Executioner vs Ares
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Sin I AM
who wins?
marvel ares btw
King Castle
Executioner if he has his magic axe.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by King Castle
Executioner if he has his magic axe.
what can the axe do besides cross dimensional barriers
Originally posted by Sin I AM
what can the axe do besides cross dimensional barriers
It can project various forms of energy as well as ice and fire. Kinda like Mjolnir lite.
Skurge wins, btw. His showings against Thor are infinitely better than that of Ares.
King Castle
Originally posted by Sin I AM
what can the axe do besides cross dimensional barriers
it can fire various forms of mystical energy bolts which the axe can transport from any place and manipulate it.
example: it can fire a nova blast from an exploding sun and manipulate the flame into a blast. same for a freeze blast, it can be transport icy winds from the north pole or any place from the 9 worlds and manipulate it ala iceman. the axe has also shown the ability to repel bullets with a magnetic field.
The axe is also capable of slicing out a person soul out of their body without harming the body and bypassing the material world and objects and place the soul in a limbo dimension. dimensional slashing.
I think it also allowed Skurge the ability to fly as well once in an old Thor comic.
the axe can also teleport and track energy signatures.
it can also matter manipulate the same way Thor's hammer and the other asgard mace and hammer can by spinning it around himself to make armor and a new costume.
Skurge is actually competent at times.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by guy222
skurge stomps
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