Classic Dr. Strange vs. the Spectre!
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Starscream M
Dr. Strange gets one month preptime. vs
Corrigan, Hal, or Crispus
Starscream M
Classic Spectre...whoever that is.
Strange pulls it off with prep.
Strange dies. You do not prep for the Spectre. You pray.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Strange dies. You do not prep for the Spectre. You pray. He beat Shuma Gorath and hes beaten Dormammu. With prep I have seen the Spectre handled in dov. If it wasnt for Eclipso he wouldnt have escaped.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He beat Shuma Gorath and hes beaten Dormammu. With prep I have seen the Spectre handled in dov. If it wasnt for Eclipso he wouldnt have escaped.
Spectre was vastly depowered in DOV. and he still soloed all of DC's magic.
Also, Spectre>>>>Shuma&Dorm combined.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Spectre was vastly depowered in DOV. and he still soloed all of DC's magic.
Also, Spectre>>>>Shuma&Dorm combined. He needed help from Eclipso or he wouldnt have been able to escape. He wasnt depowered either. Prove to me he was depowered.
Strange gets pwned.
Prep did not do Shazam much good in the end.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He needed help from Eclipso or he wouldnt have been able to escape. He wasnt depowered either. Prove to me he was depowered.

He was hostless, and it was specifically stated the Presence was not backing him............
King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Strange dies. You do not prep for the Spectre. You pray.
I love how you have not brought up a single feat in this thread but still believe yourself the victor.
strange will be depowered. the hostless spectre depowered the mighty and all powerful mxy. at full power the spectre would have killed mxy outright. strange would be a footnote in the history of comics trying to take on the spectre.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I love how you have not brought up a single feat in this thread but still believe yourself the victor.
........**** you kandy. dopedfu If you actually think this is not a spite match, you're a complete ****ing idiot.
Starscream M
hasn't classic Dr. Strange fought beings like Eternity and even the LT?
Originally posted by Starscream M
hasn't classic Dr. Strange fought beings like Eternity and even the LT?
He's never beaten them or been more than an annoyance. Quite simply, he's out of his league here.
don't get all riled up my friend
bag of tricks is a flea compared to living tribunal
spectre ftw
Originally posted by Starscream M
hasn't classic Dr. Strange fought beings like Eternity and even the LT? Classic Strange has beaten Dormammu. Dormammu was the one who fought Eternity. Classic Strange also beat In-Betweener, beat Death (twice), held his own against Warlock w/ IG. He opposed the Living Tribunal twice. The first time, he managed to break the LT's spells, but only because the LT underestimated him. Hmmm.
In 'Day of Vengeance,' I've seen Black Alice steal a hostless Spectre's powers. I've also seen amped Captain Marvel and prepped Shazam beat the power out of a hostless Spectre, before Spectre had to resort to stealing Shazam's power. But there seems to be some argument that a hostless Spectre isn't as powerful as a Spectre with a host.
But then again, I've seen Hal Parallax (Hallax) fight Corrigan Spectre on what appeared to be even terms in 'Zero Hour.' I've also seen the Spectre contained in Madame Xanadu's crystal ball when Asmodel bonded with him in 'Day of Judgment.' I've also seen the Parallax entity overpower and usurp Spectre's power in 'Green Lantern: Rebirth,' while Hal was bonded with him. With the pedigree of foes that classic Dr. Strange has taken on, I am currently undecided as to how well he'd do.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Classic Strange has beaten Dormammu. Dormammu was the one who fought Eternity. Classic Strange also beat In-Betweener, beat Death (twice), held his own against Warlock w/ IG. He opposed the Living Tribunal twice. The first time, he managed to break the LT's spells, but only because the LT underestimated him. Hmmm.
In 'Day of Vengeance,' I've seen Black Alice steal a hostless Spectre's powers. I've also seen amped Captain Marvel and prepped Shazam beat the power out of a hostless Spectre, before Spectre had to resort to stealing Shazam's power. But there seems to be some argument that a hostless Spectre isn't as powerful as a Spectre with a host.
But then again, I've seen Hal Parallax (Hallax) fight Corrigan Spectre on what appeared to be even terms in 'Zero Hour.' I've also seen the Spectre contained in Madame Xanadu's crystal ball when Asmodel bonded with him in 'Day of Judgment.' I've also seen the Parallax entity overpower and usurp Spectre's power in 'Green Lantern: Rebirth,' while Hal was bonded with him. With the pedigree of foes that classic Dr. Strange has taken on, I am currently undecided as to how well he'd do.
you forgot to mention that the spectre has held his own for a while anyway against the arc angel. something strange could never ever ever do. and the spectre wasn't even doing what god wanted him to do at that point.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Strange dies. You do not prep for the Spectre. You pray.
I hate to say this, but this is pretty well said.
You could kick him too
Originally posted by Avlon
Strange gets pwned.
Prep did not do Shazam much good in the end. He fought Mordru right before this battle and was weakened.
Originally posted by fangirl101
strange will be depowered. the hostless spectre depowered the mighty and all powerful mxy. at full power the spectre would have killed mxy outright. strange would be a footnote in the history of comics trying to take on the spectre. Captain Marvel was amped to the point of making the Spectre look quite inferior. I have also seen the Spectre fail against the Am. Strange can amp himself up with enough might take on the Spectre. We saw Enchantress funnel the remaining dcu magical realm into Marvel after Spectre starting taking out badasses and still whomp all over him. I have seen Mxy oneshotted by kingdom Gog. Beating Mxy isnt impossible and I recently saw prime wit some help utterly beat him senseless and scare him into hiding.
spectre ftw
stranges prep wouldn't help him much,spectre still defeated shazam who had a lot of he turned all shazams magic artifact/trinkets against him whilst in shazams stronghold "the rock of eternity".
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
........**** you kandy. dopedfu If you actually think this is not a spite match, you're a complete ****ing idiot. He is anyway.
Originally posted by Nihilist
spectre ftw
stranges prep wouldn't help him much,spectre still defeated shazam who had a lot of he turned all shazams magic artifact/trinkets against him whilst in shazams stronghold "the rock of eternity". Enchantress amped marvel to the point of beating him senseless. I also think Shazam being in that fight with Mordru prior weakened him although I dont think it would have changed the outcome. Strange is better at prep than Shazam imo.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by quanchi112
Captain Marvel was amped to the point of making the Spectre look quite inferior. I have also seen the Spectre fail against the Am.
Fail? He destroyed three entire universes.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He fought Mordru right before this battle and was weakened.
Spectre turned him into a magical battery once he got weary of the fight.
Strange becomes a magical snackcake for Spectre. All his artifacts, spells, etc are just going to feed him.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Enchantress amped marvel to the point of beating him senseless. I also think Shazam being in that fight with Mordru prior weakened him although I dont think it would have changed the outcome. Strange is better at prep than Shazam imo.
so is dr strange gonna beat spectre senseless then.
Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Classic Strange has beaten Dormammu.
Strange has never defeated Dormy without a stipulation involved.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Classic Strange also beat In-Betweener
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
beat Death (twice)
Not even once.
Death allowed Strange to think he did something once to Death's form,
Death immediately re-appeared like nothing, laughing.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
held his own against Warlock w/ IG.
Warlock was never trying to hurt Strange,
he was only trying to convince him to agree with his plans for the universe.
So Warlock used the Gems on Strange individually,
to present his reasons, but never was it intended to hurt Strange.
But Warlock, out of frustration, did attack Strange with the Power Gem,
Strange with prep, and all his Talismans combined,
got completely owned, (immediately)
and nearly destroyed by Warlock using the Power Gem alone.
(luckily Strange was able to reach Warlock through the Soul Gem, so Warlock decided to stop)
So basically,
Power Gem > classic Strange with Prep and all his Talismans combined!
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
He opposed the Living Tribunal twice.
Once, and was humbled lovely for it.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
The first time, he managed to break the LT's spells,
but only because the LT underestimated him.
The LT was testing Strange with petty magical traps, like the "rings of raggadorr" ...
it was only to see if Strange was worthy of being allowed to try & save the Earth,
which the LT was going to erase because of an imbalance.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Strange has never defeated Dormy without a stipulation involved.
Not even once.
Death allowed Strange to think he did something once to Death's form,
Death immediately re-appeared like nothing, laughing.
Warlock was never trying to hurt Strange,
he was only trying to convince him to agree with his plans for the universe.
So Warlock used the Gems on Strange individually,
to present his reasons, but never was it intended to hurt Strange.
But Warlock, out of frustration, did attack Strange with the Power Gem,
Strange with prep, and all his Talismans combined,
got completely owned,
and nearly destroyed by Warlock using the Power Gem alone.
So basically,
Power Gem > classic Strange with Prep and all his Talismans combined!
Once, and was humbled lovely for it.
The LT was testing Strange with petty magical traps, like the "rings of raggadorr" ...
it was only to see if Strange was worthy of being allowed to try & save the Earth,
which the LT was going to erase because of an imbalance.
shit you know your stuff.
Barbarian Shams
Mr. Master is pretty much the Marvel Cosmics expert of experts, he clears up stuff all the time. Anyhow, Spectre would beat Vic the same way he beat Shazam. 10/10.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He beat Shuma Gorath and hes beaten Dormammu. With prep I have seen the Spectre handled in dov. If it wasnt for Eclipso he wouldnt have escaped.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
........**** you kandy. dopedfu If you actually think this is not a spite match, you're a complete ****ing idiot. Trick, you've been told about this before. Why are you making me mod on my birthday? uhuh
Please don't do this again. If Kandy thinks you didn't prove your case then provide some scans or issues.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Strange has never defeated Dormy without a stipulation involved.Stipulation? Not quite sure what you're referring to. How about Dr. Strange has not lost to Dormammu several times? Better for you? Whether you want to call this a win or a "not losing" is up to you. Nitpick at Dormammu's incarnation in flesh if you want. It's still Strange defeating Dormammu. Just because it's not by overpowering him on every level while Dormammu has absolutely no openings, doesn't strip it of it's basic truth as a proposition: They fight. Dr. Strange defeats Dormammu. It's that simple: posted by Mr Master
???You didn't know? Allow me to teach you! Now you know that Dr. Strange beat the In-Betweener. And knowing's half the battle: posted by Mr Master
Not even once.
Death allowed Strange to think he did something once to Death's form,
Death immediately re-appeared like nothing, laughing.Yeah, your memory serves you well as what you describe lies in the first scan below. I'm referring to what happened after the first scan, which is the rest of the encounter. Galactus isn't the only one that saved them from Death's embrace, as the last panel indicates:
And not just once. You didn't know again? Well, allow me to teach you again! In this second encounter... well you read what Death herself says in the last panel about their encounters and tell me what you think: posted by Mr Master
Warlock was never trying to hurt Strange,
he was only trying to convince him to agree with his plans for the universe.
So Warlock used the Gems on Strange individually,
to present his reasons, but never was it intended to hurt Strange.
But Warlock, out of frustration, did attack Strange with the Power Gem,
Strange with prep, and all his Talismans combined,
got completely owned, (immediately)
and nearly destroyed by Warlock using the Power Gem alone.
(luckily Strange was able to reach Warlock through the Soul Gem, so Warlock decided to stop)
So basically,
Power Gem > classic Strange with Prep and all his Talismans combined!
Never suggested otherwise! All I stated was that Dr. Strange held his own against Adam Warlock w/ IG. Yup. And as you pointed out yourself, the omnipotent Adam Warlock w/ IG realizes his folly as can be plainly seen: posted by Mr Master
Once, and was humbled lovely for it.
The LT was testing Strange with petty magical traps, like the "rings of raggadorr" ...
it was only to see if Strange was worthy of being allowed to try & save the Earth,
which the LT was going to erase because of an imbalance. Twice. You didn't know? Allow me to teach you thrice! (Hey, that rhymes!) This is the first time he opposed the Living Tribunal and he is certainly humbled, that's true:
And this is the second time he opposed him. (The time you didn't know about):
Good day. Much love.

Originally posted by batdude123
Isn't it amazing how well that gif works for this forum?
Originally posted by Arcarsenal
Isn't it amazing how well that gif works for this forum?
Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Stipulation? Not quite sure what you're referring to. How about Dr. Strange has not lost to Dormammu several times? Better for you? Whether you want to call this a win or a "not losing" is up to you. Nitpick at Dormammu's incarnation in flesh if you want. It's still Strange defeating Dormammu. Just because it's not by overpowering him on every level while Dormammu has absolutely no openings, doesn't strip it of it's basic truth as a proposition: They fight. Dr. Strange defeats Dormammu. It's that simple:
What is this supposed to prove?
That Strange can get owned in an entire fight by a Dormy who's jobbing his ass off,
and then come back at the end with a lighting bolt and win? lol!
Atleast they did add the stipulation like I said so:
"Didn't realize it at first ... you're wearing Flesh.
How does it feel to have vulnerabilitites"
Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
You didn't know? Allow me to teach you!
Now you know that Dr. Strange beat the In-Betweener.
And knowing's half the battle:
"Allow me to teach you?" .... LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Strange using Order & Chaos against the In-Betweener,
that's what I'm learning?
Here I thought you were speaking about a real incident.
Like when the LT summoned the In-Betweener to fight just Strange,
Strange got owned.
Strange amped is another story,
Strange can't do that all the time. or at will,
in fact, Order and Chaos only helped him,
because they wanted the In-Betweener anyway.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Yeah, your memory serves you well as what you describe lies in the first scan below. I'm referring to what happened after the first scan, which is the rest of the encounter. Galactus isn't the only one that saved them all from Death's embrace, as the last panel indicates:
And not just once. You didn't know?
Allow me to teach you again!
In this second encounter... well you read what Death herself says in the last panel about their encounters and tell me what you think:
Yo you're hilarious dude.
hysterical ... "allow me to teach you again?" ... LOL!!!
That Strange never hurt Death?
That Death was never trying to kill Strange forcibly?
It's a battle of will, not power:
That's why in your silly scan, where Death says, lose some win some,
she obviously never attacked Strange, she was trying to draw him into her embrace,
but he has to do it willingly.
(Death is a Concept, and as such must operate withIN protocol standards)
Dude, before you accuse others of "lying" ... know what the F you're gibbering about.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Never suggested otherwise!
All I stated was that Dr. Strange held his own against Adam Warlock w/ IG. Yup.
And as you pointed out yourself,
the omnipotent Adam Warlock w/ IG realizes his folly as can be plainly seen:
Huh? (so I guess Pip and Gamora also held their own against the IG)
What is it you're "plainly seeing?"
All I see is Strange getting owned by the Power Gem alone.
Warlock NEVER used the IG on Strange.
Warlock Never tried to hurt Strange,
he was trying to convince him to concede to his PLAN
of eradicating ALL Evil from the Universe.
On Strange, Pip and Gamora.
Time Gem:
First: Warlock tries to make him see his PLAN in the Future:
"but IF TIME will Not make You reconsider Your Opposition to my Scheme"
Space Gem:
Second: Warlock sends him deep in Space (into darkness), to scare Strange:
"Then if Time and Space hold No TERRORS for you"
(he only mentioned Time because he had just used it before, check the issue if you wish)
Reality Gem:
Third: Warlock warps the Reality around them, attempting to mess with their senses:
"How do you Reason Out a defense, when Reason itself shift its stance?"
Mind Gem:
Fourth: Warlock uses the Mind Gem:
"If my MIND GEM cannot seduce you from your purpose, THEN...I will Strike at You"
The ONLY time Warlock actually tried to hurt Strange,
was WHEN he used the Power Gem .... the Power Gem, ALONE!
Power Gem:
Strange with PREP and All his Talismans combined gets owned easily:
"But Knowing in ADVANCE that Warlock Possessed it" (Power Gem)
"I had Arranged for ALL My TALISMANS to Act TOGETHER to COUNTERACT it"
"Which even I KNOW, almost at once, CANNOT LONG ENDURE"
(and this is ONLY the Power Gem)
"Warlock STILL has NOT used his Sixth and Final Weapon"
SEE, Warlock was USING the Gems SEPARATELY!
Soul Gem:
Strange reaches Warlock through his Soul Gem to communicate with him,
before Warlock kills him:
Strange tells Warlock of the Future, and Warlock sees that it is true:
This is Strange talking:
"He sees himself Victorious over me,
DESTROYING Me, as must certainly happen ANY moment Now"
Warlock ALWAYS Knew the outcome of this drama:
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Twice. You didn't know? Allow me to teach you thrice!
(Hey, that rhymes!)
This is the first time he opposed the Living Tribunal and he is certainly humbled, that's true:
And this is the second time he opposed him. (The time you didn't know about):
What does this prove? Absolutely nothing.
I posted this comedy in my Living Tribunal respect thread about a year ago.
Yea, I've been taught much right now, thanx for the lesson.
Originally posted by batdude123 I have no sound on my computer. Good thing.
Originally posted by Arcarsenal
Originally posted by -K-M-
That's how my dad met my mom
Originally posted by Arcarsenal
It's also how Red impregnated Trick
Originally posted by Arcarsenal
Isn't it amazing how well that gif works for this forum?
KMC is personified by it.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I have no sound on my computer. Good thing.
It's a gif. It makes no sound.
Originally posted by batdude123
It's a gif. It makes no sound.
Originally posted by -K-M-
That's how my dad met my mom
Originally posted by batdude123
It's a gif. It makes no sound. I may never know.
King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
........**** you kandy. dopedfu If you actually think this is not a spite match, you're a complete ****ing idiot.
Never said Strange wins (though admittedly you have brought nothing to show he loses.)
Originally posted by quanchi112
Captain Marvel was amped to the point of making the Spectre look quite inferior. I have also seen the Spectre fail against the Am. Strange can amp himself up with enough might take on the Spectre. We saw Enchantress funnel the remaining dcu magical realm into Marvel after Spectre starting taking out badasses and still whomp all over him. I have seen Mxy oneshotted by kingdom Gog. Beating Mxy isnt impossible and I recently saw prime wit some help utterly beat him senseless and scare him into hiding.
the specter was depowered at the time had just fought shazam in his own lair killed off several other skyfather level toons and then fought captian marvel powered by the rest of the entire dc univers and specter still beat the crap outta marvel. By the end of the fight marvel was bleeding all over and his out fit was torn to threads. and at the end of the fight the specter just backhanded marvel and left.
The full power of the specter with support from the presence is not beatable by starnge nope nope nope.
the specter depending on his level of support is easily up there with marvels galactus.
If i ever see a comic where strange beats that version of the specter ill just barf casue thats called OVERPOWERED.
No mortal should be that powerful.
Mr. Master, you're quite funny. All I did was make several statements. And then you start a one-sided argument as if you and I were debating. You can point out circumstances all you like, but my statements were never wrong. And indeed, several of yours were. Here I'm paraphrasing: 1) "Strange has only fought Death once." Go ahead and read the scan of their second encounter, "You've beaten me, and once more won your life." Those are her words, not mine. Pretty simple. 2) "Strange only opposed the LT's will once." Those were your false assertions. Not my fault the encounters I was referring to slipped your mind the first time around. And it's not even that big of a deal anyway.
But then you had to go and accuse me of accusing you of lying through gibberish. Nowhere did I do such a thing in my two posts. Even past that, you continue to waste space by explaining your scans as if you had something to add or debate. For instance, I already pointed out myself that Dormammu incarnated himself in the flesh. That surely didn't stop you from rescanning the same scan, resizing it, quoting in italics and then posturing as if you're rebutting some point of mine. I won't tell you how to spend your energy, but it's pretty misdirected.
Me: Yeah, he's 27 years old.
You: No he's not! He's a little older then 27 years old!
Me: Yeah, ok. That's true too. In fact, he is 27 and a half years old. But that's technically 27 years old.
You: Let me get his birth certificate! See here! He's 27 and 7 months old! Read it and weep! Don't accuse me of lying in the future!
Me: Yeah... okie dokie.
That pretty much characterizes most of your posts thereafter. A focused rebuttal of something that I already know and pointed out myself. Waste of space. Especially when I provided the scans already so that everyone else could see what I was talking about and form their own opinions. I only clarified what I was referring to in my original post. I didn't go about trying to prove anything. So please don't inject anything into it past that. But I'm sure you'll want to have some kind of last word. Knock yourself out, I've said my piece and I'm done with the thread. Later.

Mr Master
I'm thorough dude, perhaps you didn't know.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Mr. Master, you're quite funny.
You been making me lmao since yesterday, so we're on the same page,
I suppose this is more amusement.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
All I did was make several statements.
And then you start a one-sided argument as if you and I were debating.
Actually all I did was correct your Dr Strange exaggerations,
this pissed you off,
then this made you come back with wannabee insults,
and a pompous attitude like you were teaching me something:
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
1. Allow me to teach you!
2. Well, allow me to teach you again!
3. Allow me to teach you thrice! (Hey, that rhymes!)
This comedy is from page 2 of this thread.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
You can point out circumstances all you like,
but my statements were never wrong.
Yea, because we all saw Dr Strange hold his own against the IG, LOL!
Which btw. Also means Gamora and Pip held their own.

Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
And indeed, several of yours were.
Here I'm paraphrasing: 1) "Strange has only fought Death once."
So now you're going to start lying, on top of making exaggerated claims?
You said Strange "beat Death twice" ... LOL!
I said, "Not even once"
(Tenth post yall.)
Which is true, Strange never has never defeated Death in a battle.
Death only tried to seduce Strange into accepting her embrace,
Strange overcame her temptations.
Good for Dr Strange, he has a strong will,
but this has NOTHING to do with Strange over-powering Death.
Nice try.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Go ahead and read the scan of their second encounter,
"You've beaten me, and once more won your life."
Those are her words, not mine.
Pretty simple.
What's simple is the context Death is speaking in.
Death didn't attack Strange, you seriously didn't know that?
Death was only trying to make Strange accept his inevitable fate ... Death!
Death clearly points out that her Conceptual purpose is part of the balance,
so Strange should embrace her:
Strange resists the temptation, nothing more.
That's how Death is defeated, NOT by getting over-powered as you tried to present it.
Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
2) "Strange only opposed the LT's will once."
Those were your false assertions.
Not my fault the encounters I was referring to slipped your mind the first time around.
So you're fantasizing about supposed lies I posted? LOL!
You said Strange opposed the LT twice ... that's complete bull shit
Strange tried to oppose the LT's will back in 1967,
Strange was immediately humbled, nothing more happened:
(first time around in issue #158)
And the LT wasn't even trying to ever hurt Strange!
The LT was only testing Strange.
(second time around in issue #163)
Strange was just being a nuisance,
by trying to get in the way of the LT and Nebulos.
Owned again!
That's it .. is this what you call "Strange opposing the LT's will twice?"
He definitely tried. LOL!
Mr Master
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
But then you had to go and accuse me of accusing you of lying through gibberish.
Nowhere did I do such a thing in my two posts.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
you describe lies in the first scan below.
So, it seems this is another lie?
(15th Post)
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Even past that, you continue to waste space
by explaining your scans as if you had something to add or debate.
I wasn't trying to add anything to the debate.
I was only disproving your Dr Strange exaggerations.
And I did disprove them.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
For instance,
I already pointed out myself that Dormammu incarnated himself in the flesh.
That surely didn't stop you from rescanning the same scan, resizing it,
quoting in italics and then posturing as if you're rebutting some point of mine.
And yet you started your post with,
"Stipulation?" ... hum
And you're right,
it didn't stop me from pointing that stipulation out,
which you seemed to have addressed but dismissed as a "nitpick."
it's not a "nitpick,"
it's simply the reason why Strange won.
Like I said from the beginning ... he defeats Dormy with stipulations.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
I won't tell you how to spend your energy, but it's pretty misdirected.
Get this pompous garbage out of here dogs.
Atleast I don't bull shit
or make claims coming out of my ass.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Me: Yeah, he's 27 years old.
You: No he's not! He's a little older then 27 years old!
Me: Yeah, ok. That's true too. In fact, he is 27 and a half years old. But that's technically 27 years old.
You: Let me get his birth certificate! See here! He's 27 and 7 months old! Read it and weep! Don't accuse me of lying in the future!
Me: Yeah... okie dokie.
Gibberish, this off-topic inconsequential drivel.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
That pretty much characterizes most of your posts thereafter.
A focused rebuttal of something that I already know and pointed out myself. Waste of space.
1. You pointed out that Strange defeated Dormy without stipulations,
when in fact, the exact battle you post involves a stipulation.
2. You pointed out that Strange defeated the In-Betweener,
when in fact, it was Lord Order and Master Chaos' power that defeated the IB.
3. You pointed out that Strange defeated Death twice,
when in fact, Strange has never defeated Death even once in battle.
4. You pointed out that Strange held his own against Warlock w/IG,
when in fact, Warlock was never trying to hurt Strange,
and when in fact, Warlock used the Gems separately,
when in fact, Warlock only tried to hurt Strange once ... with the Power Gem ALONE!,
when in fact, Strange had Prep and All his Talismans combined,
and still got owned immediately, and nearly obliterated by the Power Gem ALONE!
5. You pointed out that Strange opposed the LT's will twice,
when in fact, the LT was only testing Strange to use him the first time around,
and the second time, while the LT battled Nebulos,
the LT gestured Strange away twice instead.
So basically, you were wrong on all 5 points,
that you supposedly already knew about.
Waste of space indeed. (on your part though)
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Especially when I provided the scans already
so that everyone else could see what I was talking
about and form their own opinions.
I only clarified what I was referring to in my original post.
Actually you tried to explain what was going on in the scans,
I won't say you were lying, like you accused me of,
I rather say you simply didn't know what you were talking about.
The on panel facts speak for themselves.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
I didn't go about trying to prove anything.
So please don't inject anything into it past that.
I never said you was trying to prove anything in your first post,
but the info you were posting was simply wrong.
Imo, you're not a jerk, a troll or liar because of it.
But in your second post replying to me, you do try and prove you're right,
with sarcasm and an arrogant undertone,
which is laughable considering you were still wrong.
I debate with love and respect, so long as the other party (such as yourself)
returns the same courtesy as I.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Strange pulls it off with prep.
Were you serious? I guess you were.
Spectre. No contest.
Why is even this debate between Dr. Strange and Spectre. And in crossover it was clearly seen that what LT is in Marvel, Spectre is in DC.
Upper limit of Spectre is immeasurably beyond any version of Stephen.
Mr Master
Originally posted by Xplosive
And in crossover it was clearly seen that what LT is in Marvel, Spectre is in DC.
I'm not saying Strange wins,
but if he loses,
it's not based on that analogy.
That cross-over is non-canon, so it's inconsequential.
There's no proof of any kind to suggest that the LT is weaker, equal or greater than Spectre,
or vice-versa.
personally, LT > Spectre imo...
Originally posted by Mr Master
I'm not saying Strange wins,
but if he loses,
it's not based on that analogy.
That cross-over is non-canon, so it's inconsequential.
There's no proof of any kind to suggest that the LT is weaker, equal or greater than Spectre,
or vice-versa.
Nice scans of LT.
Btw, isn't jla/avengers canon??

Originally posted by draxx_tOfU
personally, LT > Spectre imo...
nah. they both have the same role. they both serve thier respective gods. meaning they are given rule over what they see fit the spectre has more of a human touch thus he does things in a human way. while the lt is more mechanical in his approach. this is why it's nothing for him to erase a universe just for an imbalance sake. they have the same power. the same authority.
Mr Master
Originally posted by kevdude
Nice scans of LT.
Originally posted by kevdude
Btw, isn't jla/avengers canon??
Only withIN the cross-over itself.
In other words, what takes place withIN legitimate company cross-overs,
is only consequential to said cross-over.
It has nothing to do with the real canonicity of Marvel and DC.
But anyway, jla/avengers has nothing to do with the LT.
Mr Master
Originally posted by fangirl101
nah. they both have the same role.
they have the same power. the same authority.
Where is this stated and/or depicted or even alluded to?
You can't make statements like this friend without some form of proof.
Originally posted by fangirl101
nah. they both have the same role. they both serve thier respective gods. meaning they are given rule over what they see fit the spectre has more of a human touch thus he does things in a human way. while the lt is more mechanical in his approach. this is why it's nothing for him to erase a universe just for an imbalance sake. they have the same power. the same authority.
au contraire...
Spectre is not a multiversal judge, he's a glorified Ghost Rider...
but i respect your opinion...

One is a cosmic judge of sorts, while the other is the embodiment of god's wrath.
Though both pass judgement in their own way, I wouldn't quite be prepared to say LT and Spectre have the same role.
Peers I can see...same
Starscream M
Spectre is nowhere close to LT
Spectre loves to mettle in mortal affairs, LT is far far beyond such trivial matters
Spectre's role is akin to the Watchers, albeit Spectre is alot more powerful
but he's nowhere close to the allencompassing power of Living Tribunal
Spectre FTW
Originally posted by Xplosive
Were you serious? I guess you were.
Spectre. No contest.
Why is even this debate between Dr. Strange and Spectre. And in crossover it was clearly seen that what LT is in Marvel, Spectre is in DC.
Upper limit of Spectre is immeasurably beyond any version of Stephen. Master already said its noncanon.
Do you really think Wolverine can beat Lobo or that Storm can beat WW?
Originally posted by Starscream M
Spectre is nowhere close to LT
Spectre loves to mettle in mortal affairs, LT is far far beyond such trivial matters
Spectre's role is akin to the Watchers, albeit Spectre is alot more powerful
but he's nowhere close to the allencompassing power of Living Tribunal Spectre is powerful but you are correct that the Lt is more powerful.
Spectre can imo at times be placed very confidently on LT's level. On other times he cannot, he varies in power something LT doesn't.
However in this thread Spectre ftw.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Where is this stated and/or depicted or even alluded to?
You can't make statements like this friend without some form of proof.
well if you want to get technical, the lt is like a judge. the spectre is like the officer that deals out the punishment.
in the real world, the judge has the authority, but the officer clearly can kick the judges ass at any time he wishes. bound only by a code of morality. if god tells the spectre to defeat a being, destroy a universe, what is going to stop him from doing so?
Originally posted by fangirl101
well if you want to get technical, the lt is like a judge. the spectre is like the officer that deals out the punishment.
in the real world, the judge has the authority, but the officer clearly can kick the judges ass at any time he wishes. bound only by a code of morality. if god tells the spectre to defeat a being, destroy a universe, what is going to stop him from doing so? It depends on the judge and the guard. And in the real world the officer would get restrained by the other officers by the judge who has authority in the courtroom.
Originally posted by quanchi112
It depends on the judge and the guard. And in the real world the officer would get restrained by the other officers by the judge who has authority in the courtroom.
in the real world, an officer could shoot the judge in the head before the other officers react. the judge will be dead and the officer would be arrested. thus the lt and the spectre are equals in my eyes.
Originally posted by fangirl101
in the real world, an officer could shoot the judge in the head before the other officers react. the judge will be dead and the officer would be arrested. thus the lt and the spectre are equals in my eyes. The judge could also shoot the officer or avoid a fatal shot. The bottom line is the judge holds more power just as the Lt does.
The Lt doesnt need a human host either. The Lt doesnt need direction as the Spectre on his own is quite the idiot.
Originally posted by quanchi112
The judge could also shoot the officer or avoid a fatal shot. The bottom line is the judge holds more power just as the Lt does.
The Lt doesnt need a human host either. The Lt doesnt need direction as the Spectre on his own is quite the idiot.
what does that have to do with anything? yes the spectre isn't the bright on it's own. but the spectre with a host was able to fight the arc angel. the living power of god. the lt god bitched by thanos with the very same kind of power. fangirl101: score 6.
Originally posted by fangirl101
well if you want to get technical, the lt is like a judge. the spectre is like the officer that deals out the punishment.
in the real world, the judge has the authority, but the officer clearly can kick the judges ass at any time he wishes. bound only by a code of morality. if god tells the spectre to defeat a being, destroy a universe, what is going to stop him from doing so?
The LT is more like judge, jury, and executioner. That is why he blinks away the threats that he feels are more salient, and deals with others that threaten the cosmic balance. That being said, you are correct in believing that the Spectre is more capable of acting outside a set geography of rules. It can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing.
As for whether the Spectre can kick LT's ass, I'm not going to touch on that. The point of Spectre is not whether or not he can destroy or defeat something with God's backing, it's whether or not he can do so without. He is clearly capable of being on LT's level, but also has a lower minimum point than the LT.
Originally posted by fangirl101
what does that have to do with anything? yes the spectre isn't the bright on it's own. but the spectre with a host was able to fight the arc angel. the living power of god. the lt god bitched by thanos with the very same kind of power. fangirl101: score 6. Thanos became supreme so losing someone who is supreme isnt that bad.
On his own the Spectre was crushed by Captain Marvel who wasnt even close to being supreme.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos became supreme so losing someone who is supreme isnt that bad.
On his own the Spectre was crushed by Captain Marvel who wasnt even close to being supreme.
you know how we differentiate between what thanos we are debating? Like pre-death. pre-aw. thanos with the ig, thanos witht heart.
it would be nice if you did the same when discussing the spectre.
spectre with crispus allen. spectre with hal jordan. depwered spectre. hostless spectre. just saying spectre was crushed by captain marvel who was actually amped captain marvel, makes it seem like you are saying fully powered, spectre was crushed by regular captain marvel. which is wrong.
the spectre with a host, actually stood up to and fought the arc angel.
the lt did't even stand up to thanos. he got wiped.
a perfectly good comparison. the spectre can be at times more powerful than the lt. at times less powerful. at times the same lvl. at any rate, dr. strange loses here before he even thinks of a plan.
Mr Master
Originally posted by fangirl101
well if you want to get technical, the lt is like a judge.
the spectre is like the officer that deals out the punishment.
in the real world, the judge has the authority,
but the officer clearly can kick the judges ass at any time he wishes.
bound only by a code of morality.
if god tells the spectre to defeat a being, destroy a universe,
what is going to stop him from doing so?
He has finally returned. wavey
I remember this same analogy you used some time ago.
Originally posted by fangirl101
you know how we differentiate between what thanos we are debating? Like pre-death. pre-aw. thanos with the ig, thanos witht heart.
it would be nice if you did the same when discussing the spectre.
spectre with crispus allen. spectre with hal jordan. depwered spectre. hostless spectre. just saying spectre was crushed by captain marvel who was actually amped captain marvel, makes it seem like you are saying fully powered, spectre was crushed by regular captain marvel. which is wrong.
the spectre with a host, actually stood up to and fought the arc angel.
the lt did't even stand up to thanos. he got wiped.
a perfectly good comparison. the spectre can be at times more powerful than the lt. at times less powerful. at times the same lvl. at any rate, dr. strange loses here before he even thinks of a plan.
What shame is there in losing to any being with the HOTU? By the same reasoning, if Spectre lost to a being that was for all instances and reasoning God, would there be any shame? Simply put, I haven't seen anything from either the LT or the Spectre (with host, backed by Presence) that places either higher than the other. Ignoring certain PIS for both characters, Spectre fluctuates more. It isn't an insult. It is his ethos.
Originally posted by Mr Master
He has finally returned. wavey
I remember this same analogy you used some time ago.
Whirly? Who?
Mr Master
Originally posted by Ouallada
Whirly? Who?
He had me until he paraphrased some old analogy of his.
King Kandy
I'll prove what a lier you are fangirl. I'll runa "lies of fangirl" special where I show all the times you've lied.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I'll prove what a lier you are fangirl. I'll runa "lies of fangirl" special where I show all the times you've lied.
why are you attacking me? i haven't said one thing about you.
King Kandy
You said plenty of stuff, nvr. I'll find some quotes.
Originally posted by King Kandy
You said plenty of stuff, nvr. I'll find some quotes. wait? first you say i said plenty of stuff then you say i never said plenty of stuff? are you ok? i'm a bit intrigued by your hatred of miss 101. i dont' even remember arguing with you. who are you? are we freinds on myspace?
If someone has absolute proof of socking then please PM it to me. If not, stop the accusations and get back on topic.
psycho gundam
nvr is fangirl101? heh the similar debating style makes sense now.
King Kandy
I will gather absolute proof. Just you wait.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
nvr is fangirl101? heh the similar debating style makes sense now.
are you saying that i'm never a fan girl? trust me. if you saw me, you'd be a fan of me. trust on that.
Even if it is Nvr, so what? He was 5x the debator you were, Kandy.

And he didn't deserve to be banned.

the mods banned Nvr because he deserved to be banned...
he was warned numerous times and had been temp banned as well...
so yeah, he deserved it...
neway, Spectre ftw...
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos became supreme so losing someone who is supreme isnt that bad.
On his own the Spectre was crushed by Captain Marvel who wasnt even close to being supreme.
Could somebody please tell me the name of the comic book and what issue it was that this battle happened? I must have missed it. Oh,oh you must be refering to the battle where captian marvel battled the specter with the aid of the entire D.C. universe's magic users. I think you forgot to mention that tad bit of imformation. Oh yeah if I remember right the specter didnt have the aid of the presence and didnt have a host (BIG power down). The lords of magic several other skyfather level charaters including shazam ( on his own turf) were beat by the specter. By the time he made it to marvel he was way worn down and was not even at fully potential from the beginning. And marvel didnt crush the specter either. the specter just backhanded him at the end of the fight and left marvel in a torn outfit in a bloody pulp.
This particular version of the specter was by no means even close to the most powerful version.
that sounds pretty supreme to me.
it wasn't a walk in the park for the Spectre either...
it wasn't a fight that lasted a single panel...
they were trading blows, which means that at one point, the magic users equaled the Spectre in power...
Spectre won, don't get me wrong, but he had to fight tooth and nail for his victory...
Originally posted by draxx_tOfU
it wasn't a walk in the park for the Spectre either...
it wasn't a fight that lasted a single panel...
they were trading blows, which means that at one point, the magic users equaled the Spectre in power...
Spectre won, don't get me wrong, but he had to fight tooth and nail for his victory...
Your right im a huge captian marvel fan he did alot of dmg to the specter. But he was faceing a weaker version of the specter and that particular version of the specter was severly depowered.
Never the less the point i was trying to get across was that the specter didnt just fight captian marvel, He fought the combined forces of all the D.C. magic users and he was in a very weakend state. Even so it was a great battle.

Originally posted by draxx_tOfU
it wasn't a walk in the park for the Spectre either...
it wasn't a fight that lasted a single panel...
they were trading blows, which means that at one point, the magic users equaled the Spectre in power...
Spectre won, don't get me wrong, but he had to fight tooth and nail for his victory... The remaining magic users surpassed the Spectre in power.
The only reason the Spectre made it out of there was due to Enchantress and Eclipso helping him escape.
Spectre beats Strange.
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