k heres the deal: i created a character recently called urthmane heqe are the details. urth mane is part of an alien race that is speculated to have been the protectors and in some cases the creators of organic life and their supporting environments on a number of planets. urthmane is however much older than lifes history on earth at over 45 billion years old. urthmane is 12 foot 7 inches tall and 1508 lbs. his current powers include: 150 ton plus class strength, near impervious skin able to withstand a limitless extreme of temperature both hot and cold and nearly any tramatic force, telepath abilities enabling comunication between any organic creation and immunity to such attacks, and indestructable organic skeleton, a healing ability that allows for regrowth of limbs and organs in seconds, the ability to create a indestructable stasis chamber, can emmit an energy field that can either cause the rapid degeneration or regeneration of organic matter, and control of the tectonic plates. so the story goes like this urthmane awakens from a 250 stasis at the botom of the ocean and soon after comes face to face with an alien invader dos doomsday who is wrecking havoc on the planet. who would win?