Black Bolt vs Wonder Woman
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Until new showings from Black Bolt, I'll have to say Wonder Woman wins.
BB screams and that Greek whore is history
Diana for the majority, 7-8/10 or so.
Diana for the majority.
the ninjak
He'll be back soon enough.
WW wins. if he does scream, I think it's pretty much over for her
diana ftw
not sure if the bracelets can block the scream
but she's fast enough to finish him before he says a word, BB can't match her physically, she can suffocate him with lasso
She can bracer-block a scream.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Diana for the majority.
Originally posted by Q99
She can bracer-block a scream. by creating that energy shield you mean?
Originally posted by 753
by creating that energy shield you mean?
Yeah. It blocked Canary's cry.
She's no Black Bolt. but it proves she can block sonics.
Originally posted by cdtm
Yeah. It blocked Canary's cry.
She's no Black Bolt. but it proves she can block sonics. the scream shouldnt be sonic, however. it's an electron disruption field that ****s matter up
I swear to gosh this has been done before. It always came down to her blocking his quasi-sonic watchamakalit...
Omega Vision
Is it in character for Black Bolt to scream right off the bat?
Originally posted by Omega Vision
Is it in character for Black Bolt to scream right off the bat?
nope therefore he prolly loses.
it's almost always last resort. he'll prolly do the master blow before he does a scream. he does whispers though.. hmmm.....
Originally posted by Omega Vision
Is it in character for Black Bolt to scream right off the bat?
No more than it's in character for WW to speed blitz or go right for tiara decaps..
Originally posted by cdtm
No more than it's in character for WW to speed blitz or go right for tiara decaps..
Hmm.. he may take this cause u make a good point. He uses whispers all the time. His whispers can bust shiet up..
depends on who makes the 1st move really
She does block Silver Swan's (???) scream.
But I believe Blackbolt's scream is stronger.
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