Batman vs Batman
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Pre Crisis Batman vs Post Crisis Batman (Wayne)
Who wins?
CPT Space Bomb
Obviously Batman wins.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
Obviously Batman wins.
I don't think its so one sided.
No one wants to argue for Batman?
PC Batman was actually willing to kill so...
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
Obviously Batman wins.

Originally posted by iceman24567
PC Batman was actually willing to kill so... Was that just golden age or all the way up to PC?
Batman blows so they both lose

Originally posted by scyven
Batman blows so they both lose

- Reported for Bat-bashing.
Originally posted by Harbinger
Reported for Bat-bashing. Yeah, he's warned! batman
Originally posted by Badabing

Was that just golden age or all the way up to PC? Nah pretty sure it was just Golden age
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