Major Disaster vs. Superman....
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Most current alive versions....Major gets a five second head start.
Symmetric Chaos
Not enough time. I'd be willing to say he could hurt Supes with a minute or two of prep with his powers.
Here I thought this thread was about Jeph Loeb...
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Not enough time. I'd be willing to say he could hurt Supes with a minute or two of prep with his powers.
Wait wait wait...
Your willing to argue that Major Disaster would put up a btter fight against Superman than Goku in the Ginyu Saga??????????
Disaster couldn't pass a rock that he threw and catch it before it traveled more than 10 feet.
But thats exactly what Goku did.
I doubt Major Disaster could destroy a solar system, yet Goku SSJ3 can with 'Ease'

Originally posted by DigiMark007
Here I thought this thread was about Jeph Loeb...

Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Combat_Guru
Wait wait wait...
Your willing to argue that Major Disaster would put up a btter fight against Superman than Goku in the Ginyu Saga??????????
Disaster couldn't pass a rock that he threw and catch it before it traveled more than 10 feet.
But thats exactly what Goku did.
I doubt Major Disaster could destroy a solar system, yet Goku SSJ3 can with 'Ease'
. . .
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
. . .
What? I mentioned a couple of Goku's feats that trump anything Major Disaster (Stupid name.) could ever acheive even with PIS.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
. . .
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Doesn't compute does it?
Symmetric Chaos
Perhaps I should be saying: why? who the **** cares?
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Perhaps I should be saying: why? who the **** cares?
Well it's just kinda cool that someone so awesome is stronger than Superman.

Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Not enough time. I'd be willing to say he could hurt Supes with a minute or two of prep with his powers.
So a minute or two? What would you suspect he could do to him...maybe summon a kryptonite meteor shower?
its spam really...
Originally posted by smashyou
its spam really...
Originally posted by smashyou
its spam really...
It's sense.
Can't I talk it into you?
Its spam, quit posting.
Stay on topic please.
Endrict Nuul
Originally posted by Badabing
Stay on topic please.
Or else....

Originally posted by Endrict Nuul
Or else....

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