Desak vs Surtur

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who wins?

Surtur is a demon capable of destroying entire galaxies. He is over 1,000ft tall. Made of mystical flames that only get hotter when provoked.

Desak was taken out by a stab from Thor.

Ever Seen a Bald Eagle take on and Ant?

Originally posted by kakuzu
Surtur is a demon capable of destroying entire galaxies. He is over 1,000ft tall. Made of mystical flames that only get hotter when provoked.

Desak was taken out by a stab from Thor.

Ever Seen a Bald Eagle take on and Ant?

Analogies FTW!


Originally posted by kakuzu

Just so we understand each other...that whole analogy was basically that Surtur is America (Bald Eagle) and Al-Queda is Desak (ant)...right?

So yeah. Ameritur stomps the terrorists.

Yes. Surtur is a galaxy buster even able to take on and over power Odin. Desak has killed hundreds of gods, However he is meant to fight gods. He isn't meant to fight Demons. What makes it even worse is Surtur has an army of Demons all boys and capable of lifting 30 tons each, with enough of them to take over the entire planet earth. That and his strength alone is enough to destroy a galaxy or his blast he would pretty much wipe the floor with Desak.


psycho gundam
Originally posted by Enyalus
Just so we understand each other...that whole analogy was basically that Surtur is America (Bald Eagle) and Al-Queda is Desak (ant)...right?

So yeah. Ameritur stomps the terrorists. that was epic...

but desak loses respectfully.

Desak isn't specifically created to fight gods, that's just what Tarene told him. Desak's sole purpose was to make King Thor see the error of his ways, that's why Tarene went back to the past and gave Desak his powers. His powers aren't specifically aligned to gods, it's just that Tarene wanted him to fight gods and made him believe that.

Energy attacks do little damage, but physical attacks should work.


Surtur wins.

Gotta go with Surtur.

Originally posted by llagrok
Desak isn't specifically created to fight gods, that's just what Tarene told him. Desak's sole purpose was to make King Thor see the error of his ways, that's why Tarene went back to the past and gave Desak his powers. His powers aren't specifically aligned to gods, it's just that Tarene wanted him to fight gods and made him believe that.

Energy attacks do little damage, but physical attacks should work. have any proof? I read this arc a long time ago and know this was all designed to make King Thor see the error of his ways but when was it stated that he couldnt abosrb the powers of gods.


Desak is made to be immune to god attacks. Remember even the Odinforce had no effect. Surtur doesn't need that.

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