Farewell to arms

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Kris Blaze
Is it just me, or do people always seem to be losing arms in particular Shonen manga. In Naruto and Bleach does this seem to be the case especially. If you go back and do a little a recount, you'll probably notice that quite a few characters have suffered a severed arm in some way or another. Consider that it hasn't been that long since Soi Fon, Fatso and Barragan lost an arm, not to mention the Raikage losing his. They do not always >lose< arms, but that's certainly the most vulnerable area of the body in a Shonen Manga no expression

This weeks casualties:

Not a loss, but look at Danzou's arm no expression

Onto this weeks Bleach:

2 for 1 in Komamura and his Giant:
Tousen and his arm:

i think your on to something here kris i mean i to have seen some caracters with a missing arm and such so... i'll keep my eye out for any other anime/magna cartaters with a missing hand.

its the only part of a persons body that can be seriously injured and the person can still function if he doesnt bleed to death.

lose a leg you cant walk. you need two legs to walk. lose your head.. your dead. if your chest gets injured you die. if you lose one arm you can can still fight though.

from a plot standpoint losing the arm shows that the character is in trouble, but he can still pull miracles out of his ass.

DBZ shifty


Must be a new craze.

Kris Blaze
There goes another two off of Komamura.

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