Plutonian vs Mr. Majestic
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Though not anywhere near as skilled, Plutonian is still stronger, faster and more durable than Majestic.
So he wins.
I really don't want to come across as picking at feats, so I'll just say that my mind started hurting after looking at the "gravity of half a black hole feat". Can we just say that it was a lot of gravity?
Originally posted by "Id"
Plutonian greatest high was sinking Singapore. You mean besides standing up with the weight of an entire solar system on his back, while not even being consciously aware of doing so?
weight of the solar system? scan? that's a pretty ridiculous pc superman-esque feat....
Originally posted by leonidas
weight of the solar system? scan? that's a pretty ridiculous pc superman-esque feat....
It can be found here. I am still working on it.
Can I just say that Mark Waid is the man? That entire scene reminded me somewhat of the old crossgen cosmic stuff. Awesome space cheese.
Originally posted by "Id"
Speed: Plutonian edges out Majestros in reaction time. Plutonian reacts at picoseconds, compared to Majestros nanoseconds.
I wonder how fast Maj would have to be for the Eradicator reprogramming feat.. Pretty much near instantly analyzing and rerouting the impulses of his synthetic DNA..
I mean, if that's anything like reprogramming the DNA of humans, we're talking a reaction feat way, way, beyond nano seconds..
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