sphinx vs thanos
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senario: sphinx post absorbing the xander computer energies pre galactus handed his ass to him vs thanos w/o the infinity gauntlet... who stomps who.
sphinxy had well over 150 ton class strength at this time plus he had telepathic ability and the ability to exist in the vaccum of space, flight, concusive blasts, immortality and he took a beat down from galactus and lived he has to be at least a match for thanos... i agree though thanos would win.
this is a very good match up actually. i'd say they are pretty much at the same levels. sphinx never had the tech thanos does nor did he/she show quite the same durability but power-wise he (or she, whichever one you want for the battle) could certainly match up. i'd say thanos, most likely, but it would be a tough one for him and sphinx is capable of taking him out.
Sphinx full powered beats Thanos.
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