Frankenstein Vs Sabretooth
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Eternal Idol
Which versions of each?
dcs franky. last version of sabes.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Prep-Man
dcs franky. last version of sabes.
the one we saw in hell?
Eternal Idol
Does Frankenstein have a healing factor? How quick is he?
I can see adamantium Sabretooth winning handily if Frank's only real power is being an unkillable brick.
the one before he got killed.
Eternal Idol
He didn't have the Weapon X upgrades when he died? If not, that puts a whole different pain job on things.
Frankenstein 8/10, assuming he's fast enough to keep up with Sabretooth.
Sabretooth 8/10, assuming he's too fast for Frankenstein.
franky is also enhanced. so i think he can hang.
Eternal Idol
Frankenstein should win the majority then.
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