Doomsday vs The Fantastic 4
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Same setting as the beginning of the DOS story arch only this time DD happens to have been in the 616 Earth instead of the DCU. The Fantastic 4 are the first ones on the seen and just happen to be the only ones on the planet for the time being.
Could the Fantastic 4 stop Doomsday before he kills them all?
they die horribly . . .
Originally posted by leonidas
they die horribly . . . Agreed
Originally posted by Entity
Same setting as the beginning of the DOS story arch only this time DD happens to have been in the 616 Earth instead of the DCU. The Fantastic 4 are the first ones on the seen and just happen to be the only ones on the planet for the time being.
Could the Fantastic 4 stop Doomsday before he kills them all?
Originally posted by leonidas
they die horribly . . .

FF4 get annihilated.
So they get like an hour prep to face many, many, many years worth of fine kryptonian science?
Not a chance in hell.
It's official, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben die.
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