Fan pictures

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Darth V
I have made this picture myself (just not the background, I found it somewhere on the internet). It's me in the jedi-suit and a friend of mine in the stormtrooper-suit. Does anyone of you, have homemade pictures you want to post? I think it would be great to see othher fans pictures!

Nice one Darth V. Should ask Raz to stick it in his Fan Art Gallery. I'd like to display it in mine too if you don't mind.

Darth V
You are welcome
Just remember I have not made the background. It's not because it's protected by copyright or something like that, I just don't like to make the creator unhappy.
But I'm glad you like it! Use it as you like.
I have a few others if you are interested.

i ahve one but how do i put it on sry im new to forums

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