Wolverine vs DeathStroke
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who do you think would win? standard aquipment
Sin I AM
been done....and Logan wins
King Castle
I fully support Sin I Am's statement.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by King Castle
I fully support Sin I am's statement.

...welcome to the dark side
King Castle
Originally posted by Sin I AM

...welcome to the dark side I been a member for years. you can call me: Darth Wolf Sidious.
So what do you hand out to fangirls if you are handing out tampons to the fanboys?
http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=552313& amp;highlight=title%3A%28wolverine+deathstroke%29+
http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=551805& amp;highlight=title%3A%28wolverine+deathstroke%29+
http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=530042& amp;highlight=title%3A%28wolverine+deathstroke%29+
forumid%3A77 http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=509129& amp;highlight=title%3A%28wolverine+deathstroke%29+
Logan. But slade is nobody's ***** either.
the ninjak
Logan tanks all damage then goes for gut shot. Then take down.
Similar to how he defeats Deadpool everytime.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by King Castle
I been a member for years. you can call me: Darth Wolf Sidious.
So what do you hand out to fangirls if you are handing out tampons to the fanboys?

wolverine is > iron fist he stomps
Originally posted by toothpicks
wolverine is > iron fist he stomps
In your own thread you bring up iron fist for no reason?
The fail is strong in you.
Originally posted by the ninjak
Logan tanks all damage then goes for gut shot. Then take down.
Similar to how he defeats Deadpool everytime. Agreed on the outcome. Disagreed on the Deadpool statement. uhuh
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