death metal vs deathcore

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this thread is an opinion thread. and some arguments. i listen to both...well a little tiny bit of deathcore. but in my opinion death metal is by far better than deathcore

so just leave a comment about the topic and your thoughts

Yes, I also prefer Death Metal.

The musicianship is a lot more technical, imho.
And the sound is more mature, not just blank noise.

agreed. compared to deathcore where it's random blasts and no flow. it just seems like they were trying really hard to make the loudest noise they could think of


Just because it's loud, it doesn't necessarily make it 'cooler' than other Metal genres.

I grew out of extreme metal a good while back but I voted death metal anyway because I preferred it over deathcore all the time. I never got on the deathcore bandwagon and saw that it was just the next trend after basic metalcore went the way of nu metal. It all sounded very homogenous whenever I heard those kind of bands and the ultra-compressed sound production so many bands use today is annoying.


Death Metal as already stated tends to be more technical, without just being "loud."

So I vote for Death Metal.

None of them . I am The Best

Define "deathcore"
Or at least name some bands. I hate the random genre-ization of metal.

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