Beta Ray Bill Vs. Sersi
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A. No TP for Sersi
B. TP is allowed
Who wins?
Originally posted by Harbinger
A. No TP for Sersi
B. TP is allowed
Who wins?
No TP, Bill takes the majority.
With TP, Sersi wins 10/10.
BRB crush her
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
BRB crush her
Apparently someone missed the issues where a mind blast owned Bill, TWICE. With TP on, there's no way he can win.
Originally posted by zopzop
Apparently someone missed the issues where a mind blast owned Bill, TWICE. With TP on, there's no way he can win.
I think that a focused Beta Ray Bill would go at her, and make her meet Stormbreaker. And then, allow Sersi and Stormbreaker to french kiss.
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
I think that a focused Beta Ray Bill would go at her, and make her meet Stormbreaker. And then, allow Sersi and Stormbreaker to french kiss.
An enraged Bill got dropped by a psionic attack. He ain't doing anything to her.
Originally posted by zopzop
Apparently someone missed the issues where a mind blast owned Bill, TWICE. With TP on, there's no way he can win.
What issue is that?
Sersi turns him into a pile of salt.
Originally posted by keiththegreat
What issue is that?
The backstories in Thor 411 and 412. He got owned and dropped by psionic attacks........twice.
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