Surtur with TS/COAW vs Post Retcon Beyonder
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Never been done before
Does Surtur stand a chance?
You have to be careful about even post retcon Beyonder. He did things that should be out of his range power wise. He fought post retcon MM and they were wrecking the multiverse (which makes NO sense seeing as how MM only had a sliver of power he formerly had).
Then there's the Spiderman issue that had the behind the scenes stuff during the first Secret Wars implying Beyonder was still omnipotent. The god damned character is a mess.
Also which Post Retcon Beyonder are we talking about? The one Kubik/Shaper and FF met in his pocket universe, the Beyonder that turned out was really an Inhuman, Kosmos/Beyonder, Maker/Kosmos/Beyonder? Which one?
Despite all the inconsistencies, The Beyonder is still a Cube Being, and they (as a whole) have feats that greatly surpass that of Skyfathers...even amped ones.
Surtur only wins if this is The Beyonder/Maker that was psychologically sabotaging itself against Thanos; in which case Surtur could beat that version all day long, but I honestly believe Surtur loses every single time against any other version of The Beyonder...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Despite all the inconsistencies, The Beyonder is still a Cube Being, and they (as a whole) have feats that greatly surpass that of Skyfathers...even amped ones.
Feat wise, you are correct. But then again MANY high end abstracts and cosmics have garbage feats but it's been admitted on panel they dwarf cube beings in power (one example is the Celestials).
The whole "reality shaking" thing has been over done. Mephisto fighting Satannish on neutral ground did it. An amnesiac Odin fighting Seth did it. Mephisto fighting Galactus in his realm did it. Dr. Strange/Arioch fighting Shuma Gorath did it. Two Mjolnirs clanging together sent shockwaves across the universe and the force of the impact was compared to the Big Bang. Four Godblasts (Thor, Masterson, Dargo, BRB) held together the entire multiverse. Aaron and Uatu fought on every plane of reality simultaneously. The list goes on. It's lost all meaning as a gauge of power. In fact, when MM and Beyonder threw down (post retcon) where did MM's power come from? Last I checked it was from a sliver he kept hidden in Marsha.
The highest on panel display of power by a Celestial was hurling a few worlds at Thanos during the IG Saga. Yet Kubik AND Kosmos were in fear of their lives awaiting the judgement of an unnamed Celestial. Kubik admitted they were many stations of power below a "transfinite" being like a Celestial. This was said on at least 2 different occasions.
CPT Space Bomb
If this is Maker Beyonder that Thanos "mind whammied", Lol, then Surtur owns.
I doubt it's that version, as that one was severely limited being in human form and was unstable.
Assuming this is the version that fought Owen Reece and shook the multiverse/made a Watcher go blind, Beyonder should win with relative ease, even with the given amps for Surtur.
Originally posted by zopzop
Feat wise, you are correct. But then again MANY high end abstracts and cosmics have garbage feats but it's been admitted on panel they dwarf cube beings in power (one example is the Celestials).
The whole "reality shaking" thing has been over done. Mephisto fighting Satannish on neutral ground did it. An amnesiac Odin fighting Seth did it. Mephisto fighting Galactus in his realm did it. Dr. Strange/Arioch fighting Shuma Gorath did it. Two Mjolnirs clanging together sent shockwaves across the universe and the force of the impact was compared to the Big Bang. Four Godblasts (Thor, Masterson, Dargo, BRB) held together the entire multiverse. Aaron and Uatu fought on every plane of reality simultaneously. The list goes on. It's lost all meaning as a gauge of power. In fact, when MM and Beyonder threw down (post retcon) where did MM's power come from? Last I checked it was from a sliver he kept hidden in Marsha.
The highest on panel display of power by a Celestial was hurling a few worlds at Thanos during the IG Saga. Yet Kubik AND Kosmos were in fear of their lives awaiting the judgement of an unnamed Celestial. Kubik admitted they were many stations of power below a "transfinite" being like a Celestial. This was said on at least 2 different occasions.
All the inconsistencies have convinced me that no character in the realm of comics has a static power level; power levels change to fit the vision of whatever writter is writing a given story; its the only way I can rationalize a sliver of a Cube Beings power being enough to shake reality...
And yeah, all the reality shaking fights are way over done; I wouldnt be surprised to see a Bane/Batman throw down described in such a way at some point in time...
Everything just needs to be blown up and started over; The Ultimate comicbooks had the right idea and did an excellent job of adding logic to everything...
There were no Earthly heroes or villians running around busting planets and "shaking all of reality" whenever they became angry; you didnt have Abstracts showing up just for the expressed purpose of pawning it off as a complete idiot and making it job ferociously...
Power levels made sense...and it made the characters much more believable as a result.
CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
All the inconsistencies have convinced me that no character in the realm of comics has a static power level; power levels change to fit the vision of whatever writter is writing a given story; its the only way I can rationalize a sliver of a Cube Beings power being enough to shake reality...
And yeah, all the reality shaking fights are way over done; I wouldnt be surprised to see a Bane/Batman throw down described in such a way at some point in time...
Everything just needs to be blown up and started over; The Ultimate comicbooks had the right idea and did an excellent job of adding logic to everything...
There were no Earthly heroes or villians running around busting planets and "shaking all of reality" whenever they became angry; you didnt have Abstracts showing up just for the expressed purpose of pawning it off as a complete idiot and making it job ferociously...
Power levels made sense...and it made the characters much more believable as a result. It took you this long to realize there are inconsistencies within comics? Golf clap?
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
It took you this long to realize there are inconsistencies within comics? Golf clap?
Way to miss a point.

Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
its the only way I can rationalize a sliver of a Cube Beings power being enough to shake reality...
MM and the Beyonder have the most CONVOLUTED history/backstory/whatever you call it in comics history. There have been so many retcons and character changes it's impossible to keep up with them.
Can anyone with more Marvel knowledge than me confirm that the MM that fought Beyonder/Kosmos in that FF issue only had the sliver of power he stored inside Marsha? Or did he somehow gain his full power back before he extracted Beyonder from Kosmos and fought him? What a mess.

CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by zopzop
Way to miss a point.

I didn't miss the point. After he posted his epiphany, he went on to create the PIS vs PIS thread, which is why I reacted so sarcastically. You are both right, there are great levels of inconsistency throughout comics, but it's always been that way with all characters, and it always will be. You can still judge a character's general power level based off averaging out their showings.
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