Sinestro VS Mongul
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Both have their power rings fully charged. who wins? who is more fit to lead the Yellow Lantern Corp?
not calling it sinestro corp

only get to be called that with sinestro at the head. and this match is for that spot. sooo who wins?
It never made sense to me that the Sinestro Corps. had so many members stronger than Sinestro. Mongul easily takes him
Originally posted by superchron
It never made sense to me that the Sinestro Corps. had so many members stronger than Sinestro. Mongul easily takes him
Mongul beats Sinestro in a ring battle?
Well, doesn't mongul have multiple rings? Even with one, Mongul's natural abilities more than compensate for his lack of experience
I doubt a single one of the Sinestro Corps members could take Sinestro in a ring sling. He's that good. When Hall tried to use the yellow ring on him Sinestro just absorbed his attack effortlessly. Sinestro wins.
Cerpin Taxt
Originally posted by superchron
It never made sense to me that the Sinestro Corps. had so many members stronger than Sinestro.
All 4 of them?
does it matter how many rings you have? or does it come down to skill from years of exp with the ring?
Mongul quite frankly, doesn't strike me as intelligent enough to get the better of John or Guy, let alone Sinestro.

Cerpin Taxt
Originally posted by SevenShackles
does it matter how many rings you have? or does it come down to skill from years of exp with the ring?
Originally posted by Cerpin Taxt
Hal was horrible using SC rings though.
Cerpin Taxt
Originally posted by Mindset
Hal was horrible using SC rings though.
He was beating multiple Sinestro Corps members at once with those rings. Sinestro made him look like a fool and he'd do the same to Mongul in a ring fight.
Originally posted by Cerpin Taxt
He was beating multiple Sinestro Corps members at once with those rings. Sinestro made him look like a fool and he'd do the same to Mongul in a ring fight.
Fodder SC members. Martha Clark could beat them.
Cerpin Taxt
Originally posted by Mindset
Fodder SC members. Martha Clark could beat them.
Irrelevant. What I'm saying here is he wasn't "horrible" as you put it. There's no reason to think Mongul would do any better.
Well he has shown better abilities with his SC ring already, and Mongul would be better at a SC ring than Hal would be anyway. As Sinestro said, Hal was struggling to access the power of fear.
humm like to see Mongul rally the sinestro corp behind him only for sinestro to show up and cause a sinestro corp civil war! rather sinestro is their namesake and they seem to flock to him like flies to sh*t. rather not be fear or intimidation they actually see him as an authority figure.. so who knows Mongul vs Sinestro + Sinestro corp lol. eh
honestly i dont think mongul has done anything that impressive.
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