
Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.

name: wetriks
race: saiyan
Starting attack: kamehameha wave
Bio: a low class warior that has lost memory of his life
Weapon: sword of light

If you are planning on starting an RP, please follow this link.

If you are planning on joining a currently running RP, most likely you will have post a character sheet (make sure you know the format) in the RP's appropriate thread. If you are confused about how to join a certain RP, try PMing the person running it.

Welcome to KMC

As KingDubya said, reading the intro thread and rules are always a must before starting. Also you need permission to post threads in this section of the forums, the link provided above is where you post your story/roleplay idea for consideration, usually determined by how many people you find interested.

This thread will most likely be closed, to prevent clogging the flow of this board.

I hope you enjoy your time in KMC, welcome and have fun ^^


Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.