X-man VS Vulcan
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Pre Shaman Nate (around the time he defeated Exodus)
who wins?
Mr Marvel
I am not really sure, however i would assume that X man would win due to him being described as the most powerful mutant on earth, that is before Franklin Richards.
The only reason that i see him as not being an Omega level mutant is due to the fact that his power is to great for his body to handle, which in part is because of Mr Sinister.
don't see why gabe couldn't pull the same stunt against nate as he did against rachel.

Nate wins.
Try using the search.
Vulcan both versions.
Emperor Vulcan takes it, though effort will be applied (Good match)
Vulcan Plus stomps.
Lord Feron
I love both guys. I think X-man takes it because he he can assualt him on a mentally and since Vulcan is kinda unstable in head. X-man will take it.
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