helicopter fire to the chess (thanks to his mesh armor). He is very capable of taking a few stab wounds as well. Also that staff of his is powerful, and he reacts fast enough to tag Wally with it....
yea, but I think Wolvie would eventually triumph. Thanks to his adamantium bones and HF. I do not see how Slade would defeat him, without prep
Wolverine can be put down, may not be for long. But long enough to give Slade the win. And for the record, Slade does not need prep before the battle to win this or in general. Prep for him can start after the first few blows are thrown. Adamantium bones and HF go long way. But it does nothing to help keep Logan from playing into Slade' game. Logan is quick to anger. Wolverine fights better when he thinks more clearly same with Slade. It's just that Slade has manipulation as a stat.
.........making Logan angry.....helps slade how? I mean you do realize a blood lusted berserker wolverine is superior to normal wolverine correct? By making Logan mad all slade would be doing is making Logan more deadly and superior in almost every senses. Also slade aint manipulating wolverine or tricking him in the least. Saying so is giving slade far to much credit that he simply does not deserve.
Logan superior damage soak and skills gives him the win here.
also slade stadnard equiptment does not include his staff. Also who ever said slade to fast for wolverine has no idea what there talking about.
psycho gundam
deathstroke would get a few wins, let's not kid ourselves. but the majority is to the wolverine no doubt, imo his wins would be kills not ko's.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
.........making Logan angry.....helps slade how? I mean you do realize a blood lusted berserker wolverine is superior to normal wolverine correct? By making Logan mad all slade would be doing is making Logan more deadly and superior in almost every senses. Also slade aint manipulating wolverine or tricking him in the least. Saying so is giving slade far to much credit that he simply does not deserve.
Logan superior damage soak and skills gives him the win here.
also slade stadnard equiptment does not include his staff. Also who ever said slade to fast for wolverine has no idea what there talking about.
His staff is his trademark weapon.... So yeah it's his standard (seen him use it in almost every issue I have). Do you read Deathstroke?.... He's a master at manipulation. You don't seem to know enough about him to give him that much credit. Wolverine's is not on par with Slade in battle tactics. Nor is he capable of out thinking him. Slade's thinking process is much faster. In the Titan East story, Slade battle Rose, Jericho, Nightwing, and Donna Troy at same time, hand to hand. Stating that he can do this all day. And for the record there's a different between getting mad while in battle, leading to a bad move in a fight than going all out berserk. Slade is very capable of tricking Logan into doing what he wants in a fight. He does it to multiple combatants all at once.
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