Star Wars: The Force be with Us (AU) [RP Thread]

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Star Wars: The Force be with Us

In the year 138 ABY, the Sith are near their ends. As the new Emperor, Darth Wyyrlok, Lord Krayt's second-in-command Sith Lord, takes over the throne, many are coming together to bring down the Sith. But it's going to take a lot of teamwork to bring them all down.

Cade Skywalker, Deliah Blue, and Jariah Syn are traveling the Galaxy, looking for people faithful enough to destroy the Sith. Some may join, but others may be afraid to.

If many come together and defeat the Sith, peace will be restored. But if not, the Galaxy is doomed to the Sith....

Jeffrey aboard his ship was donning the all familiar grey jedi costume he had made for himself and the Mandalorian Armor that he had bought so that he could be in disguise when he fought the sith. "Where is that medication?"

Blade sat in the tap-caf with his eyes affixed on his beverage. He didn't care much for what what the locals called it, nor did he even registor the tepid liquid as it flowed down his throat. He was lost in a world of thought until a tender came over.

"Would you like to order, sir."

Blade looked up at the protocol droid and shook his head, instead placing a few credits onto the server-droids tray, along with a barely touched drink. "No-thanks." He slouched in his seat for a moment as if he was contemplating to stay there. He slipped out from the table, turned around and bumped into an R2 unit. It bleeped at him a few times and continued on its way. He scoffed on his sleeve and made for the exit.

The streets of Folo, the capitol city of the planet Folomis were crouded with all manner of species and speeders. Blade pushed his way through the milling pedestrians heading for the closest of the cities three major space-ports. His ship, currently under the IFF as the Solo Flyer.

He walked into an alley, looking over his shoulder. He was being tailed; he could tell, mostly because the spice he'd delivered to the local Hutt wasn't exactly the top stuff, of couse he didn't normally run spice but he was in need ofthe credits if the Solo Flyer was to ever see the interior of a tech shop he'd kick himself. As he reached the end of the alley, he walked onto an empty street. Immediately his mental alarms started blaring. Trap."

Jeffrey then walked off his ship into a nearby Cantina where he met. Reina Alom and then he said to her "I hear you are good at fighting with that light whip of yours correct?"

Inside Mos Espa's cantina, on the planet Tatooine, Reina Alom sat there on the stool, drinking her Blue Milk.

Popping up from her pants' pocket was her little doll-like droid, Zipper. Her father was a Mechanic when she was little. He also gave Reina the little doll-like droid as a birthday gift. Zipper always been there for her.

"How long, Reina?" Zipper asked. His voice box sounded that of a 11-year-old.

Reina looked down, and smiled. Then she picked up Zipper, and held him in her hands. "Not too long, little friend. Once we find the right guy to help Skywalker and the gang, we'll get rid of the Sith once and for all."

Zipper sighed. "Yeah. I guess you're right..."

The young woman chuckled warmly, and set her little friend on the bar counter. Suddenly, she heard a voice from behind.

I hear you are good at fighting with that light whip of yours correct?"

Reina didn't look at the stranger, but answered, "Yeah. Who wants to know?"

Jeffrey was at a cantina on Naboo. He then walked out and bumped into Reina. "Sorry. Must have got lost. " Suddenly (do you mind if 2 storm troopers attack?) 2 Storm Troopers attacked Jeffrey. He then ignited the lightsaber at his belt, it shining a silverish blue. "Prepare yourselves. "

((Not trying to be mean or anything... but can you please edit your post, Hawkeye113? And don't do the attack yet. Thank you.))

((I can't. 15 minute editing rule)) Jeffrey walked out of his ship which had recently landed on Naboo an hour ago. He would need to restock his ship.

((That's all right, Hawkeye113. I understand. smile ))

Zipper squinted his shiny, buttoned black eyes at Reina. "Uh, Reina? Who were you talkin' to?"

Reina snapped out of her trance. "Huh? Oh. Must've been daydreaming. Sorry." Reina smiled down at Zipper embarrassingly.

The little doll-like droid smiled. "Aww, it's all right."

"My name is Jeffrey. " said Jeffrey as he approached. His hand was on the lightsaber at his belt. "Seems we share a common interest. Wyrlock's death. I have quite the Arsenal in my ship if you are interested in doing me a small favor....." He then pointed over at a group of thugs "They have stolen something of mine, and due to them being protected by a force field, my lightsaber is useless. "

At the end of the street a squad of four Imperial Stormtroopers were approching him as he walked. Blade started to become nervous, this wasn't how Hutt's usually handled things.

"What are you doing here, sir." The lead Stormtrooper asked, holding out his gloved hand. "Identi-chip and permit, please."

Darion was quick to pick up that neither was a question. "Yes, of course." He handed over the requested permit-pad and ID. "Is there a problem, officer?"

The Stormtrooper glanced at the permit, and then ran both through his scanner. It bleeped positive for the ID but negative for the permit. The Stormtrooper looked up at him. Two of the troopers had already sighted their blasters as if expecting the negative read. The local Moff was obviously pulling out a favor for the Hutt, making things nice and legal.

"You are under arrest for carrying contraband that has been embargoed on this planet by order of his majesty; the emperor."

He rose his hands at the Imps direction. "Coyianna where are you?" He whispered.

(sorry for being late) Jex, coming from his latest bounty, was at a cantina in his homeworld of Narshadaa. drinking the blue milk that the twi'lek that is his adopted sister. the twi'lek's name was Lesol Starkiller.
"So, who's bounty did you collect on?" Jex had a sharp reply to his sister

"Jese Hese, some man who had owed money to the hutts." Jex had been coming to this cantina since he wass 18. after every bounty he would come and get a drink here and every time, some drunk would try and fight him. when Jex got a tap on the shoulder he swiftly replied

"am i goin to have to ship you to Naboo again?"

When he had turned around it was five stormtroopers. "Hand over your identi-chip and permit-pad."

as Jex reached for his pocket, he throuh the storm trooper into each other and ran.

(sorry for grammadical errors)

"My name is Jeffrey. " said Jeffrey as he approached. His hand was on the lightsaber at his belt. "Seems we share a common interest. Wyrlock's death. I have quite the Arsenal in my ship if you are interested in doing me a small favor....." He then pointed over at a group of thugs "They have stolen something of mine, and due to them being protected by a force field, my lightsaber is useless. " "Let's just say that said item happens to be an old relic of the jedi. Something to augment force abilities perhaps. "

((That's okay, Jexaz. smile And Hawkeye113? I'm in Tatooine. You're in Naboo. ))

Reina got up from her stool, and payed the bartender his credits. She then extended her hands towards Zipper. The little droid-like doll jumped in her hand with a smile.

As they walked out of the cantina, Reina could see the Twin Suns setting in the horizon. Tatooine was about to be night. "Well'p, we better go find an inn to rest in. Then we can find recruits to help get rid of the Sith."

"Yeah!" Zipper said, jumping up and down happily in Reina's hand.

Smiling, the young woman, along with her little friend, walked the streets of Mos Espa, looking for a place to rest for the night.

OOC : Ok

Jeffrey was bored with Naboo. He knew only one solution, travel to his birth place : Tatooine and hunt for employment there rather than be a bounty hunter. He then walked into his ship and set the Hyperspace Coordinates.

as Jex was running from the storm troopers, he had seen an alleyway. Jex bursted throough there, but there were storm troopers waiting over there. as the storm troopers from the back and the front started to shoot, he did a force jump and was on top of a building. he had ran the rooftops until he got back to the bar. though he went back to the bar it was only for a second. When he had seen Lesol he told her "here, take 5000 credits and leave this planet."

"why?" she replied muttering

"Just do it! If any of those stormtroopers look for who i am, they might be coming for you too."

"where would i go?"

"i will drop you off in coruscant. you can go see your mother."

as Jex and her started to run five storm troopers came by. Jex told her to stay back. He pulled out his two lightsabers. Blacker than the night without the moon, the two lightssabers had been activated. though he did not intend on using the lightsabers, he thought that it could scare them off. the storm troopers started backing up, and they quickly ran away. Jex and leson had finally gotten to the Ship, The Horizon Star. This vessel was much like the leviathin, only flat. this made it more manuverable. though the average person thought that it would be easy kill once you hit it, but it has one of the strongest force fields iin the galaxy. once Jex had started the ship, more storm troopers came. it was too late, however. the storm troopers had shown up right as they got off of the ground. a hour later they arrived at coruscant. Jex dropped off Lesol. "Stay at your moms, i will come back for you an a month when things have cooled down." She nodded her head and ran off. Jex had a new destination. A world that he loved, Tatooine. He can Get an easy job with being a bounty hunting jedi. he set course and was off

Reina finally found an inn to rest. "Jup's Inn. Must be new," the young woman said, looking at the carved sign above the doorway. They got in and went to the innkeeper. "Excuse me, sir? Do you have any more rooms?"

"Huh? Oh, sure. Follow me, kid," the male Besalisk said. Reina and Zipper followed. Finally, they were upstairs. "Your room is Number 25. Enjoy yer stay, miss," he said, giving her the card before leaving.

Reina bowed. "Thank you." She swiped the card in the wall's monitor, and placed the card in her pocket. The metal door slid opened. They finally entered in, and closed the door back.

"Well, not the best place in the world... but it'll do," Reina said, smiling at Zipper.

The little droid jumped from her shoulder, and onto the table. "Yep. But I'm tired now. Shall we?"

The young woman smiled. "Certainly." The two of them got into bed, and snuggled. Finally, they were off to sleep.

Jeffrey entered the Inn. He said to the owner "Have any problems that need solved? Any thugs that need beaten up? I will do so for a price. 500 credits, nonnegotiable, up front. Then after it is done you will pay me 700 credits. As a sort of finders fee. "

Once Jex landed, he was happy to see his beloved world of tatooine. he had quickly went to the cantina and bought a drink. "blue milk please" he said, with aa wink and a slide of money. Though Jex is a jedi, he doesnt always obey every code of the order. somew codes to him are meaningless in the true hopes that life would not be as what it is sought out to be if certain things arent fulfilled. When people ask about it he says its pulling a bindo. when people hear that they dont understand. he just laughs and say "bad joke, old guy, long story.
"right away honey" the waitress replied with a smile on her face. Jex had his ways around women.
"hey, would you know where the closet inn would be? i need a place to stay."
"well jupp's inn is the closest inn. its a couple streets left"
"thank you doll." Jex had given her 100 credits. as she smiled with glee she had ran off dittling like a school girl.
when Jex had gotten up, he had been walking and he had found a dog laying on the alleyway. some local thugs had been throwing rocks at it. when he walked up to it it was battered. The puppy (of what we know as pitbulls only grows about 3 1/2 feet tall) was of the Drogic breed. it had stripes of brown and black across its whole body. When Jex moved to pick it up it flinched."dont worry, i wont hurt you little guy." once Jex was safely able to pick him up , he had taken the Drogic with him. once Jex reached the inn they had given him his key. when he walked up to his room he was preparing to wake up at five to look for work. "with you on my side bud, i might get a better chance at getting a job." Jex, letting the dog sleep on top of him, had gone to bed. he had a dream of Darth Wyyrlock. he had seen him offering him a job for being a right hand man of his. then he had seen random people telling him no dont. once Jex opened his mouth he had woken up. "The dark side tempts us all, but if your will is strong, the force will guide you back to the light." an old master of Jex had told him that. when jex had got his armor on he sat and sat thinking of the dream.

Jup, the Besalisk innkeeper, replied, "Look kid, I appreciate what you're tryin' to do. But no thanks. Ya need a room or not?"


Reina suddenly woke up. She glanced at the time. It was going on 3:00 am in the morning. (Earth time) The young girl sat up in her bed, and sighed. Zipper woke up, and glanced up at his master. The little doll-like droid pounced onto her head.

"What's wrong, Reina?" Zipper asked.

The young woman sighed. "I dunno. It's the Sith. I can't sleep while the Sith are around..." Zipper jumped on her shoulder, and hugged her neck gently. "Don't worry, gal. Everything's gonna be okay."

Reina smiled down at Zipper. Then she sighed quietly. Getting up from the bed, she felt like going down to the lobby and getting some water.

After she and Zipper left the room, Reina was down at the lobby, getting some water.

Jeffrey "Just for a couple of nights. " He then said "Know anyone who came here who was wielding a light whip?"

Rhyn walked down the busy streets of Mos Espa. He pushed his way through the crowds of rugged humans and alien from distant planets, before stepping into a small open area. Rhyns hair blew wildly as he looked up at the sky. It was getting dark and the wind more furious. Sandstorm He thought to himself. Rhyn moved back into the crowded streets heading for an old favourite.

Rhyn stepped into the Mos Espa cantina and walked towards the bar. "Can i get a jawa juice over here!" He said leaning against the counter. The band played loud but no one bothered to watch. Everyone just sat and drank with friends or drank alone. "Here's your drink sir." The bartender said placing the glass on the counter. "Thanks." Rhyn said back, picking up the glass and placing a few credits on the counter. Rhyn finished the jawa juice in a matter of seconds. He was thirsty. "Thanks again for the drink. Keep safe." Rhyn placed a couple more credits on the counter and left the cantina.

The wind had picked up more since he had been in the cantina. Hopefully their would be a room at jupps inn, their usually always was. The door slide open as Rhyn pressed down on the button next to the door. "A room for the night thanks. I'll pay in advance." Rhyn placed down 15 credits and gave the young woman a wink. She lead him to his room.

(OOC: I know that this is my first post. But you think you could do more then one liner hawkeye. Just to give others something to work with. Its kinda annoying. Ty)

Jex, the tall and muscular figure had started working out. Jex trains and exercises with his armor on because of how he can get used to the weight. It was earlier than he expected so Jex had taken him and the dog on an air speeder out into the sand dunes. Jex had many connections on this planet. He knew that he could get a job, but it was a matter of him completing it. By the time he entered the dunes the Drogic was asleep. Jex let him; fore he might be able to focus without the small animal on top of him. Jex was very skilled with a lightsaber, but wanted to become more tuned with the force.

"Hey Starhimmer!" Once Jex had heard that he knew it was his old buddy Bunse.

"Bunse, how did you find out i was here?"

"easy, you always come out hear at this time. what is it that tatooine deserves to honor for your presence? family vacation?"

"Well i came looking for a bounty hunting job, but now i feel like there is a need greater. Regardless, we havent seen each other in years, want to spar?"

"i thought you would want to, thats why i didnt bring my lightsaber."

"well lucky for you we both know how to use a double bladed lightsaber, and i have an extra one in the landspeeder." As Jex and Bunse were looking for the doublebladed lightsaber, quickly stormtroopers started coming.

"Not again" Jex had thought.

((Just to let everyone know, it's beginning to be morning now.))

Jup shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. But I'm pretty sure she's somewhere in one of the rooms, I guess."


The Twin Suns were rising on the horizon. In the busy streets of Mos Espa, Reina wanted to explore her surroundings and continue to find new recruits. She sighed. "I bet Skywalker is wondering where we are..."

Zipper nodded. "Don't worry. I'm sure he won't say anything."

Suddenly, her comlink went off. Reina took it out from her pocket, and answered it. "Yeah?"

Cade Skywalker's voice was heard. "Reina? Have you found any recruits yet?" The young woman sighed. "No, not yet. But no worries, Captain. I'll find some, I promise you."

"Well... okay. Just don't take too long, all right?"

Reina smiled. "I won't." And with that, Reina turned of the comlink, and continued to walk the streets.

Rhyn woke to the sunlight gaping through his window. He put one hand to his head and made a slight groan."What did i do last night?" Rhyn looked back down at his bed and answered his own question. "Oh.. Now i remember." Rhyn quietly tried not to wake the female twi'lek from the front desk who was now cuddled up next to him.

Rhyn had managed to release himself from her strong grip and get changed before leaving her to sleep peacefully.

Another day on this hell hole of a planet Rhyn thought to himself. He hoped his ship would be fixed by now, but theirs a slim change it would be. Well theirs only one real good thing to do on this planet. And that's gamble. So Rhyn walked off towards the pod-racing arena, stumbling a little.

Slowly Jeffrey walked the streets. He was doing an early morning sweep of Mos Espa before he went out to hunt for a Krayt Dragon Pearl he could use to upgrade his lightsaber far beyond those that the Sith or Jedi ever thought of building. He then checked his equipment. His 6 lightsabers were on his belt. He then saw Reina. "Who are you?"


"Who are you?"

Reina looked up at the man and answered, "I'm Reina." She looked down at the 6 lightsabers. "Ya know, if you're a Jedi, the Sith and their minions will come and kill you. Just a warning."

She began to walk away. Looking around, she didn't pay attention to where she was going. Suddenly, she bumped in to someone. She shook her head, and looked up at the man. He was tall and had buzzed cut hair.

Reina blushed and smiled nervously. "I'm... I'm sorry."

As Jex walked around Mos Espa, he tried to look for someone useful. as jex was walking, Bunse tried to contact him.
"Found anyone?"
"Storm troopers, a lot of them. I might need some assisstance."
"Where are you?"
"The cantina. the sooner the better

"I am not exactly what you would call a Jedi, but I am not a sith either. I had lightsaber training from my father. I challenge you to a duel. If I win, you become my servant for 1 month, if You win, I join you. "

As Jex walked, running to try and save Bunse had started looking at the Drogic. it was only 7 months (earth terms) yet it could keep up with him.
"Your going to get special training when we get on a ship."as Jex kept running the dog stayed beside him. he had seen the storm troopers and they had Bunse up against the wall. Jex jumped up and by the time he was over the storm troopers, he had thrown his sword down to the ground as a type of force push. the enemies had flewten feet. Jex got his lightsaber from the ground and ignited his other one. the to black lightsabers, with the golden handle was not ever seen before. he had this custom made. The crystals in here have the ultamite power. The Solari and the Quixoni, one Light side crystal, one dark side crystal. Amazingly he found three of each and put them in his lightsaber.
"Are you okay?" Jex had asked, he had seen that Bunse had a bad blaster shot in the rib.
"I'll live i think."
"Here we need to get out of here after i deal with these sith."
"We need a lot of back up!" a storm trooper shouted on his comlink. soon there were fifty storm troopers that had been in this battle. Jex through his double bladed lightsaber and gave them an enough of a distraction to jump on to a building. Jex had to carry bunse on his back to his ship. Jex's ship could help his injuries. he had somehow lost the troopers long enough to put him on his ship and let him rest.
"I will be back. i promise it." Jex had ran out of the ship and started to fight the storm troopers.he used a type of force push that didnt only just push one man back, but the entire squadren of the storm troopers. When they started getting up, Jex had been gone.
"Sir....... we had lost him again."
"Well find him! master wiil be most dipleased in you."
Jex had hidden behind a corner to hear that. Jex, deciding to take it easy, put a hood and a mask on. The mask was a resemblice of Mandalore the Ultamite.

((Um... Jexaz? My character just bumped into Jex. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but your character is "tall and has buzzed cut hair", right?))

((oh my bad, uh yeah messed up there, well roll with it is all i can say smile

Originally posted by Jexaz
((oh my bad, uh yeah messed up there, well roll with it is all i can say smile

((Understandable. It's okay. smile ))

(soory fo the ddelay) "Oh no problem, say you look kind of familiar"

((It's all right, Jexaz. smile ))

Reina stood up, and looked at Jex. "Really? Oh, uh... I didn't notice!" She chuckled. "Name's Reina Alom. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand for a handshake.

(You ignored me!) Jeffrey said to Reina Alom "Want to have a duel?"

"I'm Jex Starkiller, but Jex is fine. nice to meet you too. You look as you are need assistance. is there anything that you would need i am your man. i am a bounty hunting jedi." Jex had sensed she was in need of someone or something.

((Sorry, Hawkeye. Missed it.))

"I'm Jex Starkiller, but Jex is fine. nice to meet you too. You look as you are need assistance. is there anything that you would need i am your man. i am a bounty hunting jedi."

Reina smiled. Maybe this man could help her. "That's great! I am in need of someone! My Captain is planning to rid the Sith once and for all. Do you want to join us?"

Suddenly, she saw the guy from earlier. "Want to have a duel?"

"I'm sorry, sir... but right now, I'm in a bit of an important conversation. Sorry."

"hmph, join you and your captain. rid the sith. i like it yes i will join. what exactly do i do? and who is your captain?"

"Rid the sith eh? ill be glad to join. what would you need me to do?"

(((sorry for error go with the first one)))

((That's okay, Jexaz. smile ))

"hmph, join you and your captain. rid the sith. i like it yes i will join. what exactly do i do? and who is your captain?"

Reina was excited. "This is incredible! Oh, what I do is smuggling. I'm a Smuggler. But you see... I want to help get rid of the Sith too. The Empire, working for the Sith, is interfering with out smuggling business. And that is why I joined the Captian of the Mynock, Cade Skywalker, to fight the Sith. I'm currently recruiting people who wants to join us."

Zipper popped out of Reina's pant's pocket, and jumped on her shoulder. He squinted his black buttoned eyes at Jex. "Hey. Who's the big guy?"

"Zipper! This is Jex. He's gonna join us to fight the Sith." Reina smiled up at Jex. "Jex, Zipper. Zipper, Jex."

The little doll-like droid smiled at him. "Oh. Hey there!" He waved at him.

((Why did you ignore me?))

Jeffrey walked up and said to her "I will join you to rid the sith but I expect 100,000 Credits once it is accomplished. "

((Huh? I'm confused. I didn't ignore you. I answered your last post. confused ))

Reina turned to Jeffery and smiled. "Actually, sir... we don't have that much right now. But we can give you 50,000 creds. If that's okay."

"It should be enough to replace everything that was stolen from my ship. " "Including my collection of lightsabers and other weapons. "

Jex picks up the drogic. "This is my little partner Hese. he iss nice and loyal so i hope you all get along."

Mos Espa was a shallow, fiend-ridden place, full of smugglers, scoundrels, bounty hunters. Real upstanding citizens of the republic. Nevan found himself in the Cantina, seated at the bar with a blue tonic in hand. His white hood drawn, as always, Nevan would seem to stand out more than he blended, but neigh, he was as unnoticeable as any other low-life present.

What to do, what to do... Nevan sipped his drink, letting the alcoholic substance burn his throat and warm his body. I need a way off this rock, but without a ship, and without a name, I'm doomed to either hide here forever, or take on a crime lord on my lonesome. Chuckling, Nevan took another sip. He didn't much like the sound of that. No, not one bit.

Nevan rose from the bar, left the credits for the drink next to the cup, and exited the Cantina. Without so much as a glance in either direction, he trotted into the road and across, heading for the lodge he'd been staying at the past couple few weeks. It wasn't much. A shabby, hole-in-the-wall. And it had only been there for a few months. Nevan shoved passed the door that read 'Jup's Inn', and halted a few feet inside the door.
I don't need to be inside right now... Nevan glanced at the Inn Keeper, a worried look worn under the hood. A thump from the rooms above was all Nevan needed to know he'd been found.
"So much for sleeping off a night at the Cantina." He mumbled to himself. Nevan tossed his credit chip at Jup, and slid out the front door as quietly as he could.
Now I'm stuck in Mos Espa, without a room, without anything but my-.... Nevan stopped. His staff was still in the room.
"Dammit!" He cursed whatever Gods there were, and trudged back to the Inn, throwing open the door without even touching it. The Force was brewing off the the man, an idiotic move considering any Force-Sensitives in the area would be able to sense him. Jup started when the door flew open, but Nevan ignored the Inn Keeper and headed straight up the stairs, to the fifth room on the left.
The door was wide open, shuffling and clicking of Alien dialect could be heard. It was a Rodian, and a Twi'lek.
"Look, he's not here and has absolutely nothing of importance. We already have the staff he carries, let us go!" The Twi'lek sounded impatient, anxious.

"Fah, you're worried the Ghost will be back before we are gone, but all he does now is sit at the Cantina and drink his ass off. We will be gone before he realizes it." The Rodian, and obvious Alpha of the duo, took a step towards the door, causing Nevan to slide back.
"Are you sure this staff is enough to appease Glortho?" The Twi'lek sounded unconvinced.
"With his staff gone, the Ghost won't even try anything, and we can justify it as proof that he's dead. Easy credits for us, Veek."

Nevan grumbled. Easy Credits indeed. His form slid towards the door, and he found that both Alien's backs were turned from him, still searching for useful tools to lie about Nevan's death. Like the Ghost he as, his feet were planted in the doorway. Silent, he watched as they rummaged around, not noticing that their deaths were imminent.

Neigh, I shall not kill them. Nevan calmed himself, just as Veek, the Twi'lek, realized they were being watched. His voice scrambled, stuttered, unable to find the solid warning he needed to tell the Rodian.
"What? What is it you imbecile, tell me!?" Veek's eyes were wide, focused on Nevan at the door, and the Rodian slowly turned to see the cause of the distress.

"Oh." The Rodian mouthed, before being thrown into the far wall by Nevan. The Rodian's head bounced off a dresser, and his face smashed into the floor, unconscious. Veek scrambled and placed himself against the wall, looking for an escape. But there was none. Veek had the staff gripped in his hands, holding it out as some sort of offering, an appeasement for the wrongs he'd done.
A flash of teeth under the hood. Nevan was smiling. His first two fingers on his right hand flicked up, causing Veek to stand straight with his back pressed against the wall.
"Tell your Master," Nevan's voice was cold, deadly. "To send more competent lackeys next time." Nevan chuckled, and then threw Veek against the wall, falling next to his Rodian companion, sharing the same fate.

Nevan grabbed his light-staff, and bounded out the room, not pausing for any acknowledgment from Jup as he exited the Inn and slowly blended into the crowd in the street. Now you've done it, you ****. Every Sith with an inkling of Force-Sensitivity will be all over that Inn in minutes. Where shall you go now? Nevan sniffed the air. And another smile leaked out from under his hood.
Nevan spotted what he had smelled, not fifteen meters away. A girl, with two large men beside her, each offering their help to the girl. It seems we've found our way out of Mos Espa, and Tatooine altogether. Nevan placed himself at a merchant's stand some five yards away, keeping an open ear and keen eye on the group, but not approaching himself.
Come now, tell me you want me in your little troupe, and get me out of this blasted town.

"It should be enough to replace everything that was stolen from my ship. " "Including my collection of lightsabers and other weapons. "

Reina nodded with a smile. "M'kay. That's good."

"This is my little partner Hese. he iss nice and loyal so i hope you all get along."

The young woman gasped happily. "Omigosh! He's so cute!" She gave Hese a gentle stroke on his fur.

After that, she happily said, "Settled. So! Let's get to Skywalker's ship, and we'll be on our way." She began to walk and lead them to the docking bay. Suddenly, she saw a man with a hood on (Nevan). It was as if he was watching them...

Reina stopped, and came towards the man. "Excuse me, sir?" she asked quietly.

Jex whispers quietly to Jeffrey "That man has been staring at us for a while. do you feel the force in him as i do?"

Nevan turned, acting startled, as if he hadn't had any precognition that the girl would even think to approach him.

"Oh," Nevan's voice slid out smooth, calculating, cold. "And how might I help you?"
His eyes flicked from the others in the group, to their weapons, and then back to the girl.
What a ragtag group of misfits.

Jeffrey whispered "Yeah. It radiates from him. " He then ignited one of his lightsabers but it was scarlet making him seem to the guy who was near them to be a powerful sith lord on a mission for whoever was in charge.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah!" Jex said estaticly. "no need to kill him, he might have his usefulness." Jex turned to Nevan. When Jex made eye contact with Nevan his heart had sunk deep. the force had a beaming aura coming from Nevan.

Jeffrey then made eye contact with Reina and said mentally to her via his force connections "I am fading fast. I need the meds aboard my ship. " "Hurry!!!!"

He then collapsed unconcious.

He was beginning to awaken but he was still very weak since he had not taken his medication (Bota) yet today.

"Oh," Nevan's voice slid out smooth, calculating, cold. "And how might I help you?"

Reina smiled. "Well... I was wonderin', sir... do you want to be part of helping us defeat the Sith Order? We could use more people like you. You seem like the tough type."

"I am fading fast. I need the meds aboard my ship. " "Hurry!!!!"

Suddenly, Reina saw Jeffrey collapse. "Hey, Jex? Could you carry him until we get to Skywalker's ship, please? Then we'll help him out from there."

Jeffrey began to shiver and shake. He was getting weaker.

Flinched inexplicably at the ignition of the scarlet saber. The color brought a flood of unwanted memories to the surface of Nevan's mind.
You'd do well to put that away, fiend. Nevan spat, kicking it over with dirt. His staff tapped the ground in an annoyed manner.

"Sith Order? Defeat? Milady, you cannot defeat that which does not wish to be defeated. You may only prolong the inevitable. But aye, I will help you delay the Sith." Nevan smirked, the glint of his silver eyes escaping the cover of the white hood.

And then, like that, the man was on the ground. Jefferey had an illness. Illness was weakness. Weakness was liability, meaning someone would have to pull twice the weight.
"Feh," Nevan tapped the man with the butt of his staff. "His body is going into cardiac. You'll have to hurry if you want to keep him as a companion..." Nevan shrugged, and started walking, in what he assumed was the direction of the ship.

Jeffrey said to Nevan "I have used too much of bota. "

(Sorry ive been gone) "Sure i have no problem, but what is wrong with him" Jex said smoothly

"Bota? Where the hell did you find Bota? Much less enough to get this way?"
Nevan slid his hand into his robes, pulling out a small pack with a needle on one end.
"Hold still, this will ease the pain and keep you conscious until we can get you to the ship." Nevan slid the pack to Jefferey's neck, injected the serum, and pulled back.
"He's exposed himself to the rare plant, Bota, Jex. Carry him to the ship, I'm sure you have enough medical supplies there to help him."

"Where? My Father grew the plant. I harvested it after Mortos and his Sith came and killed them. I made into an extract. "
"I keep at least 300 bottles of the stuff at my house in case I have to go up against a Sith in my home. " said Jeffrey.

(Hey, sorry my earlier post was a mistake. Here is one to replace it. )

Jeffrey "My father grew the plant before he was killed. " His eyes began to form tears.

"I'm so sorry," the young woman responded to Jeffrey. She knew what it was like to lose a family member...

Later, Reina continued to lead the way towards Cade's ship. Finally, they were at the docking bay. There, in front of them, was the Mynock.

"Welcome to the Mynock, boys."

She started to yell out. "Blue! Cade! Syn! Anybody?! It's your pal, Reina Alom! Smuggler trainee! I've recruited some people like ya asked me to!!" Reina waited for somebody to respond.

A woman's voice would call out from within the ship. "Finally! Good Gods! It took you long enough. We thought you were dead." Blue slowly made her way down the ramp with a grease stained rag in her hands. She had a smudge of black on her cheek. "Lets have a look at them, then." She paused and called back up the ramp. "CADE! REINA'S BACK! GET OUT HERE!" She nodded and continued down the ramp. "We've missed you around here. It's too quiet."

Reina smiled, and gave Blue a hug. To her, Blue was like a big sister.

"Missed you guys too. It's been too hectic out there." After she gave Blue a hug, she glanced back at Jex, Nevan, and Jeffrey. "Guys? This is Deliah Blue. Expert engineer of the Mynock ."

Zipper popped out. The little doll-like droid blushed. "Hi, Deliah..."

Reina rolled her eyes and smiled. "Heh heh. Zipper missed you guys too."

Blue nodded and carefully looked over each person while giving Zipper a pat on the head. "Hmm... Interesting group. It's nice to meet you all. Hopefully everyone else will get off their lazy bums and get out here to meet you. CADE!" She crossed her arms and waited, watching the top of the ramp for the others to appear.

Jeffrey then said "Alright. The bota has left my system. "

Darion wants to join, any ideas?

you could over hear us talking and wander over.))

Blue raised a brow and eyed Jeffery. "Bota? Son you're too young too use that. Besides, you're useless to us if you dont believe in your own true power. Bota is a horrible thing. Many lives were lost because of the cursed plant."

"Hey Blue can you help me with this piece of equipment?!" Darion called out from the top of the ramp.

Blue glanced back over her shoulder and called back up. "Depends on what your moving. When I walked past you werent messing with anything. i turn my back and you're asking for assistance?" She laughed and started up the ramp. "Come on in guys. Get moving Reina. We're waiting on you."

I have no idea what the equipment is. It's just a box of... stuff.

Major Valerian
"God, what the hell's the matter?? I was over in the bath--" Cade was saying as he walked towards the group of people, but stopped talking when he saw Reina. "Hey, you!"

Reina jumped. Sometimes, Cade frightened her when he wasn't in the mood. "Hey, boss. Sorry. Did I come in a bad time?"

She smiled nervously.

"I believe in my own power. I only used Bota so that my force would be able to be equal to that of the Sith that were sent at me on a regular basis unfortunately. " "Now though I will assist you. "

He was aboard their ship.

"I left a bomb at my house to blow up all the bota. " "I won't need it anymore. "

Major Valerian
Originally posted by Young_Angel
Reina jumped. Sometimes, Cade frightened her when he wasn't in the mood. "Hey, boss. Sorry. Did I come in a bad time?"

She smiled nervously.

"Not at all. I'm just surprised to see you. A good surprise, though." He said as he smiled crookedly.

Reina smiled with a blush. "Oh. Thought you were upset, Cade. But it's really good to see you too. I brought new recruits like you asked me to."

Zipper looked at Cade and smiled. "Hiya, Cade!"

Jeffrey said to Cade and all of them "Know this. I only joined you to kill the sith. When they are gone, I go solo again. "

Originally posted by DangerousBeauty
Blue glanced back over her shoulder and called back up. "Depends on what your moving. When I walked past you weren't messing with anything. i turn my back and you're asking for assistance?" She laughed and started up the ramp. "Come on guys. Get moving Reina. We're waiting on you." Darion laughed, as he dragged the heavy box to the ramp. "Nrregh! Ha! Why we're carting around a crate of Blue Milk is beyond me. Shouldn't we just stick it in with the supplies?" He smiled at Blue when she came into view.


Major Valerian
Cade turned to look at Jeffrey indifferently. "Right, Jeffrey. Go solo again, see if I care. We only need you to kill Sith, anyway." He said, and then he turned back. "Hey! Good to see you, too. Ask Cade.." He continuted, as he moved towards Del. " 'Beat me'.. Yeah, right." He said as he pulled her from the waist closer to his body.

Reina giggled. She felt like a little girl, seeing her parents close togther. Even if she was in her early 20's.

"Man, you two..."

Jeffrey then said to Reina. "Know this. When the sith are beaten I will offer to train Jedi for you Cade so that you donot have as much of a tough time. In exchange though, they will be taught to use force abilities you MIGHT view as evil but are actually quite good. "

Major Valerian
*Say, WHAT? Is Reina Cade and Deliah's daughter? Haha, nice twist.*

Cade turned to look at Jeffrey again as he had his hands wrapped around Del's waist.

"Look, Jeffrey, we'll look into that stuff once the war is actually OVER, don't you agree?" He replied, and rolled his eyes.

Jeffrey "I agree Cade. My father told me not to use Bota unless it was a nessecity. Sith attacked daily so it became a nessecity. "

*flails* wait... We have a daughter?!)))

Blue smiled and wrapped her arms around Cades neck. "So.. Where are we off to now?"

(( laughing No, no. Reina is 20-years-old. What I meant was that she felt like a little girl again, watching her own parents. I could make a daughter for them, if you guys like. wink ))

Reina smiled. "Well'p... I'm ready to go. Are you guys?"

Zipper jumped up and down happily. "I am!"

WTF? I posted a reply which was on the forum, now it has disappeared))

Darion secured the crate in place setting up the rather innocuous Blue Milk bar. "B- b- b- b- bluuuue miiiilk." (singing)

Major Valerian
*Oh, ok, haha. It sounded like she was our daughter. And, it's your RP. You decide. =)*

"I am ready, actually," Cade said as he looked at Del. "I just don't know where would it be best to go now. We still need more talented recruits."

Jeffrey said to Cade "I will help you. When the time is right though I shall kill the Emperor Sith and probably rule the galaxy myself for a while until I can ensure no more sith can arise. "

((M'kay, Valerian! Let's give it a shot. big grin ))

Reina glanced at Jeffrey and raised her eyebrow. "Yeeeah... right."

Suddenly, a little girl ran down the ramp, and stood by Cade. Her name was Anola, who looked to be about 4 or 5-years-old. She heard everything they were saying.

"Can I be your talented re-cre-uit too, daddy?" Anola asked.

(( ))

Jeffrey saw the little girl and said to her "What is your name little girl?" he removed a short light dagger and extended the hilt to where she could grab it. "With so many Sith in the galaxy, you will need a way to protect yourself. This dagger can break through a lightsaber easily. "

Blue grinned and knelt down beside her daughter. "Recruit darling."

((Gonna make a CS on Anola. smile ))

"Recruit darling."

Anola smiled and gave Blue a hug. "Oh. Sorry. Thank you, mommy." She then looked up at Jeffrey. "What is your name little girl?"

The little girl smiled. "Anola Skywalker."

Jeffrey then gave something to her. "With so many Sith in the galaxy, you will need a way to protect yourself. This dagger can break through a lightsaber easily. "

Anola gasped with delight. Before she took the dagger, she glanced up at her parents. "Can I? Can I?"

Major Valerian
Cade glared at Jeffrey. "No, you can't. It's a little bit dangerous for you." He said, as he took the dagger. "And yeah, you can be my most important recruit, baby." He said, half-smiling.

Anola looked down sadly. Then she smiled up at Cade. "Thank you, daddy..."

Reina smiled down at Anola. Whenever she called her "Auntie Reina", she felt old. But that was Anola's expression of Reina to be part of the family too.

The young smuggler glanced at everyone. "All righty then. So, Skywalker... wanna go look for more recruits then? Or start the attack on the Coruscant Sith Temple?"

Darion walked by the gathering, on his way back to the cargo hold mumbling about how he was a hot shot pilot and he never got the chance to 'fly this rust bucket'. "So Cade, what are we here for?" He asked as he passed, pausing in his walk.

Del scooped her little girl into her arms and started to dance around. She'd twirl and hop about, trying hard to get Anola to laugh. At one point she dipped Anola, holding her upside down in front of Reina. "You forgot to say hello Anola."

The big EH
the ship was landed not far off, kaiden was crouching behind some cover not far off from the mynock crew, he was at a much higher elevation which gave him a good height advantage.
"are you sure we should do this one" a female voice rang through his ear jewel, which was too small to notice unless you knew what to look for.
"i dont like taking jobs from the sith either but civi transport aint been booming you know we cant get and spice running jobs since that time we had to dump, we need the creds" kaiden argued quietly before grabbing his scoped rifle and took aim over the cover. his finger held the trigger and then squezed the metal and a shot fired at (whoever is outside, except the little girl)
~i wrote this like 2 hours ago and haven't been able to refresh the page until i post~

Jeffrey said to Anola "If your dad will let me, I will teach you some martial arts and how to use the force. It won't be as good as having a weapon but it will ahve to do for you Ok?" He smiled warmly at the little child. She reminded him of his younger sister who had been kidnapped and tortured by storm troopers.

He saw the bullets coming and quickly stopped them in mid air with the force. "Cade, a little help?"

The big EH
~it was a blaster rifle, no bullets, but he would still be able to stop them~

Kaiden groaned and shot multiple times, a jedi can only stop so many, but still, it never hurt to be safe.
"now! bring it around!" he shouted, the shouting was rather redundent as the microphone was drilled into one of his teeth.
The Canderous took off from it's landing spot and flew towards the mynock.
"Kai the weapons are in range" jane told him reffering to the 2 duo laser canons on the modified freighter as the ship got close to the mynock.
"fire, but not on the ship, it could fetch a fair price on the right market" he ordered as the CAnderous openned fire, primarily on the jedi

Jeffrey dropped his concentration and instead used force lightning to turn the Duo Cannons to slag. He wasn't going to tolerate being attacked near his new friends.

Before Anola could answer anybody, she could hear blaster shots and see a ship shooting at Jeffrey. Jumping down from Blue's arms, she held on to her mother's waist.

"Mommy! Daddy! We gotta do something!" The little girl was beginning to feel scared for her parents and friends.

Reina glared to where the attacking ship was. She pulled out her blaster. "Cade! Blue! You guys go in the ship with Anola and get the kriff outta here! I'll cover you!" Zipper jumped on her shoulder. Then Reina looked at Zipper and smiled sadly.

"Go with Anola and them, Zip."

"But... but Reina--" Zipper started, but was interrupted by his master.

Reina placed the little doll-like droid in her hand, and extended her hand towards Anola. "Go. For the Skywalker family's sake..."

Zipper had a sad look on his face. But he knew that Cade and his family had to be protected. And so, he jumped on Anola's shoulder.

"Be careful, Reina."

The young woman smiled. "I will." And with that, she ran to distract the attacking ship.

Jeffrey before the Mynock could get away rolled into the ship. "Anola, get a med pack. "

The big EH
~the mynock isn't leaving just yet is it?~
"jane, be ready for extraction, just incase things go wrong," kaiden siad setting up his rifle in a way so it's pointed in the mynock's direction and jammed the trigger. he kept low and got down to the ship drawing his dueling sabres, which were cortosis woven incase he ever got on a sith's bad side.
"funny thing, these things cost me a fortune, and i've yet to use them for their purpose" he told jefferey and reina as he moved closer

Jeffrey drew out a Mandalorian Katana from a sheath on his back and then said "You must be defeated. " he said as he jumped out of the ship.

The big EH
"well then, they still wont be used for their right purpose," kaiden mused as he waved the jedi on

((That depends on Major Valerian. He can decide whether to leave or not. My permission to him.))

Reina glared at the man, as she pointed her blaster at him.

"Who are you? And why are you trying to harm my friends?!"

Jeffrey then used the force to charge his Cortosis Katana with force energy making it unbreakable for a bit. He then slashed at the intruder viciously.

Major Valerian
Cade, as he drew out his lightsaber, turned to look at the new foes.

"Start up the engines," He ordered, to whoever was closer to him. "And fly this thing away from the planet's surface... But don't hit the lightspeed. I wanna find out who these punks are.."

"Right, Cade!" Darion winked, and with a laugh, dashed off to the cock-pit. He immediately got the ship prepped and off the ground. Heading spaceward.

Before it could leave the sky Jeffrey made a force assisted jump and then he landed in the Mynock. "Onala, or whoever you are will you accept my teaching?"

Major Valerian
As Cade moved towards the cockpit, he looked back at Jeffrey. "Jeffrey, I really don't think this is the BEST moment to discuss about that. So why don't you move it and shut it?"

The big EH
"punks eh? i bet i'm older than you cade" kaiden laughed to himself as his ship lowered and he jumped in going to the helm. a holographic projection of jane appeared in the co-pilots seat, and kaiden pilotted.

Jeffrey said to Cade "Sometimes I have visions caused by the force. One was of a great army coming to assist the Jedi of this Era. From Dathomir. "

Major Valerian
"That supposed to be a good thing, punk?" Cade asked threatiningly, laughing a little bit. "Besides, I'm tougher... Obviously."

What now?))

The big EH
~i just found something kinda funny out, if this rp is based in 138 and anola is 5 then she would have been born 4 years before the legacy comics started:P~
"guns are operational, and running at 60% power" jane informed kaiden while running system checks.
"according to our data the mynock is superior to our ship in everyway but cargospace, shields, hull, and equal hyperdrive" janes also told him as the hologram continued to appear to press buttons
"then let's go to our usual plan, jane open holovid communications then" kaiden told her with confidence in his voice, so far nobody has beaten him with communications. Jane nodded and her hologram disapeared from the co-pilot's seat and a few seconds later a communications hail was sent to the Mynock.
~if you accept the call, which there will be no attacking during~
a holographic image of jane will appear about 10 seconds later then normally
"greeting i am Jane captain of The Canderous, my pilot and I have been sent to capture or kill you"

What the hell?! Darion thought after he had accepted the communique from the Mynock. "Cade! Get to the cockpit now!" Darion threw the ship into a shallow curve to change their direction slightly. He looked at the com board, noticing that 'something' had been uploaded through the signal to their main computer, it wasn't unusual for small packets of data to be sent, however something was wrong. He contemplated that for a moment, then a warning from the Force caused his hands to act on impulse, and he severed the computer from the main controls of the ship. "It looks like it. The Canderous? Gotta be a fake IFF." He whispered. He opened the com. "Who sent you to kill us?"

The big EH
"you are smarter than you seem" jane told darion, clearly sshowing agitation. her body disapeared and kaiden's face replaced it
"I am Kaiden Mason, i've been contracted by sith to either kill or capture cade and the kid, however i was planning on leaving the kid with her mom and pretend she died, if that makes you feel any better" Kaiden said introducing himself, as he matched sped of the mynock and followed it's movements he diverted power from his guns to his forward shields, just incase.

Darion watched the hologram of the girl disappear, obviously his feelings had been correct. He shunted power to the rear shields as best he could. It was difficult without the main computer, he had to do it manually. "Kaiden Mason... the bounty hunter?" He asked, pleasently suprised. He moved away from the helm to get to weapons control. If he could knock out the ship, then they might get a few answers. "Why Cade, and the girl?"

The big EH
"that question seems terribly redundant since my name is Kaiden and i'm currently hunting a bounty" kaiden laughed softly and then became slightly more serious
"you know, i do feel bad, you should get to know why somebody wants you dead, but i'm sorry i don't know, except i do know that you guys are trying to take on the sith, and as noble as it is, they clearly don't like it all that much" kaiden explained
~it would be alright if a battle took place~

Jeffrey said over holovid "How much is the sith paying you? I will triple it. "

Darion threw the ship into a tight loop, and tried to get the main laser cannon to bear on the ship unsuccessfully . "Someone get into the gun turret and shoot that gundark down!" He said into the intercom. He opened the com to the other ship. "Maybe we can settle this on a game of Sabacc?" He asked nonplussed and not in any kind of way that denoted a serious conversation.

The big EH
"what you assume because i'm a scoundrel i will settle anything with sabacc? that my unfriendly sir is racsism and i will not tolerate it, now surrender Skywalker or be destroyed" kaiden told darion over the com-link, doing his best to sound outraged

((Okay, guys!?! This is the year 143 ABY, due to their daughter! Anola was born in 138 ABY, so... yeah. I'm planning to make another RPG of this. You know, like a Part 2.

So if any of you want, we can play in the Part 2 one. Like when Anola gets kidnapped by the Sith, and Cade and his friends search for her.

You guys up for it?))

Anola looked up at Blue and Cade. "I can't let them hurt Auntie Reina! I wanna help!" And with that, the little girl ran out of the ship.

((Hey, big EH? If it's okay, would you kidnap Anola and attempt to bring her to the Sith on Coruscant?))

The big EH
~ the ships have taken off~

((Oh, okay. Forgot. The Mynock ship left too, right? No wait, it has! Guys, ignore the reply by Anola! Ignore it!! Here's the real post...))

Anola, who sat in her room alone on the Mynock, began to cry. All she ever wanted to do was help. But everyone just wouldn't let her... because of her being little.

"If... if I were a Jedi... I can do anything..." she sobbed.

The big EH
~lol, but aha i have an idea~
jane's hologram appeared in anola's room.
"don't cry little one it's alright you can save your parents..and aunti reina without being a jedi" jane told anola in the most soothing voice imaginable

Jeffrey then transmitted a Holovid to the enemy ship and said "I will make a tremendous offer. 5x what the sith are paying you to hunt us for hunting them. "

Anola glanced up with surprise. As the little girl sniffed and wiped her tears, she stared at the hologram.

"I... I can...?" Anola asked in a scared voice.

Darion got the ship into a series of breaking maneuvers designed to throw off persuit ships targeting computers. The first laser blast leaped fourth and struck the Hunter's ship around mid-keel, just behind the fuslage, weakening the shields to allow a second shot through to strike the hull. Then the shields would return normally when the pilot equalises the energy.

The big EH
"i hidhly doubt you have 1 million creds on you jedi," kaiden told jefferey before closing the comm
"don't be scared, my name is Jane, but if you disable the nav-computer and take the escape pod the mean guy will stop hunting your family down" jane soothed as the hologram moved closer

((Whose ship?))

Jeffrey attached a wireless signal from his wrist mounted PDA to the vid link so he could communicate with their assailant. He then walked to Anola's room and knocked softly.

Anola bit her lower lip nervously. She had to think hard about this...

Suddenly, the door knocked. "Come... come in..."

Jeffrey entered and sat down. He pulled out the picture of his younger siblings and cried.

The big EH
before jefferrey entered jane told anola "you know what to do" and disapeared with a blow kis

The big EH
Originally posted by Jedireaper
Darion got the ship into a series of breaking maneuvers designed to throw off persuit ships targeting computers. The first laser blast leaped fourth and struck the Hunter's ship around mid-keel, just behind the fuslage, weakening the shields to allow a second shot through to strike the hull. Then the shields would return normally when the pilot equalises the energy.
kaiden diverted all but 10% power from his guns, he'll get 4 full shot before recharge and then if left at 10% will take forever to recharge. so with the shields back to 150% he pulled hard right then down and u-ied back up to get underneath the pursueing mynock and fired both duo cannons four times at the underbelly

Jeffrey said to Anola "Want training? I can help. "

(( Stop attacking the ships for now. ))

((Hawkeye113? Only I can say when they can stop attacking the Mynock ship.))

Anola thought on what Jane said.

She then looked at Jeffrey. "Why were you crying?"

((I was asking them to so that I could bring in Rakith's ship. ))

Jeffrey "First my parents killed by the sith, then my younger sister and my younger brother.... now it seems that the Sith are conspiring to kill the last of my family. Me. " Outside Cade's ship an anomaly happened. Lightning struck.

((Jeffrey's force sometimes acts up when he is facing strong emotions. ))

I don't think... uh... never mind. You would have to be very strong in the Force to affect the weather... in space!))

"Wha- what the hell!" The entire ship shuddered as the first of the shots impacted on the shields which had been pointed to the rear, however the next few hit the weaker shields directly allowing one of the blasts to strike the hull. "Ah son of a gundark! Cade, get up here! Ah!" Sparks flew from the command console as another shot hit. He re-stabilised the shields, and returned fire as he threw the ship into a spiral, that ended in a tight loop. He fired again.

The big EH
kaiden struggled at the controls as he readjusted all shields to forward position, he diverted 50% of the engine to the weapons, and he spun the ship around to face the mynock dead on. The Mynock's blasts hit the forward shields, thankgod as anywhere else could be very bad. his ship flew closer to the mynock however firing as it did

(Sorry i have been gone for a good portion of the story soeone fill me in on what to do and i will do it)

The big EH
well, kaiden and jane (me) attacked the mynock crew while they were loading up now there's a dogfight going on between the two ships, perhaps you could be in the cockpit with darion

((I'll be available to RP later, have to go out))

The big EH
thats fine

Originally posted by The big EH
kaiden struggled at the controls as he readjusted all shields to forward position, he diverted 50% of the engine to the weapons, and he spun the ship around to face the mynock dead on. The Mynock's blasts hit the forward shields, thankgod as anywhere else could be very bad. his ship flew closer to the mynock however firing as it did Darion cursed and pulled on the yoke, sending the ship into a series of evasive maneuvers as the shields dropped on their underside, he hit the intercom. "Someone get on the guns and knock him out!" Darion shrieked as the ship scooped through space, carving around. "Someone get this son of a gundark off of us!"