Originally posted by h1a8
Eternity is universal not multiversal.
Actually Eternity 616 is Multiversal.
Eternity/Infinity 616 is a single reality that possess the infinite power of the prime Multiverse.
Originally posted by h1a8
I don't care what you have read but this is the way it is.
Each universe has an Eternity
and each Eternity is responsible for its own (a single) universe.
Not quite.
Originally posted by Dark-Jaxx
There are Multiversal aspects of the same name of the universal ones.
Originally posted by h1a8
No there isn't.
Originally posted by TrollDog

Originally posted by fangirl101
then who is the multi-eternity?
Originally posted by TrollDog
Mr master will tell you when he logs back on.
With pleasure.
"Multi-Eternity" ... is ... Eternity. (Multiverse)
The term "Multi"
was added to his name by Captain Universe to describe Eternity's totality.
Now ...
"Aspects" of Eternity,
are single Universes.
But both "Aspect" and "Totality" share the SAME consciousness:
Here an Aspect of Eternity (a single universal space/time continuum) was nullified:
"I am the spirit of the Universe that once existed here.
A am an aspect of all Eternity
(Eternity was nigh-infinite at this time .... now Eternity is completely infinite)
"Of the nigh-infinite number of Aspects that comprise my Totality,
I am the only Aspect to succumb to death"
As we can see,
this Universe defines itself as an "Aspect" (single reality) and as the "Totality" (Multiverse) itself,
this is because the prime Multiverse spawned from the first reality (616)
derives from the first Eternity (616)
Dormammu gets ready to travel to Eternity's core, the 616 reality:
"All of Eternity's power will be mine ...
I go now into the mystery of Eternity ...
the power of Creation itself"
He transcends from the Dimension of Manifestations, into the 616 Reality.
What is the power of 616 Eternity?
"Wolds within Worlds, Dimensions folding into themselves,
Entire UniverseS being born, and collapsing into ruin,
and yet I sense that ALL This -- is but a fraction of what Eternity is,
the core, the Heart of Eternity's being ... here All Energy, All Matter, lies,
I will detonate Eternity's Heart --- triggering another Creation event,
Re-Birthing every being and thing in All the UniverseS"
So Eternity/Infinity 616 (is a single reality)
that represents the totality of Eternity. (power of the infinite Prime Multiverse)
616 Eternity appears before Strange:
Respect 616 Eternity yall!
Eternity is Time incarnated ...
When he raises a Hand which holds Whole UniverseS withIN it,
Past Present and Future"