The Phoenix vs The Silver Surfer
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Man of Christ
They fight outside alkalai lake
Grinning Goku
Phoenix ftw. Surfer can't quite compare.
hmm, given how easily rachel took care of frankie there is a chance she could take it. thor has ko'd her pretty easily and spiral has done the same. both used her power against her but there is a chance ss could also absorb her power in a smiliar way. ss's biggest feats also trump rachel's i think in terms of pure output of power but she seems to have a deeper well to tap.
hrm. i've thought about how this match would go in the past and i'm still not completely sure. 50/50 til i see a little more proof that rach could overwhelm him. good match.

rachel easily handled kallark
where was that guy?
One of the last few issues of the X Men
Kallark engaged Rachel in a fight. I had posted the scans in a Phoenix thread awhile back
I'll take a look after dinner
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