Movie Iron Man/Iron Monger vs movie Starscream/Devastator
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Endrict Nuul
Which team wins?
grey fox
While I haven't seen Ironman my money is on Starscream, his Jet-Judo is mighty.
If IM can tag them with a couple of those anti-tank missles I think they have a chance.
What would stop the Decpticons from overiding their tech? These are highly advanced Machines
Endrict Nuul
Originally posted by golem370
What would stop the Decpticons from overiding their tech? These are highly advanced Machines
They don't have the cude maybe......

There still more advanced by some degree and I loved the Iron Monger character a bulky character.
Endrict Nuul
They didn't transform other machines in the movie without the cube so they wouldn't do it here.
I thought they didn't know where was until the last of the movie and it was being shielded
grey fox
Originally posted by golem370
I thought they didn't know where was until the last of the movie and it was being shielded
They began with NO idea where the Allspark was, then using the Witwickies glasses (and some minor espionage work) they discovered it was in Hoover Dam. After that Frenzy simply alerted everyone else and the Decepticons rolled out.
Darth Martin
Devastator was semi taken apart by Jazz. I think Iron Monger is too slow for Starscream. That said I think that Team 1 is more durable then the Decepticons.
Decepticons. Starscream never went down and only sabot rounds had any remote sucess....starscream can fly into the stratosphere and fire from there, iron man can't follow.
Well, Iron Man can fly faster than Starscream, and his armaments if not enough to take him down from the start, can easily switch his payload. And Iron-Monger could take on Devastator. Iron Man would take Starscream no problem, and I'm not so sure about Iron Monger and Devastator though.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Tenebrous
Decepticons. Starscream never went down and only sabot rounds had any remote sucess....starscream can fly into the stratosphere and fire from there, iron man can't follow.
why would starscream bfr himself anyway?
Iron Monger is outclassed by the Either Starscream or Devastator. IMO IM doesn't have what it takes to take both of them down. He does have being a small target and relative agility and firepower compared to the behemoths.
Transformers 7/10
I fail to see how Starscream and Devastator can't just hack the armors. Cyclonus hacked the entire pentagon mainframe, as did Frenzy.
These are the movie incarnations. They didn't show the ability to hack in the movie, Frenzy and Blackout did, but that's it, and they were both destroyed. Also, Iron-Man armor is much more advanced than most of the world's current tech.
I agree with Trickster.
Darth Martin
Originally posted by illadelph12
I agree with Trickster.
Originally posted by KingD19
These are the movie incarnations.
Also, Frenzy only hacked the Pentagon by getting direct access to it's mainframes and computers. I'm pretty sure Starscream would have a hard time jacking in to Iron Man's armor while they're fighting.
Originally posted by Tenebrous
Decepticons. Starscream never went down and only sabot rounds had any remote sucess....starscream can fly into the stratosphere and fire from there, iron man can't follow.
I think going to that height would only lower the efficiency of his weapons.
Originally posted by KingD19
These are the movie incarnations. They didn't show the ability to hack in the movie, Frenzy and Blackout did, but that's it, and they were both destroyed. Also, Iron-Man armor is much more advanced than most of the world's current tech.
While I don't think either armors would withstand the hack attempts, I have to agree with the capabilities here. Even the two that did show the ability to hack required prolonged physical contact to do it. If they can do it the position would be so compromising that it would be far more efficient to just beat on them.
While Starscream is busy trying to find a jack on Iron Man suit, Iron Man's just going to blast away at him. Also, the weaponry that they showed was ordinary military odrinance. Only Ironhide, Optimus, Bumblebee, and Megatron showed anything that was alien. And the movie proved that Iron- Man could handle tank shells and bullets and things like that with no problem.
Faulty logic to assume that just because it appeared to be normal military ordinance, does not mean it actually is.
Starscream appears to be a typical F22, yet he is able to fly into space, and indeed, to the moon (in Transformers: Reign of Starscream comic, which is canon and part of the movie continuity).
Even more on point...a few of Starscream's "nomral military ordinance" discharges destroyed bumblebee's legs.
Contrast this with the pounding that Scorponok, a small drone transformer, whereas bumblebee is a full-sized autobot, took with a10 thunderbolts and the ac-130 gunship, resulting only in a small piece of his tail being broken's quite clear that starscream's weaponry is vastly superior to conventional ordinance.
Do you think ironman could stand up to the same punishment, when he was running away from a single missile fired by an F22? No.
Originally posted by KingD19
Well, Iron Man can fly faster than Starscream
No...Iron Man had trouble outrunning an F22. Starscream>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F22
Originally posted by Tenebrous
No...Iron Man had trouble outrunning an F22. Starscream>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F22
And didn't Starscream take out like 6 F22's in the air in about 4 seconds
Lord Feron
Originally posted by spawnwest
And didn't Starscream take out like 6 F22's in the air in about 4 seconds
Yeah but he had the element of Surprise. Remember it was like "WTF is that, is that one of ours?" Then BAM 2 birds out of the sky before they even knew that it wasn't one of theirs. So Don't give Starscream that much credit. IF it was the same amount of jet and they knew He was going. Starscream still might win but he would sustain considerable damage.
Darth Martin
Originally posted by Tenebrous
No...Iron Man had trouble outrunning an F22. Starscream>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F22 He had trouble outrunning an F-22's missile.
Originally posted by Tenebrous
Do you think ironman could stand up to the same punishment, when he was running away from a single missile fired by an F22? No.
I don't disagree with your point here but I think any sane person would try to run away from a missile when they're wearing an experimental suit of powered armor that has gone through little stress testing.
yes, ironman and iron monger can definitely take on devastator and starscream. ironman will use his scanner operating system to figure out the weak spot on the decepticons, their chest. he can launch his laser/heat guided antitank missiles, which is tipped with tungsten rounds, should be able to Peirce through the decepticon's hide. they will have more problem with starscream then devastator though.
if normal solders can take down decepticons with rocket launchers, then i don't see any reason why ironman and ironmonger can't.
Originally posted by Doctor-Alvis
I don't disagree with your point here but I think any sane person would try to run away from a missile when they're wearing an experimental suit of powered armor that has gone through little stress testing.
true true... i would run or avoid it too even though i know i can take the damage..

, perhaps it is extremely expensive to replace and fix the armor, so trying to avoid unnecessary risk.
Originally posted by wolverex84
true true... i would run or avoid it too even though i know i can take the damage..

, perhaps it is extremely expensive to replace and fix the armor, so trying to avoid unnecessary risk.
If I knew my powered armor could take the shot, I suppose I would avoid it still to avoid the risk of disorienting myself and putting myself in a comprising position. However, I don't recall him doing a lot of testing on the durability of the suit. I forget if he gets hit by the tank before or after he runs from the missile but if it were me I probably wouldn't have risked it at that point either way. Maybe after something like the Ironmonger fight I'd have a little more faith in how rugged my suit is.
Originally posted by Doctor-Alvis
If I knew my powered armor could take the shot, I suppose I would avoid it still to avoid the risk of disorienting myself and putting myself in a comprising position. However, I don't recall him doing a lot of testing on the durability of the suit. I forget if he gets hit by the tank before or after he runs from the missile but if it were me I probably wouldn't have risked it at that point either way. Maybe after something like the Ironmonger fight I'd have a little more faith in how rugged my suit is.
yes i won't want that, he took the tank missile shot before the military started following him.. impressive durability i would say.. the decepticon's were losing their body part way too easy.
you saw the difference between the agility of starscream in the air compared with ironman. if the fight is taken to the air, starscream would kill him.
Originally posted by FrothByte
you saw the difference between the agility of starscream in the air compared with ironman. if the fight is taken to the air, starscream would kill him.
humm i get your point, starscreams maneuverability is way better than ironmans, in terms of seed, not much difference, i would say 6/10 for ironman... starscream is equivalent to a living f22 with alien weapons. he will damage alot of ironman's armor i agree.. but ironman is smart enough to use precise and less weaponry that does major major damage.. just several antitank missiles. should so the trick. u saw what it did to the tank right...
Originally posted by The Nuul
Which team wins?
devastator was in the movie? where?! i didnt see any constructicons combine
He was called Devastator by accident, he was supposed to be named Brawl, but they never fixed it. And Devastator will be in the new movie, Revenge of the Fallen, with the Constructions, but the number is off by either one too many, or one too few, I can't remember.
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