Cross Genre: Jin & Mugen Vs Batman & Nightwing
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Batman can also have a sword and Grayson can have his escrima sticks...
I don't remember Jin and Mugen being all that impressive.
I'm sure Bruce and Dick get the wins in mid-difficulty.
Originally posted by CosmicComet
I don't remember Jin and Mugen being all that impressive.
I'm sure Bruce and Dick get the wins in mid-difficulty.
Mugen dodged a bullet point blank. I'm sure that's faster than either of the 2, plus they are more skilled in swords. Fighting, i think I would give the Batfamily the edge. But Jin and Mugen are no slouch.
I can't believe many of you hear haven't seen Samurai Champloo! Awesome anime.
Vorpal Ruin
Originally posted by Prep-Man
I can't believe many of you hear haven't seen Samurai Champloo! Awesome anime.
Yes, it is. I think this would be a very entertaining fight to see. Unsure who would win.
This will be pinned for a week.
What did Batman and Nightwing do to earn this curbstomp? O_o
Jin and Mugen absolutely destroy the dynamic duo.
Look at this strength feat from Mugen:
And this one has more crazy pitches, and a nice speed feat:
Mugen tossed the baseball, sprinted, and caught his own throw.
And Jin has some impressive feats of his own, particularly his fight with the Divine Hand, who amps his speed using ki, yet Mugen was able to make it a fight, and even win through a desperation move.
Funny stuff. I forgot about that baseball feat. Here are some fights that show off their skills.
aaaand Jin Vs Mugen
Luffy vs Ironman would have been a better match-up. People should start using well known anime characters when making threads like this.
Or YuYu vs Superman or Wonder Woman.
Originally posted by carver9
Or YuYu vs Superman or Wonder Woman.
Anyone from Yu Yu Hakusho would get curbstomped by Superman. o.o

raizen would be killed in seconds
jin/mugi win
Batman solos. If you are watching a show, and you can fallow the moments of a character, then Batman would blitz them. Watche Mugen and Jin vs Kagetoki Kariya, then imagine he was better and you will have an idea of what Batman will do to them. Mugen and Jin vs TAS Batman would be better, but comic Batman demolishes them both at the same time, and Spike Spiegle as well.
batman certainly doesnt solo in a sword fight. jin and mugen are stronger and more skilled. i give them the majority.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
batman certainly doesnt solo in a sword fight. jin and mugen are stronger and more skilled. i give them the majority.
Mugen might be stronger, but they aren't more skilled, and the aren't nearly fast enough to compete. Batman would stomp them both, he doesn't need a sword to do it. Bruce would have Mugen incapacitated in a wrist lock faster then he did Hawkgirl.
Originally posted by Mr.Mxyzptlk
Anyone from Yu Yu Hakusho would get curbstomped by Superman. o.o
Using anime and Manga fts... A argument can be made on both sides.
mugen is certainly faster. i dont thin i ever seen batman dodge a bullet like mugen did. and batman doesnt have the sword skills of either of them.
Originally posted by carver9
Using anime and Manga fts... A argument can be made on both sides.
I've seen and read both and don't see any argument being made that Clark doesn't just tank and speed blitz to the win.
But enough of this, its off topic.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Batman solos. If you are watching a show, and you can fallow the moments of a character, then Batman would blitz them. Watche Mugen and Jin vs Kagetoki Kariya, then imagine he was better and you will have an idea of what Batman will do to them. Mugen and Jin vs TAS Batman would be better, but comic Batman demolishes them both at the same time, and Spike Spiegle as well. Retarded.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
batman certainly doesnt solo in a sword fight. jin and mugen are stronger and more skilled. i give them the majority.
Me too.
They're clearly above peak human on feats. Bullet timers, arguably.
Originally posted by carver9
People should start using well known anime characters when making threads like this.
Samurai Champloo isn't exactly an obscure anime.
Being a spiritual successor to Cowboy Bebop, and a fairly good one, it's pretty popular among anime/manga fans.
Lord Feron
SAmurai Champloo was ****ing awesome! But I don't know if they win...
Does batman just get a sword here? (Because honestly bruce would get owned in a sword fight)
jin & mugen definitely win.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
mugen is certainly faster. i dont thin i ever seen batman dodge a bullet like mugen did. and batman doesnt have the sword skills of either of them.
Dude. Batman dodges automatic machine gun fire, not weak ass musket fire, and he has been routinely described as moving too fast for people to see. Did you have trouble seeing Mugen move? Did anyone in the anime? No. Batman blitzes their asses.
Samurai Champloo was a shit anime anyway.
How about Tenchi Masaki from the Tenchi Muyo series vs Dr. Strange.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Dude. Batman dodges automatic machine gun fire, not weak ass musket fire, and he has been routinely described as moving too fast for people to see. Did you have trouble seeing Mugen move? Did anyone in the anime? No. Batman blitzes their asses.
The assassins were too fast for anyone to see. Mugen tore them up like a thanksgiving turkey.
Srank, you either didn't watch the anime or you have a bad memory.
Originally posted by CosmicComet
Samurai Champloo was a shit anime anyway.
Your posts from now on will have to be approved by either myself or Bada.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
The assassins were too fast for anyone to see. Mugen tore them up like a thanksgiving turkey.
The only one in the anime who moved too fast to see was Kagetoki Kariya. That's what fighting Batman will be like, only Batman is faster and more skilled. Bruce will smash through Mugen and Jin like a freight train.
Originally posted by CosmicComet
Samurai Champloo was a shit anime anyway.
Fat Cobra: Lies! Slanderous lies!
Depends if Tenchi has the light hawks. It's a stomp against Strange if he has them, and a stomp against Tenchi if he doesn't.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Dude. Batman dodges automatic machine gun fire, not weak ass musket fire, and he has been routinely described as moving too fast for people to see. Did you have trouble seeing Mugen move? Did anyone in the anime? No. Batman blitzes their asses.
Batman dodges the men firing the guns, not the actual bullets.. Lots of street levels do that.
I'd like to see Batman toss a baseball so hard it disappears over the horizon, or throw one, sprint after it, and catch it himself.
srank, sometimes you are really full of shit...
Originally posted by cdtm
Batman dodges the men firing the guns, not the actual bullets.. Lots of street levels do that.
I'd like to see Batman toss a baseball so hard it disappears over the horizon, or throw one, sprint after it, and catch it himself.
He does both, and blocks successive automatic gun fire with his forearms. Batman's speed feats are several orders of magnetude better then Mugen or Jin's.
How does Mugen being stronger, stop Batman from effortlessly blitzing him and crushing his windpipe?

Originally posted by cdtm
Batman dodges the men firing the guns, not the actual bullets.. Lots of street levels do that.
I'd like to see Batman toss a baseball so hard it disappears over the horizon, or throw one, sprint after it, and catch it himself.
I'd like to see a similar feat, but unfortunately he doesn't have one.
Aren't you guys giving those feats a little too much credit? I haven't watched Samurai Champloo in a while, but I don't remember Mugen typically operating at those levels.
Even if we do allow those, Batman still has superior feats...
Nope. He is that strong and fast.
Mugen and Jin did typically operate at those levels..
Originally posted by Prep-Man
I'd like to see a similar feat, but unfortunately he doesn't have one.
Because Batman is in the major leagues, and he has speed feats 10,000 times better then throwing a baseball at then catching it. lmao
Seriously, Batman stomps ass here. This is like talking to the mongoloids who thought movie Blade was faster then Batman. I understand it is a static panel, therefor not as flashy and confusing to people with short attention spans, but Batman's speed feats are so far above anything movie Blade, or Mugen and Jin have done that it is embarrassing that we are even having this conversation. You guys should donate your comic collections to someone worthy of reading them. For shame.

Originally posted by srankmissingnin
If you are watching a show, and you can fallow the moments of a character, then Batman would blitz them. srank, with this post you've lost the right to insult anyone.
Originally posted by Mindset
srank, with this post you've lost the right to insult anyone.
Nah buddy that is how it is, unless it's something like DBZ where it is made abundantly clear that you are witnessing a fight play out at speeds relative to the perception of the characters because they are moving too fast to fallow otherwise. That isn't the case with Samurai Champloo. We know how fast Mugen and Jin can move, because we saw it, and it's not fast enough to match or even compete on the same level with Batman.
Batman wishes he can be in Mugen's league. And I'm a Batman fan.

Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Nah buddy that is how it is, unless it's something like DBZ where it is made abundantly clear that you are witnessing a fight play out at speeds relative to the perception of the characters because they are moving too fast to fallow otherwise. That isn't the case with Samurai Champloo. We know how fast Mugen and Jin can move, because we saw it, and it's not fast enough to match or even compete on the same level with Batman. It was made clear normal people couldn't follow their movements when they fought.
Originally posted by Mindset
It was made clear normal people couldn't follow their movements when they fought.
No it wasn't.
Originally posted by Mindset
Yes, it was.
Which of course is why when Fou was in the whore house and Mugen and Jin were fighting outside she had no trouble fallowing the fight and chewing them out while it was going on. dur
Maybe you should watch the anime again, because you apparently don't remember / have fabricated your own account of what happened.
Batman would see Jin, Jin using his sword to chop off his head.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Batman would see Jin, Jin using his sword to chop off his head.
Why would Jin chop his own head off? I know he stands no chance of hitting Batman, but suicide? Maybe you're right, he is a samurai after all. Batman watches Jin chop his own head off.
Even completely unarmed, sans Batsuit, Bruce would blitz them for a 10/10 landslide victory.
I disagree, but let's just agree to disagree.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
I disagree, but let's just agree to disagree.
It's not really a matter of opinion. You saw the anime, you know how fast the characters where cable of moving. Ordinary humans were shown moving on screen during their fights, watching their fights and commenting on their fights. Batman moves to fast for normal people to see when he is cutting lose, and not just his arms speed, but his entire body. He can fight - literally - hundreds of humans at the same time and win. This is a completely and total mismatch, and there isn't a shred of evidence otherwise.
Well, I guess you're the only one who believes that. More power yo ya. I still give it to Jin and mugen. Not even a contest.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Well, I guess you're the only one who believes that. More power yo ya. I still give it to Jin and mugen. Not even a contest.
I don't believe anything. I know. You believe, and your belief requires you to ignore the fact that Fou was able to watch and comment on Mugen and Jin fighting, and that ordinary people were routinely shown moving on screen during their fights. What am I ignoring? Nothing. How are Mugen and Jin fast enough to contend with Batman. You believe in god, and that's fine, but this is a debate where you are required to prove he is real, and you have nothing.
Like I said, agree to disagree.
Seriously, pick a better anime next time. This show was shit all around.

Originally posted by CosmicComet
Seriously, pick a better anime next time. This show was shit all around.
Well, make your own thread next time and if you don't like it, get out!
I heard you the first time.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Like I said, agree to disagree.
Doesn't work like that, you need to make a rebuttal or counter point, or failing that acknowledge you are wrong. Jin and Mugen were shown, on screen, fighting while normal people moved around, watched and commented on their fights and even carried out conversations with them. What is your counter point? Debunk me. If you can't your belief doesn't matter.
We have, but you just ignore it.

Originally posted by Prep-Man
We have, but you just ignore it.
I did ignore some lies and empty statements, but those don't help your case anyway.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Same to you.
Please, I cited examples. You've said "No you're wrong, they were shown to be that fast!" Mine isn't a lie, it happened, yours however is fan-boy nonsense.
Nah, It's not fanboy, it's fact. But believe what you want.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Nah, It's not fanboy, it's fact. But believe what you want.
A "fact" that contracts what was actually shown in the anime...
I guess you will be believe whatever you want.

Ok. I really liked this show when I first saw it, so I started rewatching it a few days ago. My memory doesn't appear to have betrayed me. Batman and Nightwing win.
Unaware of a sniper's presence, Batman has dodged sniper fire by reacting the noise to the gun makes when it fires. He's deflected bullets fired at close range with his forearms. I'm not one to take feats overly literal, so I won't argue that Batman is supersonic; however, feats like that are just plain superior to Mugen or Jin. Dodging musket fire, for example, is simply an inferior feat.
Not to mention, it really does appear that the baseball episode stuff were one-off feats they couldn't replicate normally. If we want to go the PIS/stupidly high end route, we have to do the same for Batman. Without a doubt, he's got the samurai duo beat there too. The dude's knocked the breath out of Wonder Woman, so throwing a baseball seems a little lackluster by comparison.
I won't take the "Batman solos 10/10" stance of srank, but maybe I am being lenient. Batman and Nightwing are taking the majority though.
Originally posted by StyleTime
He's deflected bullets fired at close range with his forearms.
Circumstances, and number of times he's done this?
If it goes against most of his history, and it sounds like this does, than only one feat makes a poor case for being faster than bullets, vs something like Daredevils consistent bullet deflection feats, or Cassandra Cains numerous "Matrix like" bullet dodging feats, along with feats like soloing a room full of thugs who never move throughout the blitz, as if they were statues..
Just like Logans deflecting lasers with his claws once don't hold water against Daredevils multiple, consistent bullet deflection feats throughout his career.
He did it the same number of times Mugen knocked over a tower with a baseball.
It's funny how that works, huh?
Mugen was clearly that strong. Batman isn't as fast as your making him out to be. Most people see him fight. Black lightning saw him fight Val. Mugen and Jin are more skilled when it comes to swords. I haven't been impressd with Nightwing's skills in swords and Bruce is good, but not in their league.
PM and I are in agreement, that's really all that matters.
I find it quite amusing that you're doing the same stuff you're accusing the Batman side of.
If we're taking Mugen at his musket dodging, tower toppling best( despite the fact that he is clearly depicted as roughly peak human for most of the series), we are taking Batman at his bullet deflecting, Wonder Woman incapacitating best as well.
This double standard for anime characters is ridiculous.
When did Batman take down WW? And when has he done the stuff Mugen did? How much better is Batman with a sword? Does Batman always speed blitz?
That stuff would actually be superior to what Mugen did dude.
As for the "how often does Batman pull his high end stuff?" question, Originally posted by StyleTime
He did it the same number of times Mugen knocked over a tower with a baseball.
It's funny how that works, huh?
I hope I don't sound assholish, but this is pretty crazy. You can look at any of Mugen's fights and understand that he is not beyond the scope of any comic book peak human.
Also, Mindset might just be screwing with you PM. He becomes Mindset Prime when he messes with enough people.
There were circumstances with WW. Like she didn't use her speed and Batman was more skilled in MA. Batman doesn't have the strength feats Mugen has. And he isn't as fast as what you are saying.
Zack Fair
Originally posted by StyleTime
Also, Mindset might just be screwing with you PM. He becomes Mindset Prime when he messes with enough people.
Batman/Nightwing 8/10 ftw
Originally posted by StyleTime
He did it the same number of times Mugen knocked over a tower with a baseball.
It's funny how that works, huh?
Again, consistency is key.
I'm not even trying to compare Batmans high ends with Mugen or Jins high ends in this argument, I'm claiming if Batman has two feats where he blocks bullets, and 1,000 examples where he runs like hell from being shot, or gets shot, or tries to avoid facing a gunman altogether, it's not fair to say he deals easily with bullets.. Because by his history, he doesn't.
In other words, it's Spiderman vs Firelord material. We don't count Spidey beating Firelord for a reason..
Originally posted by Prep-Man
There were circumstances with WW. Like she didn't use her speed and Batman was more skilled in MA. Batman doesn't have the strength feats Mugen has. And he isn't as fast as what you are saying.
I used that as a strength feat rather than a speed feat. The truth is, Mugen's only notable feat of strength were the baseball feats(which are wildly outside of his norm and still fall short of Batman's feats anyway).
I love the show(screw you, CosmicComet uhuh, but Batman definitely has the better strength feats.
Originally posted by cdtm
Again, consistency is key.
I'm not even trying to compare Batmans high ends with Mugen or Jins high ends in this argument, I'm claiming if Batman has two feats where he blocks bullets, and 1,000 examples where he runs like hell from being shot, or gets shot, or tries to avoid facing a gunman altogether, it's not fair to say he deals easily with bullets.. Because by his history, he doesn't.
In other words, it's Spiderman vs Firelord material. We don't count Spidey beating Firelord for a reason..
That's the point I've been trying to make, my good sir.
I attempted a clever "adopt your opponents logic to show them how flawed their argument is", but maybe my comedic talent is waning. Using Batman's high end feats to say he wins is just as retarded as using Mugen's one episode baseball feats. That was the entire reason I brought those up. You used a double standard. You basically said "Let's use Mugen at his one time highest, and label anything similar from Batman as PIS."
I don't blame you though. If we argue Batman vs these guys on anything resembling an equal feat level, Batman is clearly superior. The harsh reality is Batman has better average or high end feats than either of these guys. For example, a typical Jin is capable of aim dodging a few shots from a single guy's revolver. Batman is capable of aim dodging multiple opponents firing automatic weaponry from multiple directions.......assuming Batman didn't decide to blitz and disarm them before they even react to him(he has done that). There isn't really a comparison here. Jin and Mugen are up against the most gifted physical speciment they have ever encountered.
In short: Batman would hand a Bat-ass whooping to whichever guy he faces here.
what did batman do to ww? can u show a pic?
Are you talking about that Grade A PIS moment in Batman Confidential where he solos the JLA?
Yes, I am talking about the Confidential incident.
Keep in mind, I'm not seriously using that feat as a gauge for Batman's strength. I was actually trying to say that the feat is stupid and should be ignored here, just like Mugen's baseball thing.
that was early diana, anyway. plus it just knocked the wind out of her. mugen throws a baseball at batman. batman dies.
It doesn't matter if it was Diana straight off the island, it was PIS all the way around. Batman almost shatters his hand punching her across the face, which shouldn't have phased her at all, and then, somehow, drives the air out of body when it was just established that he was physically inferior to her? To say nothing that while Diana breathes, she doesn't require the kind of steady oxygen that a normal human depends on. The entire fight was crap and there's no excusing it.
Sr J-Bieb
Batman dodged Superman, pretty much solo'd the JLA, hurt WW with a double slap to her ears, took down Grundy multiple times, reverted CM back to Billy with a kick, submitted Hawkgirl, made Darkseid bleed with a kick, put Spectre off balance with a kick, etc.
Consistent high end feats. Batman doesn't care about your questioning of his battyness
Originally posted by Prep-Man
that was early diana, anyway. plus it just knocked the wind out of her. mugen throws a baseball at batman. batman dies.
If that's the way you want it, Batman would treat Mugen worse than Kariya did and would solo both Mugen and Jin.
We can't use one time BS Mugen without using high end Batman.
Originally posted by Sr J-Bieb
Batman dodged Superman, pretty much solo'd the JLA, hurt WW with a double slap to her ears, took down Grundy multiple times, reverted CM back to Billy with a kick, submitted Hawkgirl, made Darkseid bleed with a kick, put Spectre off balance with a kick, etc.
Mugen can't compete with that.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
It doesn't matter if it was Diana straight off the island, it was PIS all the way around. Batman almost shatters his hand punching her across the face, which shouldn't have phased her at all, and then, somehow, drives the air out of body when it was just established that he was physically inferior to her? To say nothing that while Diana breathes, she doesn't require the kind of steady oxygen that a normal human depends on. The entire fight was crap and there's no excusing it.
I agree.
Originally posted by Sr J-Bieb
Batman dodged Superman, pretty much solo'd the JLA, hurt WW with a double slap to her ears, took down Grundy multiple times, reverted CM back to Billy with a kick, submitted Hawkgirl, made Darkseid bleed with a kick, put Spectre off balance with a kick, etc.
Consistent high end feats. Batman doesn't care about your questioning of his battyness
Originally posted by JakeTheBank It doesn't matter if it was Diana straight off the island, it was PIS all the way around. Batman almost shatters his hand punching her across the face, which shouldn't have phased her at all, and then, somehow, drives the air out of body when it was just established that he was physically inferior to her? To say nothing that while Diana breathes, she doesn't require the kind of steady oxygen that a normal human depends on. The entire fight was crap and there's no excusing it.
good thing it probably wont be in continuity.
Jin & Mugen ftw in a weapons match.
Batman and Nightwing win and don't even need weapons.
Originally posted by BattleMage Jin & Mugen ftw in a weapons match.
for the first time ever, i agree with you. now im going to take a shower, because i feel dirty.

Originally posted by Sr J-Bieb
Batman dodged Superman, pretty much solo'd the JLA, hurt WW with a double slap to her ears, took down Grundy multiple times, reverted CM back to Billy with a kick, submitted Hawkgirl, made Darkseid bleed with a kick, put Spectre off balance with a kick, etc.
Consistent high end feats. Batman doesn't care about your questioning of his battyness
Batman beating anyone is common knowledge.
But in all seriousness...
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