Countdown to Final Crisis Checklist

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Has anyone got a checklist of all the comics affiliated with Final Crisis? Any help would be great, I stopped half way through and want to start reading them again. (so sue me)

Thanks in advance to any help I can get. smile

My advice?

Read 52, Seven Soldiers, and then head straight to Final Crisis and it's tie ins.

Death of the New Gods and Countdown aren't THAT necessary, imo.

I know but I was half way into it, thats the only real reason I want to read them.

I already read 52 as well.

Originally posted by Kinkin
I know but I was half way into it, thats the only real reason I want to read them.

I already read 52 as well.

countdown doesn't really add much, but if you've started it, you might as well finish.

death of the new gods was sort of half retconned. the events during it are supposed to be a vague idea of what happened leading up to Final Crisis, and are in no way to be taken literally...

Seriously? Bloody hell.

Originally posted by Kinkin
Seriously? Bloody hell.

yup. blame DC. they dropped the ball on that one big time.

Feck...well thats stupid.

Originally posted by Kinkin
Feck...well thats stupid.


dj slade
Originally posted by Kinkin
Has anyone got a checklist of all the comics affiliated with Final Crisis? Any help would be great, I stopped half way through and want to start reading them again. (so sue me)

Thanks in advance to any help I can get. smile countdown to final crisis volumes 1 to 4

Hmm well anyway I can't seem to find a checklist anywhere. Unfortunate.

Um what are those volumes? Collections or what?

dj slade
yep trade paper backs. What issue you up to?

Well none of Final Crisis.

I'm still on Countdown. Monarch had disappeared last time I read it, had a couple issues of Mystery and the others as well.

dj slade
ive got all 4 volumes ive only read 2 of them probably the issue your up to.

I see, the volumes could be helpful. Thanks.

Use the existing FC thread. Thanks

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