Kraven The Hunter Vs Vandal Savage
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Not sure what's the status on current Kraven; has he been upgraded or amped? I think I heard somewhere he was, but I could very well be mistaken...
Savage's got crazy damage soak and is immortal, but he can still be KOed and incapacitated.
Savage. Experience matters.
Sin I AM
kraven...physically superior
What are Kraven's highest strength feats? When Flash punched Savage, he broke his fist and said it was like hitting a cliff or something.
Flash? Sounds a bit.. PISy? Kraven is immortal too. As for the strength feats, well there's that lion monster he murdered with his bare hands recently. Not arguing that he wins, not that familliar with Vandal. Think ive seen him in TAS....
Vandal has ran into Flash more than once. Multiple times. He killed a Martian once, but it was weakened. He has a millennia of experience in combat and warfare.
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