When was Namor on the Avengers?

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Does anyone happen to know the issues where Namor was part of the Avenger's roster?

I don't have every title number, but try to check the pages in the sticky of comic resources, they should give you all the results you want in comicdb, comicvine or the marvel wikia.

Also there is a comic book question thread.

Endrict Nuul
I think this...

Sub-Mariner Namor Joins Avengers Avengers 263 Jan 1986


He was also on the team just prior to the disassembled arc. It was one of the last couple of stories before disassembled where the Zodiac key was used in a story again and Scarlet Witch became involved with some God's called chaos and Order. One of them beat up Namor yes

For future reference it's probably better to put these sorts of questions in the comic book questions thread and just to make threads on specific comics or comic related subjects as opposed to a question this specific.

In the 80's.


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