DOV Spectre vs. Odin
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Straight up!
Odin gets all artifacts including the Destroyer Armor.
First without the Destroyer Armor, let's say Odin couldn't quite cut it vs. enraged Spectre (if that's what you think?

) and he decides to hop in the DA.
1. Fist fight till ko
2. If BFR who'll pull it off first?
3. Who wins through a combination of stipulations 1 and 2 + other battle tactics? In other words who'll beat the other in a overall battle?
DOV Spectre wins all three.
That Spectre was a beast, second only to Dawn Of Time Spectre, and the Spectre that did battle with Michael.
Eh, wasn't all that impressed with DOV Spectre. ZH Spectre definitely beats DOV, as well.
Spectre beats that ass
Originally posted by Cogito
Eh, wasn't all that impressed with DOV Spectre. ZH Spectre definitely beats DOV, as well.
Ok cool but do you think Odin can beat DOV Spectre straight up without DA armor?
Originally posted by Sundipped
Ok cool but do you think Odin can beat DOV Spectre straight up without DA armor?
No, probably not. I have trouble comparing DOV Spectre's feats to Odin's, though.
Does this take place in Asgard?
Personally, I'd say that Odin in Asgard with all his artifacts/equipment is significantly more powerful than Shazam in the RoE with all of his artifacts/equipment. Not saying Odin wins, but he'd be more of a fight for Spectre than Shazam was.
In your opinion, would this particular Odin be > JSA Mordru?
Originally posted by Harbinger
In your opinion, would this particular Odin be > JSA Mordru?
No way.
Originally posted by Harbinger
In your opinion, would this particular Odin be > JSA Mordru?
I certainly think this Odin could replicate his owning of the JSA, but some of Mordru's other feats such as taking the Starheart, threatening to feast on the Speedforce, owning a 5-D being, and making a fool out of Shazam in the RoE wouldn't be replicated by him. I feel overall destructive power is a wash, if not with an edge to Odin, but Mordru definitely has the superior finesse and versatility when it comes to his magic repertoire and the effects he's able to pull off to say nothing of his legitimate immortality.
In short, though, no.
Originally posted by Cogito
No, probably not. I have trouble comparing DOV Spectre's feats to Odin's, though.
What's to compare? Spectre just killed everybody and Odin has nice feats.
Originally posted by Sundipped
What's to compare? Spectre just killed everybody and Odin has nice feats.
Spectre beat Shazam in the Rock of Eternity, but it's hard to say how powerful Shazam in the Rock of Eternity was.
He beat Nabu, supposedly the most powerful Lord of Order, but again it's hard to say how powerful he is because he's short on feats.
He transformed Phantom Stranger into a mouse, but Phantom Stranger's power is hard to pin down.
He went toe to toe with magically amped Captain Marvel, know where I'm going with this, right?
Originally posted by Cogito
Spectre beat Shazam in the Rock of Eternity, but it's hard to say how powerful Shazam in the Rock of Eternity was.
He beat Nabu, supposedly the most powerful Lord of Order, but again it's hard to say how powerful he is because he's short on feats.
He transformed Phantom Stranger into a mouse, but Phantom Stranger's power is hard to pin down.
He went toe to toe with magically amped Captain Marvel, know where I'm going with this, right?
I know but thats an awesome list.
PS told Spectre he cannot be killed because he doubts the universe would allow it. Hence he just transformed him. That gives you some kinda indication on his power.
The Presence took notice of Spectre's recklessness after he killed Nabu. Another indication of of power.
CM was amped by 1000's of mystics through Enchantress. Indication self explanitory.
There's no doubt that it's all impressive, but it's still hard to compare.
What other characters can/can't replicate those feats? I don't know
Originally posted by Cogito
Spectre beat Shazam in the Rock of Eternity, but it's hard to say how powerful Shazam in the Rock of Eternity was.
He beat Nabu, supposedly the most powerful Lord of Order, but again it's hard to say how powerful he is because he's short on feats.
He transformed Phantom Stranger into a mouse, but Phantom Stranger's power is hard to pin down.
He went toe to toe with magically amped Captain Marvel, know where I'm going with this, right?
yeah DoV Spectre was a mess. Two Lords of Order jobb to him yet he was getting his @$$ beat at one point by an amped CM... meh....
Goin wit Odin.
Omega Vision
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
I certainly think this Odin could replicate his owning of the JSA, but some of Mordru's other feats such as taking the Starheart, threatening to feast on the Speedforce, owning a 5-D being, and making a fool out of Shazam in the RoE wouldn't be replicated by him. I feel overall destructive power is a wash, if not with an edge to Odin, but Mordru definitely has the superior finesse and versatility when it comes to his magic repertoire and the effects he's able to pull off to say nothing of his legitimate immortality.
In short, though, no.
There's also his fight with Nabu that spilled out into multiple different timelines and dimensions.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
yeah DoV Spectre was a mess. Two Lords of Order jobb to him yet he was getting his @$$ beat at one point by an amped CM... meh....
Goin wit Odin.
You're saying 'amped Captain Marvel' as if we're talking some small amp like 'Superman flying near the sun' amped.
DOV Cap was being supercharged with essentially all the remaining magic in the Universe that hadn't been absorbed by Spectre/siphoned by Alex Luthor.
That's above Skyfather level IMO.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
yeah DoV Spectre was a mess. Two Lords of Order jobb to him yet he was getting his @$$ beat at one point by an amped CM... meh....
Goin wit Odin.
The lords of Order jobbing to Spectre? Really???????????
You do realize what kind of amp CM had right?
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
yeah DoV Spectre was a mess. Two Lords of Order jobb to him yet he was getting his @$$ beat at one point by an amped CM... meh....
Goin wit Odin.
dunno why you are downgradeing this, This version of captian marvel was massively amped and prolly on par with a elder god. This was a weaker version of the specter but still a powerful being indeed. Awsome feat for captian marvel too.
Originally posted by Omega Vision
There's also his fight with Nabu that spilled out into multiple different timelines and dimensions.
You're saying 'amped Captain Marvel' as if we're talking some small amp like 'Superman flying near the sun' amped.
DOV Cap was being supercharged with essentially all the remaining magic in the Universe that hadn't been absorbed by Spectre/siphoned by Alex Luthor.
That's above Skyfather level IMO.
IIRC it was never stated on panel that it was "all the remaining magic in the universe"... In fact it seemed to be earth and a few other worlds. Plus the magics being siphoned off were only a fraction of said user's magic. Some more than others, but not to the the entirety of the magic user's power. If Enchantress was ever able to do that, that would be redonkulous feat!
Originally posted by zeel
dunno why you are downgradeing this, This version of captian marvel was massively amped and prolly on par with a elder god. This was a weaker version of the specter but still a powerful being indeed. Awsome feat for captian marvel too.
I ain't downgrading Marvel here.. If anything it's Spectre I'm downgrading. The awesome feat was when CM was tanking DoV's Spectre's shots before the amp. It's a miracle he even survived long enough to receive the amp.
The Spectre destroy's him.
Originally posted by kevdude
The Spectre destroy's him. Based on ?
Originally posted by Omega Vision
There's also his fight with Nabu that spilled out into multiple different timelines and dimensions.
Did it really spill into other timelines and dimensions? I don't recall that, but I didn't much care for DOV. I'll have to take another look.
Originally posted by Omega Vision
There's also his fight with Nabu that spilled out into multiple different timelines and dimensions.
Originally posted by Cogito
Did it really spill into other timelines and dimensions? I don't recall that, but I didn't much care for DOV. I'll have to take another look.
Nah.. I'm pretty sure Nabu commented on how they were causing earthquakes and tidal waves on earth. Nabu ended up slowly drawing Spectere away and into what looked like outer space or at least way up into the atmosphere because of it.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Nah.. I'm pretty sure Nabu commented on how they were causing earthquakes and tidal waves on earth. Nabu ended up slowly drawing Spectere away and into what looked like outer space or at least way up into the atmosphere because of it.
Nabu tried to do the size increase thing but Spectre outdid him to the point it looked like he was in orbit hovering over earth.
Originally posted by Sundipped
Nabu tried to do the size increase thing but Spectre outdid him to the point it looked like he was in orbit hovering over earth.
Nabu purposely drew him away from earth because their battle was causing disasters on earth.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Nabu purposely drew him away from earth because their battle was causing disasters on earth.
Everything he did was on purpose. Including dying so order could be restored concerning the laws of magic. He would've died anyway IMO.
I'm curious to see if there's anyone who thinks Odin can beat this Spectre in a fist fight tho.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
I certainly think this Odin could replicate his owning of the JSA, but some of Mordru's other feats such as taking the Starheart, threatening to feast on the Speedforce, owning a 5-D being, and making a fool out of Shazam in the RoE wouldn't be replicated by him. I feel overall destructive power is a wash, if not with an edge to Odin, but Mordru definitely has the superior finesse and versatility when it comes to his magic repertoire and the effects he's able to pull off to say nothing of his legitimate immortality.
In short, though, no.
what arc did this take place in? what issue numbers?
oh, and spectre would win but it would have been a cool fight.
Still curious as to what everyones thoughts are on this fight.
Odin puts it in his butt.
Odin gets the Shazam treatment, he dies.
Originally posted by leonidas
what arc did this take place in? what issue numbers?
It happened in JSA's first post crisis volume, back when Johns was the regular writer.
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