DC Females vs Marvel Females
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Fight 1. Team DC vs. Team Marvel (characters from the pic)
Fight 2. If you can tell who is fighting who, then single battles from the pic
Lesse, let's look at the heavy hitters. That's X-treme Rogue fighting PG. Faith against the not-so-heavy hitter Emma Frost. Jade about to likewise flatten non-uber Scarlet Witch. Wonder Girl outmatching Spider-girl. Ms. Marvel vs Supergirl to Supergirl's edge. IW beating Stargirl. And... who's that going against Starfire?
Except for possibly the unknown, and Invisible Woman, Rogue's the only one on Marvel with an advantage in her fight. Rogue's badass enough in this version that she might be able to swing things some of the time, but considering some Marvel heroines'll drop fast, I'd say probably DC for the win.
Let's see.....
Fight 1
Team DC should win unless they allow the Marvel telepaths times to mind control their heavy hitters. Marvel actually has the sheer power on their side while DC has the strength and speed.
Fight 2
Jean Grey Vs. Hawkgirl - Jean Grey wins easily 9/10
Scarlet Witch Vs. Jade - Scarlet Witch (non-crazy) wins after a close fight 6/10
Spider-Girl Vs. Wonder-Girl - Wonder Girl wins 7/10
Rogue Vs. Power Girl - Power Girl wins but Rogue give her a hell of a fight 7/10
Ms. Marvel Vs. Supergirl - Supergirl See fight above
Wasp Vs. Catwoman - Wasp with an easy win for Janet 8/10
Storm Vs. Starfire - Storm wins because I'm not sure how Kory will get to her 7/10
Invisible Woman Vs. Stargirl - Invisible Woman in a very easy win 9/10
Black Cat Vs. Harlequin - Black Cat wins but it's an interesting fight 6/10
Black Widow Vs. Batgirl - Batgirl takes this with very few problems 8/10
Emma Frost Vs. Faith - Emma Frost has shown a hell of a lot more mental skill then Faith 7/10
Mystique Vs. Huntress - Mystique takes this mostly because she has powers 7/10
Electra Vs. Black Canary - To close to call 5/5
Oh, that's *Storm* fighting Starfire? I couldn't recognize her!
Emma's a telepath, Faith is a TK with minor tp abilities, and a majorly powerful TK at that who took out an alien fleet once. Unless Emma can take her out *immediately*, she'll just be koed with a TK blast.
Originally posted by HandOfFate
Storm Vs. Starfire - Storm wins because I'm not sure how Kory will get to her 7/10
Agreed on most fights, but imo Starfire can take the majority.
Originally posted by Q99
Oh, that's *Storm* fighting Starfire? I couldn't recognize her!
Emma's a telepath, Faith is a TK with minor tp abilities, and a majorly powerful TK at that who took out an alien fleet once. Unless Emma can take her out *immediately*, she'll just be koed with a TK blast.
I have the JLA issues with Faith and she is not going to stop Emma from telepathically putting her to sleep. Emma pretty quick on the draw and has no problem telepathically controlling someone else mind.
Omega Vision
LMAO @ Ms Marvel vs Supergirl being any kind of even fight. Kara would shit stomp Carol no contest.
Zack Fair
That is Linda Danvers, ain't she?
Originally posted by Zack Fair
That is Linda Danvers, ain't she? Indeed it is
Originally posted by HandOfFate
Let's see.....
Fight 1
Team DC should win unless they allow the Marvel telepaths times to mind control their heavy hitters. Marvel actually has the sheer power on their side while DC has the strength and speed.
Fight 2
Jean Grey Vs. Hawkgirl - Jean Grey wins easily 9/10
Scarlet Witch Vs. Jade - Scarlet Witch (non-crazy) wins after a close fight 6/10
Spider-Girl Vs. Wonder-Girl - Wonder Girl wins 7/10
Rogue Vs. Power Girl - Power Girl wins but Rogue give her a hell of a fight 7/10
Ms. Marvel Vs. Supergirl - Supergirl See fight above
Wasp Vs. Catwoman - Wasp with an easy win for Janet 8/10
Storm Vs. Starfire - Storm wins because I'm not sure how Kory will get to her 7/10
Invisible Woman Vs. Stargirl - Invisible Woman in a very easy win 9/10
Black Cat Vs. Harlequin - Black Cat wins but it's an interesting fight 6/10
Black Widow Vs. Batgirl - Batgirl takes this with very few problems 8/10
Emma Frost Vs. Faith - Emma Frost has shown a hell of a lot more mental skill then Faith 7/10
Mystique Vs. Huntress - Mystique takes this mostly because she has powers 7/10
Electra Vs. Black Canary - To close to call 5/5

Great identification and I agree with what you comment.
Extreme Rogue is being downplayed. She is basically a copy of Amazo. She could potentially take on 3 peeps at the same time and still come out on top.
I'd actually give current Jade over Scarlet. Jade is a true powerhouse now.

She's Alan Scott-lite. Of course, barring Disassembled/HoM Wanda.
I didn't think she was that powerful. Are you talking pre powerup Alan? Before he fought Scythe? I was thinking around top tier gl lite. Like Kyle, Hal, etc...
Hence the "Alan Scott-lite" remark.

Unless Wanda is going insane, DC would absolutly smash Marvel in this fight.
Wins for Marvel would be:
Invisible Woman
Emma Frost
Jean Grey
DC would be:
Harley Quinn
Power Girl
Super Girl
Wonder Girl
At this point, only Sue for Marvel would still be revelant. And not for long.
Jean Grey Vs. Hawkgirl - Jean Grey STOMPS
Scarlet Witch Vs. Jade - Scarlet Witch, though depending on how stable she is, Jade may get a few wins
Spider-Girl Vs. Wonder-Girl - Wonder Girl without too much trouble
Rogue Vs. Power Girl - Power Girl speedblitzes
Ms. Marvel Vs. Supergirl - Supergirl
Wasp Vs. Catwoman - Wasp STOMPS. Poor Selina...
Storm Vs. Starfire - Starfire should blitz... unless Storm can flash-freeze her like she did to Colossus
Invisible Woman Vs. Stargirl - Invisible Woman STOMPS
Black Cat Vs. Harlequin - Black Cat STOMPS if she has her bad luck powers. Otherwise it'll be a more interesting fight
Black Widow Vs. Batgirl - Cassie takes this easily
Emma Frost Vs. Faith - Emma Frost mind controls Faith and humiliates her
Mystique Vs. Huntress - Mystique without too much trouble
Elektra Vs. Black Canary - Elektra maybe (if she still has her psychic powers these days). Otherwise Canary screams, down goes Elektra
Marvel: 7 (maybe 8) DC: 5 (maybe 6)
In a team battle, it'll just be Supergirl and Power Girl speed blitzing most of Marvel right off the bat. Unless Jean goes all Phoenix in this fight, DC should take a majority.
Jean Grey Vs. Hawkgirl - Jean trashes her.
Scarlet Witch Vs. Jade - Jade slides the majority.
Spider-Girl Vs. Wonder-Girl - Just about any incarnation of Cassie wins.
Rogue Vs. Power Girl - Rogue.
Ms. Marvel Vs. Supergirl - Kara stomps.
Wasp Vs. Catwoman - Wasp, definitely.
Storm Vs. Starfire - Starfire. Too fast, too strong.
Invisible Woman Vs. Stargirl - Sue. I haven't seen Stargirl do anything impressive ever.
Black Cat Vs. Harlequin - I'll give Harley the majority in a straight up encounter.
Black Widow Vs. Batgirl - Cassie slaughters her. Stephanie loses pretty hard unless she gets to prep with toys.
Emma Frost Vs. Faith - Emma. This would go much like Emma vs Exodus (engaging in telepathic battle immediately to avoid the other character's other powers), except Faith isn't quite as adept at telepathy as the aforementioned characters, and wouldn't be too much trouble for the White Queen.
Mystique Vs. Huntress - Mystique wrecks her. Absolutely nothing Helena can do.
Elektra Vs. Black Canary - Elektra dies after one Canary Cry. If they engage in true close quarters combat like shown in the picture, Elektra would win every time. Hell, if they started close enough to each other at all, Elektra would scrape more wins.
It is a lot easier to tell who is fighting who in this pic. The villains were all over the place.
Originally posted by HandOfFate
Let's see.....
Fight 1
Team DC should win unless they allow the Marvel telepaths times to mind control their heavy hitters. Marvel actually has the sheer power on their side while DC has the strength and speed.
Fight 2
Jean Grey Vs. Hawkgirl - Jean Grey wins easily 9/10
Scarlet Witch Vs. Jade - Scarlet Witch (non-crazy) wins after a close fight 6/10
Spider-Girl Vs. Wonder-Girl - Wonder Girl wins 7/10
Rogue Vs. Power Girl - Power Girl wins but Rogue give her a hell of a fight 7/10
Ms. Marvel Vs. Supergirl - Supergirl See fight above
Wasp Vs. Catwoman - Wasp with an easy win for Janet 8/10
Storm Vs. Starfire - Storm wins because I'm not sure how Kory will get to her 7/10
Invisible Woman Vs. Stargirl - Invisible Woman in a very easy win 9/10
Black Cat Vs. Harlequin - Black Cat wins but it's an interesting fight 6/10
Black Widow Vs. Batgirl - Batgirl takes this with very few problems 8/10
Emma Frost Vs. Faith - Emma Frost has shown a hell of a lot more mental skill then Faith 7/10
Mystique Vs. Huntress - Mystique takes this mostly because she has powers 7/10
Electra Vs. Black Canary - To close to call 5/5
I agree with all of your outcomes with the exception of Black Canary vs. Elektra. Elektra would get her a** handed by Dinah. It's not even close, and this is coming from someone who absolutely hates Black Canary.

Originally posted by spidermonkey
It is a lot easier to tell who is fighting who in this pic. The villains were all over the place.
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